Watermark "curved wavy lines" (Korea usage only)
Short desc: curved wavy lines
In use 1919-1955
Users of this watermark: Japanese occupation of Burma (17 stamps, 1942), Port Arthur & Dairen (3 stamps, 1946), Japanese occupation of Hong Kong (2 stamps, 1945), Japan (230 stamps, 1919-1949), Korea (85 stamps, 1946-1955), Ryukyu Islands (14 stamps, 1948-1949) Show with all usages
Used by 85 stamps of Korea: (See all uses as list)
2/1/1946 5wn grayvio d=Yasukuni torii oc=blk on=issuer=Japan-17s perf=13x13.5
2/1/1946 30ch rosebrn d=Yasukuni torii oc=blk on=issuer=Japan-27s perf=13x13.5
5/1/1946 3ch orgyel issue=1946a d=Korean family&flag
5/1/1946 5ch dkgrn issue=1946a d=Korean family&flag
5/1/1946 10ch car issue=1946a d=Korean family&flag
5/1/1946 20ch dkbl issue=1946a d=Korean family&flag
5/1/1946 50ch brnvio issue=1946a d=arms of Korea (1946)
5/1/1946 1wn ltbrn issue=1946a d=arms of Korea (1946)
8/1/1947 5wn ltblgrn d=Li Jun
8/1/1947 10wn ltbl d=Admiral Li Sun-sin
8/1/1947 10wn ltbl d=letters & globe
airmail 10/1/1947 50wn carrose d=4-engine plane & globe
4/10/1948 20wn rose d=Arch of Independence Seoul
4/10/1948 50wn brnvio d=Tortoise ship First Ironclad War Vessel
5/10/1948 2wn org issue=election d=flag of South Korea & hand holding ballot
5/10/1948 50wn bl issue=election d=woman & man casting ballots
5/10/1948 20wn car issue=election d=woman & man casting ballots
5/10/1948 10wn ltvio issue=election d=flag of South Korea & hand holding ballot
5/10/1948 5wn lilrose issue=election d=flag of South Korea & hand holding ballot
6/1/1948 5wn grn d=Olympics
6/1/1948 10wn pur d=Olympics
7/1/1948 4wn orgbrn d=National Assembly
8/1/1948 4wn grn issue=Promulgation of Constitution d=Korean family & Capitol
8/1/1948 10wn brn issue=Promulgation of Constitution d=flag of Korea
8/5/1948 5wn dpbl d=Syngman Rhee
9/1948 4wn d=dove (1948)
9/1948 5wn d=hibiscus (1948)
10/1/1948 4wn rosecar d=Li Jun
airmail 1949 150wn bl d=4-engine plane & globe
2/12/1949 10wn bl d=Doves over UN emblem
4/25/1949 15wn pur d=census
5/5/1949 15wn pur d=Korean boy & girl
6/1949 2wn dkblgray issue=1949a d=worker&factory
6/1949 5wn yelgrn issue=1949a d=rice harvesting (1949)
6/1949 1wn rose issue=1949a d=postman (1949 Korea)
8/25/1949 15wn dpbl d=Phoenix & Yin Yang
9/18/1949 15wn viobl d=express train
10/15/1949 15wn d=Korean Flag
1/1/1950 15wn yelgrn d=postal medal
1/1/1950 65wn redbrn d=postal medal
airmail 1/1/1950 60wn ltbl d=plane & map of Korea
3/10/1950 15wn d=revolutionists
3/10/1950 65wn d=revolutionists
5/30/1950 30wn d=Korean emblem & National Assembly
11/20/1950 100wn bl issue=expected victory d=Syngman Rhee
11/20/1950 200wn dkgrn issue=expected victory d=flags UN&Korea,map
11/20/1950 100wn grn issue=expected victory d=Korean Flag & White Mountains
airmail 10/10/1951 500wn bl d=4-engine plane & globe oc=blk on=1949-150wn
1952 20wn pur issue=1952b var=redrawn
1952 300wn issue=1952b var=redrawn
(plus 35 more) (See all uses as list)