Watermark "crown & block GvR" (British offices in Morocco, French currency usage only)
Short desc: crown & block GvR
In use 1924-1937
Users of this watermark: Bechuanaland Protectorate (7 stamps, 1925), Great Britain (36 stamps, 1924-1935), British offices in Morocco, British currency (24 stamps, 1925-1935), British offices in Morocco, French currency (29 stamps, 1925-1937), British offices in Morocco, Spanish currency (17 stamps, 1926-1937), British offices in Tangier (10 stamps, 1927-1935) Show with all usages
Used by 29 stamps of British offices in Morocco, French currency: (See all uses as list)
1925 10c scar issue=1925 d=King George V (1912 b) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES//value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1924-1p-scar-King George V perf=15x14
1925 15c redbrn issue=1925 d=King George V (1912 a) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES//value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1924-1 1/2p-redbrn-King George V perf=15x14
1925 25c ultra issue=1925 d=King George V (1912 b) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES//value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1924-2 1/2d-ultra-King George V perf=15x14
1925 40c slgrn issue=1925 d=King George V (1912 c) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES//value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1924-4d-slgrn-King George V perf=15x14
1925 50c yelbrn issue=1925 d=King George V (1912 d) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES//value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1924-5d-yelbrn-King George V perf=15x14
1925 75c olgrn issue=1925 d=King George V (1912 e) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES//value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1924-9p-olgrn-King George V perf=15x14
1925 1fr dlbl issue=1925 d=King George V (1912 e) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES//value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1924-10d-dlbl-King George V perf=15x14
1925 5c grn issue=1925 d=King George V (1912 a) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES//value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1924-1/2d-grn-King George V perf=15x14
1934 90c olgrn d=King George V (1912 e) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES//value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1924-9p perf=15x14
1934 1.50fr bis d=King George V (1912 e) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES//value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1924-1sh-bis perf=15x14
1935 5c dkgrn issue=Silver Jubilee d=King George V & symbols ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES//value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1935-1/2d-dkgrn perf=15x14
1935 25c ultra issue=Silver Jubilee d=King George V & symbols ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES//value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1935-2 1/2d-ultra perf=15x14
1935 15c redbrn issue=Silver Jubilee d=King George V & symbols ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES//value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1935-1 1/2p-redbrn perf=15x14
1935 10c car issue=Silver Jubilee d=King George V & symbols ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES//value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1935-1p-car perf=15x14
7/20/1935 5c grn issue=1935
7/20/1935 6fr rose issue=1935 d=++on=5sh
7/20/1935 3fr purbrn issue=1935 d=++on=2/6 fr/sh/p
7/20/1935 1.50fr brn issue=1935 d=++on=1sh
7/20/1935 1fr grnbl issue=1935 d=++on=10p
7/20/1935 90c grnol issue=1935 d=++on=9p
7/20/1935 50c yelbrn issue=1935 d=King George V (1934 d) oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-issue=1934-5p perf=15x14
7/20/1935 40c graygrn issue=1935 d=++on=4p
7/20/1935 25c ultra issue=1935
7/20/1935 15c redbrn issue=1935
7/20/1935 10c red issue=1935 d=++on=1p
10/26/1936 5c yelgrn issue=1936
10/26/1936 15c redbrn issue=1936
5/13/1937 15c brnvio issue=Coronation
6/1/1937 5c yelgrn issue=1937