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Watermark "wavy lines (Colombia)" (Colombia usage only)

  • Colnect-4597-223-Map-of-North-and-Central-America-coat-of-arms-of-Bogot%C3%A1-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4597-223-Metropolitan-Cathedral-Bolivar-Square-Bogot%C3%A1-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4597-223-Jose-Celestino-Mutis---Jos%C3%A9-Jer%C3%B3nimo-Triana-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4603-311-Paya-Boyac%C3%A1-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4595-868-Juan-de-Dios-Carrasquilla-1833-1908-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4571-921-Tequendama-falls-Overprinted-AEREO-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4597-223-Christopher-Columbus-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4706-377-Gold-Mining-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4605-604-Platinum-Mines-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4603-311-Oil-Wells-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4726-204-Emerald-Mine-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4605-604-Coffee-plantation-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4571-921-Tequendama-Falls-Overprinted-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4597-223-Map-of-South-America-Colombian-Coat-of-Arms-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4597-223-Map-of-South-America-coat-of-arms-of-Colombia-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4597-223-Ministry-of-Foreign-Affairs-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4597-223-Capitol-Rafael-Nu%C5%84ez-Patio-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4597-223-National-Capitol-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4597-223-Chancellery-Patio-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4571-921-Tequendama-Falls-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4597-223-Joaquin-de-Caycedo-y-Cuero-1773-1813-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4597-223-Miguel-A-Caro---Rufino-J-Cuervo-back.jpg
  • Colnect-4597-223-Coffee-back.jpg
  • Colnect-5011-377-Two-heads-map-of-Central-America-back.jpg
  • Colnect-5011-377-The-population-modern-building-back.jpg
Short desc: wavy lines (Colombia)

In use 1932-1960

Users of this watermark: Colombia (49 stamps, 1932-1952), Costa Rica (10 stamps, 1937-1938), Cuba (35 stamps, 1933-1959), Panama (2 stamps, 1960) Show with all usages

Used by 49 stamps of Colombia: (See all uses as list)

6/1932 2c red issue=1932 d=oil wells (1932) perf=12.5
6/1932 5c brn issue=1932 d=coffee (1932) perf=12.5
6/1932 8c dkbl issue=1932 d=platinum mine perf=12.5
6/1932 10c yel issue=1932 d=gold mining perf=12.5
6/1932 20c dkbl issue=1932 d=Columbus (1932) perf=12.5
6/1932 1c grn issue=1932 d=Muzo emerald mine perf=12.5
official 1937 1c blgrn issue=1937 official d=Perf: 11½; No watermark
official 1937 10p dkbrn issue=1937 official d=No watermark
official 1937 2c red issue=1937 official d=Perf: 12½;
official 1937 5c brn issue=1937 official d=Perf: 12½;
official 1937 10c org issue=1937 official d=Perf: 12; No watermark
official 1937 12c dkbl issue=1937 official d=Perf: 12¼;
official 1937 20c bl issue=1937 official d=Perf: 12½;
official 1937 30c yelbrn issue=1937 official d=Perf: 13½ x 14; No watermark
official 1937 40c brn issue=1937 official d=No watermark
official 1937 50c car issue=1937 official d=No watermark
official 1937 1p bl issue=1937 official d=No watermark
official 1937 2p org issue=1937 official d=No watermark
official 1937 5p sep issue=1937 official d=No watermark
1937 1c dpgrn d=Bolivar (1937)
1937 12c dpbl d=Tequendama Falls perf=14
11/3/1937 2c dpbl d=Tequendama Falls oc=blk on=1937-12c-dpbl perf=14
11/5/1937 5c dkbl d=platinum mine oc=blk on=1932-8c-platinum mine perf=12.5
1938 10c dpbl d=Tequendama Falls oc=blk on=1937-12c-dpbl perf=14
5/6/1940 2p yelorg issue=Santander death 100th d=Invasion of the Liberators
5/6/1940 1c olgrn issue=Santander death 100th d=Santander (1940) perf=13x13.5
5/6/1940 2c car issue=Santander death 100th d=allegory (1940) perf=13x13.5
5/6/1940 5c dkbrn issue=Santander death 100th d=Santander (1940) perf=13x13.5
5/6/1940 8c car issue=Santander death 100th perf=13x13.5
5/6/1940 10c yel issue=Santander death 100th d=birthplace
5/6/1940 15c dkbl issue=Santander death 100th d=Baptistery in Rosario perf=13x13.5
5/6/1940 20c ltgrn issue=Santander death 100th d=Paya
5/6/1940 50c vio issue=Santander death 100th d=Puente de Boyacá
5/6/1940 1p ltrd issue=Santander death 100th d=Death of General Santander
9/20/1946 2p blgrn d=Cayzeo y Cuero perf=12
1947 3p d=Miguel A. Caro & Rufino J. Cuervo perf=12.5
1947 25c grn d=Mutis & Triana perf=12.5
1/10/1947 5c d=coffee (1947) perf=12.5
postal tax 9/1947 20c dkbl d=Columbus (1932) ovpt=cross oc=blk on=20c-dkbl perf=12.5
4/2/1948 15c bl issue=9th Pan-American Congress d=Capitol Rafael Nuńez Patio perf=12.5
4/2/1948 50c slbl issue=9th Pan-American Congress d=Map of North & Central America & arms of Bogotá imperf
airmail 4/2/1948 50c brn issue=9th Pan-American Congress d=map of South America & arms of Colombia imperf
4/2/1948 5c brn issue=9th Pan-American Congress d=Chancellery Patio perf=12.5
4/2/1948 15c graybl issue=9th Pan-American Congress d=Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Colombia) perf=12.5
4/2/1948 10c org issue=9th Pan-American Congress d=National Capitol (Colombia) perf=12.5
4/2/1948 5c blkbrn issue=9th Pan-American Congress d=Metropolitan Cathedral, Bogota perf=12.5
5/20/1949 5c bis d=Carrasquilla perf=12.5
10/13/1949 5c ol issue=1st Forestry Congress d=shield & tree perf=12.5
10/30/1952 15c grn issue=siderurgical conference d=Mutis & Triana oc=blk on=1947-25c perf=12.5