Stamp catalog
Joint Issues
double cross in shield mult
double cross on pyramid
Watermark "double cross mult"
Short desc: double cross mult
Users of this watermark:
(54 stamps, 1939-1945)
Used by 54 stamps of Slovakia:
(See all uses as list)
7/1939 4k brn dt=occupations (1939) d=woodcutter
7/1939 2k dkgrn dt=occupations (1939) d=embroidering
7/1939 5k redorg dt=occupations (1939) d=at spring
8/1939 50h dkolgrn d=Josef Tiso
1940 1k carrose d=Hlinka
1940 5h dkolgrn dt=Tatra Mountains d=Zelene Pleso
1940 10h dt=Tatra Mountains d=Krivan
1940 20h dt=Tatra Mountains d=Kvety Tatier
1940 25h dt=Tatra Mountains d=kamzík
1940 30h dt=Tatra Mountains d=Javorina
3/14/1940 10k d=presidential residence
1941 3k blkbrn d=Hlinka
5/21/1941 1.60k bl dt=Slovakian castles d=Spissky Hrad
5/21/1941 2k dkgrn dt=Slovakian castles d=Bojnice
5/21/1941 1.50k pink dt=Slovakian castles d=Lietava
5/21/1941 1.20k roselake dt=Slovakian castles d=Stiavnica
5/26/1941 50h issue=80th Anniversary of the Memorandum of the Slovak Nation d=Štefan Marko Daxner & Štefan Moyses
5/26/1941 1k issue=80th Anniversary of the Memorandum of the Slovak Nation d=Štefan Marko Daxner & Štefan Moyses
5/26/1941 2k issue=80th Anniversary of the Memorandum of the Slovak Nation d=Štefan Marko Daxner & Štefan Moyses
1942 70h dkbrn d=Josef Tiso
1942 2.50k d=Hlinka
semipostal 3/14/1942 70h+1k ltredbrn issue=Hlinka Youth Society d=soldier & Hlinka youth
semipostal 3/14/1942 1.30k+1k dkbl issue=Hlinka Youth Society d=soldier & Hlinka youth
semipostal 3/14/1942 2k+1k issue=Hlinka Youth Society d=soldier & Hlinka youth
5/23/1942 1.30k dkbrn issue=National Philatelic Exhibition at Bratislava d=stamp in posthorn
5/23/1942 70h issue=National Philatelic Exhibition at Bratislava d=youth with stamp album
5/23/1942 30h blkgrn issue=National Philatelic Exhibition at Bratislava d=stamp in posthorn
5/23/1942 80h dkvio issue=National Philatelic Exhibition at Bratislava d=man examining stamp
10/12/1942 70h dkblgrn issue=European Postal Congress 1942 d=peace dove & St. Stephen's Cathedral
10/12/1942 1.30k grnol issue=European Postal Congress 1942 d=peace dove & St. Stephen's Cathedral
10/12/1942 2k bl issue=European Postal Congress 1942 d=peace dove & St. Stephen's Cathedral
12/14/1942 70h blk issue=Slovakian Educational Society 150th d=society meeting
12/14/1942 1k car issue=Slovakian Educational Society 150th d=society meeting
12/14/1942 1.30k dkbl issue=Slovakian Educational Society 150th d=society meeting
12/14/1942 2k dkbrn issue=Slovakian Educational Society 150th d=society meeting
12/14/1942 3sk blkgrn issue=Slovakian Educational Society 150th d=society meeting
12/14/1942 4k dkvio issue=Slovakian Educational Society 150th d=society meeting
semipostal 1943 50+50h blkgrn dt=national costumes d=Charity stamps
semipostal 1943 1.30+2k brn issue=Cultural stamps
semipostal 1943 80h+2k blblk issue=Cultural stamps
semipostal 1943 70h+1k dkol issue=Cultural stamps d=Slovak National Museum
semipostal 1943 30h+1k redbrn issue=Cultural stamps
semipostal 1943 80h+2k dkbl dt=national costumes d=Charity stamps
semipostal 1943 70h+1k dkcar dt=national costumes d=Charity stamps
1943 1.30k ultra d=Andrej Hlinka
semipostal 7/28/1943 1.30+2k issue=soldier welfare
semipostal 7/28/1943 2+2k blkol issue=soldier welfare
semipostal 7/28/1943 70h+2k dkbrncar issue=soldier welfare
10/6/1944 70h+4k bl issue=Symbolic of National Protection
10/6/1944 1.30+4k brncar issue=Symbolic of National Protection
(plus 4 more)
(See all uses as list)