Stamp catalog
Joint Issues
crowns in sheet
Watermark "crowns & monograms"
Short desc: crowns & monograms
Users of this watermark:
(339 stamps, 1931-1943)
Used by 339 stamps of Romania:
(See all uses as list)
official 1931 3l rose issue=1931 official perf=14x14.5
postage due 1931 2l blk perf=13.5 - 14.5
official 1931 2l grn issue=1931 official d=Perf: 13½ perf=14x14.5
official 1931 1l lil issue=1931 official perf=14x14.5
official 1931 25b blk issue=1931 official perf=14x14.5
postal tax 5/15/1931 50l dkgrnbl d=aircraft over mountainous landscape perf=VARIOUS
11/1/1931 16l prusgrn d=King Carol II & King Ferdinand I & Carol I perf=13.5
airmail 11/4/1931 5L dkbrn issue=1931 air dt=airplanes over landscapes d=Farman F.60 Goliath over landscape perf=13.5
airmail 11/4/1931 10l grnbl issue=1931 air dt=airplanes over landscapes d=Aircraft Farman III over landscape perf=13.5
airmail 11/4/1931 2l ol issue=1931 air dt=airplanes over landscapes d=Aircraft Farman over landscape perf=13.5
airmail 11/4/1931 3l car issue=1931 air dt=airplanes over landscapes d=Aircraft Farman III over landscape perf=13.5
airmail 11/4/1931 20l vio issue=1931 air dt=airplanes over landscapes d=Squadron flight perf=13.5
postal tax 1932 2l issue=Culture Fund d=Reading woman perf=13.5
postage due 1932 3l blk issue=1932 due perf=13.5 - 14.5
postage due 1932 6l blk issue=1932 due perf=13.5 - 14.5
postage due 1932 1l blk issue=1932 due
postage due 1932 2l blk issue=1932 due
1932 25b blk issue=1932 d=King Carol II (1930 a)
1932 50b brn issue=1932 d=King Carol II (1930 a)
1932 6l mar issue=1932 d=King Carol II (1930 b)
1932 4l ver issue=1932 d=King Carol II (1930 b)
1932 7.50l ultra issue=1932 d=King Carol II (1930 b)
1932 10l issue=1932 d=King Carol II (1930 c)
1932 20l issue=1932 d=King Carol II (1930 c)
1932 3l rosecar issue=1932 d=King Carol II (1930 b)
1932 2l dlgrn issue=1932 d=King Carol II (1930 a)
1932 1l dkvio issue=1932 d=King Carol II (1930 a)
5/1932 6l carbrn issue=Alexander the Good death 500th d=Alexander the Good (1932) perf=13.5
6/1932 10l brtbl d=King Carol II on horse perf=13.5
semipostal 6/8/1932 3+3L grnbl issue=Boy Scout Jamboree 1932 d=King Carol II & Scout emblems perf=13.5
semipostal 6/8/1932 1+1L olgrn issue=Boy Scout Jamboree 1932 d=Scout spying perf=13.5
semipostal 6/8/1932 6+6L blk issue=Boy Scout Jamboree 1932 d=King Michael I & King Carol II perf=13.5
semipostal 6/8/1932 2+2L red issue=Boy Scout Jamboree 1932 d=2 Scouts Cooking perf=13.5
semipostal 6/8/1932 50+50b bl issue=Boy Scout Jamboree 1932 d=Scout signaling perf=13.5
semipostal 6/8/1932 25+25b blgrn issue=Boy Scout Jamboree 1932 d=Scouts before a tent perf=13.5
9/1932 10l bl issue=History of Medicine Congress d=Asclepius & his daughter Hygieia King Carl II perf=13.5
9/1932 6l issue=History of Medicine Congress perf=13.5
9/1932 1l carrose issue=History of Medicine Congress d=Cantacuzino&Gregory Ghika perf=13.5
semipostal 10/1/1932 6+1L brn issue=Sanatorium PTT d=Heroes PTT perf=13.5
semipostal 10/1/1932 4+1L grn issue=Sanatorium PTT d=Tuberculose sanatorium PTT perf=13.5
semipostal 10/1/1932 10+1L bl issue=Sanatorium PTT d=Eforie PTT maritime home perf=13.5
semipostal 11/20/1932 6+5l sep issue=Romanian Philatelic Exhibition 1932 d=King Carol II (1932)
11/20/1932 16l blgrn d=mail coach (1932) perf=13.5
11/20/1932 25b blk issue=Moldavian stamps 75th d=bulls head imperf
11/20/1932 10l dkbl issue=Moldavian stamps 75th d=Moldavia imperf
11/20/1932 7.50l ltbl issue=Moldavian stamps 75th d=eagle & Post imperf
11/20/1932 6l redbrn issue=Moldavian stamps 75th d=Romania imperf
11/20/1932 3l carrose issue=Moldavian stamps 75th d=Siebenburg imperf
11/20/1932 2l grn issue=Moldavian stamps 75th d=Dobrutca imperf
11/20/1932 1l vio issue=Moldavian stamps 75th d=Banat imperf
(plus 289 more)
(See all uses as list)