Desc: 100p
Currency: Argentine peso (100c=8r=1$a=1$=1pa=1p)
Numerical sorting value: 600000
Equivalent denoms: $100 (6), 100pa (4)
Users of this denom: Argentina (20 stamps, 1961-1981)
Used by 20 stamps of Argentina: (See all uses as list)
1961 100p bl issue=1959 d=ski jumper
official 1961 100p bl issue=1960 official
official 1961 100p bl issue=1960 official
4/30/1971 100p bl issue=1971
3/15/1976 100p grn&red issue=1976 numeral d=numeral (1976 Argentina)
7/30/1977 100p issue=150th Anniversary of the Uruguay Post Office oc=blk on=5p
11/1/1977 100p brnred d=General Jose de San Martin
12/17/1977 100p issue=Christmas 1977
5/6/1978 100p issue=World Cup 1978 b d=Cordoba
5/20/1978 100p issue=50th Anniversary of the Inter-American Children's Institute
5/20/1978 100p issue=Argentine Art dt=Argentine Art
5/20/1978 100p issue=Argentine Art dt=Argentine Art
6/3/1978 100p issue=World Cup 1978 c
9/2/1978 100p issue=Technical Co-operation among Developing Countries Conference, Buenos Aires
9/16/1978 100p issue=30th Anniversary of the Death of General Manuel Savio d=General Manuel Savio and Steel Production
9/16/1978 100p issue=100th Anniversary of the Bank of Buenos Aires
11/4/1978 100p issue=20th Anniversary of the Argentine River Fleet dt=ships (1978 Argentina) d=Balsa 24
4/25/1979 100p redorg&blk issue=1977 d=Colon Theater Buenos Aires perf=13.5
6/2/1979 100p dt=agricultural products (1979) d=Olea europaea (1979)
5/26/1981 100p blgrn&blk d=Colón Theater Buenos Aires