Stamp catalog
Joint Issues
Urdu characters (1905)
Watermark "unwmk" (Israel usage only)
(No images available)
Short desc: unwmk
Used by 2364 stamps of Israel:
(See all uses as list)
5/16/1948 5m yelgrn dt=ancient Judean coins
5/16/1948 10m redvio dt=ancient Judean coins
5/16/1948 15m red dt=ancient Judean coins
5/16/1948 20m brtultra dt=ancient Judean coins
5/16/1948 50m orgbrn dt=ancient Judean coins
5/16/1948 250m dkslgrn dt=ancient Judean coins
5/16/1948 500m redbrn dt=ancient Judean coins
5/16/1948 1000m dkbl dt=ancient Judean coins
5/16/1948 3m org dt=ancient Judean coins
9/26/1948 3m brnred<bl issue=New Year 5709 d=flying scroll
9/26/1948 65m brn&red issue=New Year 5709 d=flying scroll
9/26/1948 20m ultra&bl issue=New Year 5709 d=flying scroll
9/26/1948 5m grnbl<bl issue=New Year 5709 d=flying scroll
2/16/1949 250p brn&gray d=road of valor
3/31/1949 20p brtbl d=flag
8/10/1949 40p grn&brn issue=70th Anniversary of Founding of Petah Tiqwa d=Well at Petah Tiqwa
9/20/1949 5p bl d=insignia
9/20/1949 35p brn d=insignia
9/20/1949 10p dkblgrn d=insignia
12/18/1949 3p blk dt=coins 2nd
12/18/1949 5p pur dt=coins 2nd
12/18/1949 10p grn dt=coins 2nd
12/18/1949 15p dprose dt=coins 2nd
12/18/1949 30p dkbl dt=coins 2nd
12/18/1949 50p brn dt=coins 2nd
postage due 12/18/1949 30p bl d=numeral (1949)
postage due 12/18/1949 20p red d=numeral (1949)
postage due 12/18/1949 5p vio d=numeral (1949)
postage due 12/18/1949 2p yel d=numeral (1949)
postage due 12/18/1949 10p grn d=numeral (1949)
postage due 12/18/1949 50p ltbrn d=numeral (1949)
3/26/1950 40p vio issue=UPU 75th d=globe & stag
3/26/1950 80p red issue=UPU 75th d=globe & stag
4/23/1950 40p grn issue=Independence Day d=ships bringing immigrants
4/23/1950 20p brn issue=Independence Day d=cutting barbed wire
5/9/1950 100p graygrn issue=Hebrew University 25th
airmail 6/25/1950 100p rosecar issue=1950 air dt=stylized birds
airmail 6/25/1950 250p dkgraybl issue=1950 air dt=stylized birds d=Mosaic dove & olive branch
airmail 6/25/1950 50p brn issue=1950 air dt=stylized birds
airmail 6/25/1950 5p grnbl issue=1950 air dt=stylized birds d=doves pecking at grape bunch
airmail 6/25/1950 30p gray issue=1950 air dt=stylized birds d=Beth Shearim eagle
airmail 6/25/1950 40p dkgrn issue=1950 air dt=stylized birds
8/31/1950 15p grn&brn d=Star of David (1950)
8/31/1950 5p bl&org d=Star of David (1950)
9/18/1950 50p ltbrn issue=1950 dt=coins 3rd
9/18/1950 3p dkgray issue=1950 dt=coins 3rd
9/18/1950 30p ind issue=1950 dt=coins 3rd
9/18/1950 15p dprose issue=1950 dt=coins 3rd
9/18/1950 10p grn issue=1950 dt=coins 3rd
9/18/1950 5p pur issue=1950 dt=coins 3rd d=coin depicting vine leaf
(plus 2314 more)
(See all uses as list)