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90p denom (#27904)

  • Colnect-2731-249-Guillermo-Brown-1777%7E1857.jpg
  • Colnect-5586-890-Guillermo-Brown-1777%7E1857.jpg
  • Colnect-3199-218-General-Manuel-Begrano-1770-1820.jpg
Desc: 90p

Currency: Argentine peso (100c=8r=1$a=1$=1pa=1p)

Numerical sorting value: 540000

Users of this denom: Argentina (3 stamps, 1967-1977)

Used by 3 stamps of Argentina: (See all uses as list)

official 1967 90p brnol issue=1964 official perf=13.5
6/1/1967 90p brnol issue=1965 dt=personalities (1967) d=Guillermo Brown (1967) perf=13.5
2/1/1977 90p olgrn issue=General Manuel Belgrano