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1984, May 25
sports (1984) (no wmk info) (no perf info)
1985, May 3
Save the Children Fund issue
1986, May 22
Queen Elizabeth II 60th issue
1990, May 3
Penny Black 150th issue wmk.
mult crown & script CA
1991, May 30 p.
1995, May 8
50th Anniversary of Capitulation of Germany issue p.
1995, May 8
Islands Games '95 issue (no perf info)
1998, May 2
UNESCO Year of the Ocean issue -
marine mammals (1998)
1998, May 22
Miss Gibraltar costumes
1999, May 19
Wings of Prey - Fighter Jets issue
1999, May 19
Wings of Prey - Birds issue
1999, May 19
125th Anniversary of the Universal Postal Union issue p.
2000, May 9
The History of Gibraltar issue p.
14 (16 stamps)
2001, May 21
200th Anniversary of the Gibraltar Chronicle issue p.
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