Djibouti things

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

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Name Issues/Designs
Tupolev Tu-22M d - Tupolev Tu-22M 2017
Turbinaria reniformis d - Turbinari..eniformis 2017 syns. Turbinaria reinformis
Tylopilus felleus d - Tylopilus felleus 2017
Tympanchus cupido d - Tympanchus cupido 2018
Tyrannosaurus syns. T-Rex, Tyrannosaurus rex, Tyranosaurus
UN admission (Djibouti) 1977 - UN admission
UNICEF 1946 founding - 50th Anniversary of ... syns. United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
UNICEF founding 1946 - 50th Anniversary of ... syns. United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund founding
UN founding 1945 - 50th Anniversary of the ... syns. UNO founding
USS Coronado (LCS-4) d - USS Coronado (LCS-4) 2018
USS Los Angeles (SSN-688) d - USS Los A..(SSN-688) 2019 syns. USS Los Angeles (SSN 688)
USS Oakland (CL-95) d - USS Oakland (CL-95) 2018
USS Providence d - USS Providence 2019
USS San Antonio (LPD-17) d - USS San A.. (LPD-17) 2018
USS Scorpion (SSN-589) d - USS Scorp..(SSN-589) 2016
USS Skate (SSN-578) d - USS Skate (SSN-578) 2019
USS Texas syns. battleship "Texas", USS Texas (BB-35)
USS Virginia (SSN-774) d - USS Virgi..(SSN-774) 2018
uvarovite d - uvarovite, Finland 2017
Vanda coerulea d (4) - Vanda coerulea (2016) 2016, Vanda coerulea (2017) 2017, etc (2), Vanda coerulea (2018) 2018, ... syns. Tapeu Orchid
Vanda denisoniana d - Vanda denisoniana 2016
Vanessa cardui d - Vanessa cardui (2020) 2020 syns. Cynthia cardui, painted lady
Vervet monkey syns. Cercopithecus aethiops, Chlorocebus pygerythrus
Vespa mandarinia d - Entoloma hochstetteri, Vespa mandarinia 2018
viceroy (butterfly) syns. Limenitis archippus
volcano d (2) - helicopter over volcano 1979, plane over volcano 1979
volleyball start 1895 - 100th Anniversary of ...
Vostok 1 d - Vostok 1 2017 syns. First Human Spaceflight, man in space, 1st man in space, manned space flight, 1st manned space flight around world, 1st manned space flight, 1st space flight, Vostok I, World's First Manned Space Flight
George Washington 1732 birth Visit to Barbados inauguration d - George Washington 1982 syns. Washington
weaver d - weaver 1977
Weddell seal syns. Leptonychotes weddelli, Leptonychotes weddellii, Leptonychotoes weddelli
western honey bee syns. Apis mellifera, Apis mellifica
whale shark syns. butanding, pofwe, Rhincodon typus, Rhinocodon typus, tiburón ballena
White Sand Beach, Tadjourah d - White San..Tadjourah 2017
white stork syns. Ciconia ciconia, vit stork
White-bellied Sea Eagle syns. Haliaeetus leucogaster
white-shouldered starling syns. Sturnia sinensis
white-throated bee-eater syns. Merops albicollis
white-throated kingfisher syns. Halcyon smyrnensis
Alexander Wilson death 1813 - 205th Anniversary of the Death of ... syns. A. Wilson death
Woodrow Wilson d - Woodrow Wilson (2020) 2020 syns. President Wilson
windsurfing d - windsurfing tennis 1985
Winter Olympics 1988 1987 - ...
Wissmannia carinensis
Tiger Woods d - Tiger Woods 2019, etc (2)
woolly rhinoceros syns. Coelodonta antiquitatis, Woolly Rhino
World Chess Championship 1982 1982 - ...
World Chess Championship 1986 1986 - ...
World Cup 1978 1978 - ... syns. Argentina 78, World Cup Soccer 1978
World Cup 1986 1986 (2) - ..., ... b syns. soccer championships 1986, World Cup Soccer 1986
World Cup 1990 1990 - ... syns. soccer championships 1990, World Cup Soccer 1990
World Cup 1994 1994 - ... syns. World Cup Soccer 1994
World Cup 1998 1998 - ...
World Cup 2006 2006 - ... syns. World Cup Soccer 2006
World Cup 2010 2010 - ... syns. World Cup Soccer 2010
World Cup 2018 2015 - ... in 2016
World Environment Day - ... syns. International Environment Day
World Food Day - ...
World Housing Day - ... 1994
World Information Society Day (4) - World Telecommunications Day 1982, World Telecommunications Day 1989, World Telecommunications Day 1998, ... syns. World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, World Telecommunication Day, World Telecommunications and Information Society Day, World Telecommunications Day
World Post Day - ... 1988 syns. Universal Postal Union Day, UPU Day
28th world scouting conference 1981 - ...
World Walking Day - ... 1994
Armistice 1918 syns. World War I Armistice, WW1 armistice, end of World War I
Beginning of World War I 1914 - 105th Anniversary of the ...
World War II start 1939 syns. Beginning of World War II, start of World War II
World Water Day - ... 1998 syns. International Water Day
Orville Wright death 1948 - 70th Anniversary of the Death of ...
Wilbur Wright birth 1862 - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of ...
wulfenite d - wulfenite 2017
WWF 1961 founding
Xylocopa violacea d - Xylocopa violacea 2020
Xylocopa virginica d - Xylocopa virginica 2019
Yacht Titania d - Yacht Titania 2019
Year of the Dog - ... 2018 syns. Dog (zodiac)
Year of the Monkey - ... 2016
Year of the Pig (2) - ... 2019, ... 2019 b
Year of the Rat - ... 2020
Year of the Rooster - ... 2017
yellow boxfish syns. Ostracion cubicus, Ostracion tuberculatum, Ostracion tuberculatus
yellow tang syns. yellow surgeonfish, Zebrasoma flavescens
yellow-billed kingfisher syns. Syma torotoro
yellow-breasted barbet syns. Trachyphonus margaritaceus, Trachyphonus margaritatus somalicus
Young Hare syns. "The Hare" - Albrecht Durer, The Hare by Durer, Young Hare by Albrecht Dürer
Gagarin birth 1934 - 85th Anniversary of the Birth of ...
Yuri Gagarin death 1968 - 50th Anniversary of the Death of ...
Zebrasoma xanthurum d - Zebrasoma xanthurum 2018
Zeppelin flight 1900 - ... 80th
Zeppelin LZ 1 d - Zeppelin LZ 1, 1900 2017 syns. Airship LZ 1 1900, LZ 1, LZ-1, LZ1, zeppelin LZ-1, Zeppelin No. 1, Zeppelin No. 1, 1900
Ferdinand von Zeppelin 1839 1917 Ferdinand opening - 180th Anniversary of the Birth of ... death d - dirigible & Ferdinand.. Zeppelin 1980 syns. Ferdinand Zeppelin, Count Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, F. Graf von Zeppelin, Ferdinand Graf Zeppelin, Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin, Graf Ferdinand von Zeppelin
Ferdinand Zeppelin opening 1838 - 180th Anniversary of the Birth of ... syns. Graf Ferdinand von Zeppelin birth, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin birth, Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin birth
Zoanthus gigantus d - Pomacanthus xanthometopon, Zoanthus gigantus 2019
Zygopetalum crinitum d - Zygopetalum crinitum 2019
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