Short desc: mult flowers
In use 1948-1951
Users of this watermark: Russian occupation of Germany (4 stamps, 1948-1949), German Democratic Republic (43 stamps, 1949-1951)
Used by 47 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Russian occupation of Germany semipostal 8/29/1948 16+9pf dkviobrn issue=1947 Leipzig Fair dt=people in groups d=New Year's Fair 1459 perf=13½
Russian occupation of Germany semipostal 10/23/1948 12pf+3pf red issue=Stamp Day 1948 d=emblem perf=13½
Russian occupation of Germany semipostal 8/30/1949 lake brn issue=1947 Leipzig Fair dt=people in groups d=Young Goethe at fair perf=13½
Russian occupation of Germany semipostal 8/30/1949 12+8pf gray issue=1947 Leipzig Fair dt=people in groups d=Russian merchants perf=13½
German Democratic Republic 10/27/1949 30pf red d=letter carriers
German Democratic Republic 10/27/1949 12pf bl d=letter carriers
German Democratic Republic 3/2/1950 12pf blvio issue=winter sports tournament,Schierke d=skier
German Democratic Republic 3/2/1950 24pf grnbl issue=winter sports tournament,Schierke d=skater
German Democratic Republic semipostal 3/5/1950 30+14pf rosecar issue=Leipzig Fair 1950 dt=people in groups d=Firsr sample fair perf=13½
German Democratic Republic semipostal 3/5/1950 24+12pf redvio issue=Leipzig Fair 1950 dt=people in groups d=First porcelain at fair perf=13½
German Democratic Republic 5/26/1950 12pf dkbl issue=1950 d=Pieck (1950 pf)
German Democratic Republic 5/26/1950 24pf redbrn issue=1950 d=Pieck (1950 pf)
German Democratic Republic 5/26/1950 1m olgrn issue=1950 d=Pieck (1950 dm)
German Democratic Republic 5/26/1950 2m redbrn issue=1950 d=Pieck (1950 dm)
German Democratic Republic 7/10/1950 6pf pur dt=scientists (1950) d=Theodor Mommsen (1950)
German Democratic Republic 7/10/1950 1pf gray dt=scientists (1950) d=Leonhard Euler (1950)
German Democratic Republic 7/10/1950 50pf dpultra dt=scientists (1950) d=Harnack
German Democratic Republic 7/10/1950 20pf viobrn dt=scientists (1950) d=Nernst
German Democratic Republic 7/10/1950 5pf grn dt=scientists (1950) d=Alexander von Humboldt
German Democratic Republic 7/10/1950 8pf redbrn dt=scientists (1950) d=Wilhelm von Humboldt
German Democratic Republic 7/10/1950 10pf dkgraygrn dt=scientists (1950) d=Helmholtz
German Democratic Republic 7/10/1950 12pf dkbl dt=scientists (1950) d=Max Planck 1950
German Democratic Republic 7/10/1950 16pf prusbl dt=scientists (1950) d=Jacob Grimm
German Democratic Republic 7/10/1950 24pf red dt=scientists (1950) d=Leibniz (1950)
German Democratic Republic 9/1/1950 12pf bl issue=Mansfeld copper mines 700th d=miner (1950 German Democratic Republic)
German Democratic Republic 9/1/1950 24pf dkred issue=Mansfeld copper mines 700th d=smelting copper
German Democratic Republic 12/15/1950 24pf orgred issue=fight for peace d=protecting dove from soldiers graves
German Democratic Republic 12/15/1950 6pf dkbl issue=fight for peace d=protecting dove from tank
German Democratic Republic 12/15/1950 8pf brn issue=fight for peace d=protecting dove from bombs
German Democratic Republic 12/15/1950 12pf bl issue=fight for peace d=protecting dove from atomic bombs
German Democratic Republic 1/3/1951 5m bl issue=1950 d=Pieck (1950 dm)
German Democratic Republic 2/3/1951 12pf grnbl issue=2nd Winter Sports Championship d=two-man bobsled
German Democratic Republic 2/3/1951 24pf carrose issue=2nd Winter Sports Championship d=ski jumper
German Democratic Republic 3/4/1951 24pf rosecar issue=Leipzig Fair 1951 d=Leipzig Fair 1951
German Democratic Republic 3/4/1951 50pf viobl issue=Leipzig Fair 1951 d=Leipzig Fair 1951
German Democratic Republic 4/22/1951 50pf bl issue=Bierut visit
German Democratic Republic 4/22/1951 24pf scar issue=Bierut visit
German Democratic Republic 6/27/1951 50pf viobl issue=Communist China friendship d=Mao Zedong (1946)
German Democratic Republic 6/27/1951 24pf car issue=Communist China friendship d=land redistribution
German Democratic Republic 6/27/1951 12pf dkgrn issue=Communist China friendship d=Mao Zedong (1946)
German Democratic Republic 8/3/1951 50pf ultra&red issue=3rd World Youth Festival d=Folk Dance Group
German Democratic Republic 8/3/1951 24pf car&grn issue=3rd World Youth Festival d=Folk Dance Group
German Democratic Republic 9/2/1951 24pf issue=Five-Year Plan
German Democratic Republic 10/7/1951 24pf red&graybl issue=Karl Liebknecht 80th d=Karl Liebknecht & red flag perf=13.5x13
German Democratic Republic 10/28/1951 12pf dpultra issue=Stamp Day 1951 d=man & young pioneers looking at stamp album perf=13x13.5
German Democratic Republic 12/1/1951 24pf red issue=East German-Soviet friendship month d=Stalin & Pieck
German Democratic Republic 12/15/1951 12pf bl issue=East German-Soviet friendship month d=Pawel Bykow & Erich Wirth