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Ostracion cubicus (synonym of yellow boxfish)

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  • Colnect-3315-406-Yellow-Boxfish-Ostracion-cubicus.jpg
  • Colnect-3353-539-Whitespotted-Boxfish-Ostracion-meleagris-.jpg
  • Colnect-1899-659-Yellow-Boxfish-Ostracion-cubicus.jpg
  • Colnect-4044-231-Ostracion-cubicus.jpg
  • Colnect-2422-215-Yellow-Boxfish-Ostracion-cubicus.jpg
  • Colnect-4993-050-Yellow-Boxfish-Ostracion-cubicus.jpg
Name: Ostracion cubicus
Type: fish
Synonym of: yellow boxfish

Appearing in designs:
Ostracion cubicus (1978) Ethiopia 1/20/1978 10c dt=fishes (1978 Ethiopia)
Ostracion cubicus (1982) Egypt 4/24/1982 6p issue=International Conference on Marine Science / 50th Anniversary of Marine Biological Station, El Ghard
Ostracion cubicus (1988) Marshall Islands 7/19/1988 36c issue=1988 dt=fishes (1988 Marshall Islands)
Ostracion cubicus (1996) Guyana 12/2/1996 $20 issue=Marine Life 1996
Ostracion cubicus (2000) Oman 6/12/2000 100b dt=marine life (2000 Oman)
Ostracion cubicus (2009) (2 stamps, Comoro Islands & Surinam, 2009)
Ostracion cubicus (2013) St. Thomas & Prince Islands 12/10/2013 20000db issue=Fishes 2013
Ostracion cubicus (2014) St. Thomas & Prince Islands 10/15/2014 25000db issue=Fishes 2014
Ostracion cubicus (2017) (2 stamps, Djibouti & Togo, 2017)
yellow boxfish Ostracion cubicus (2 stamps of Palau, 1995-2014)
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Wikipedia article