Djibouti things (with synonyms)

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

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Name Issues/Designs
"Head of an Old Man" - Rubens d - "Head of .. - Rubens 1978
"Marguerite Matisse with Cat" - Matisse d - "Margueri..- Matisse 1984
"Mario Varvogli" - Modigliani d - "Mario Va..odigliani 1984
"Portrait of a Woman in d'Hermin Pass", 1923 d - "", 1923 2019
"Self-Portrait with Straw Hat", 1887 d - "", 1887 2019
"Shoes" d - "Shoes" 2018
"Tahitian Women" - Paul Gauguin d - "Tahitian..l Gauguin 1978
"The Hare" - Albrecht Durer
(syn. of Young Hare)
d - "The Hare..cht Durer 1978
"The Hippopotamus Hunt" - Rubens d - "The Hipp.. - Rubens 1978
"The Railway" d - "The Railway" 2018
"The Washerwoman" - Honore Daumier d - "The Wash..e Daumier 1979
A-10 Thunderbolt II
(syn. of Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II)
d - A-10 Thunderbolt II (2017) 2017
(syn. of Abyssinian cat)
d - Abyssinian 2017, etc (2)
Acacia nubica d - Acacia nubica 1979
Acanthurus leucopareius d - Acanthuru..copareius 2018
Acanthurus leucosternon d (2) - Acanthuru..costernon 2017, Acanthuru..costernon, Acanthurus... 2016 syns. Powderblue surgeonfish
Acanthurus xanthopterus d - Acanthuru..thopterus 2018
Accipiter gentilis
(syn. of Northern Goshawk)
d - Accipiter gentilis (2019) 2019
Acerodon jubatus d - Acerodon jubatus 2016
Acinonyx jubatus
(syn. of cheetah)
d (2) - Acinonyx jubatus (1987 Djibouti) 1987, Acinonyx jubatus (1996) 1996
Acraea anemosa
Acraea chilo d - Acraea chilo 1978
Acraea doubledayi d - Acraea doubledayi 1984
Acropora d - Acropora 1991
Aegolius acadicus
(syn. of northern saw-whet owl)
d (2) - Aegolius acadicus 2017, etc (2), Aegolius harrisii, Aegolius acadicus 2017
Aegolius funereus
(syn. of Boreal Owl)
d (2) - Aegolius funereus (2018) 2018, Aegolius funereus (2019) 2019
Aegolius harrisii
(syn. of buff-fronted owl)
d - Aegolius harrisii, Aegolius acadicus 2017
Aethopyga nipalensis
(syn. of green-tailed sunbird)
d - Aethopyga nipalensis 2019
Africa Cup 1996 1996 - ...
16th Africa Soccer Cup 1988 - ...
African Development Bank founding 1964 - 30th Anniversary of ...
18th African Nations Cup 1992 - ...
African Tourism Year - ...
Agalychnis callidryas d - Agalychni..allidryas (1998 Djibouti) 1998 syns. Agalychnis calidryas, Red-eyed Tree Frog
Aglais io d - Aglais io (2018) 2018 syns. European Peacock, Inachis io, peacock (butterfly), Peacock Butterfly, Peacock Eye, Peacock Inachis io, Rusałka pawik, Vanessa io, Vanessa Jo
Agraulis vanillae
(syn. of Gulf fritillary)
d - Agraulis vanillae (2000) 2000
Agricultural Development Fund founding 1978 - ... 10th
Ailuropoda melanoleuca
(syn. of giant panda)
d - Ailuropod..lanoleuca 2016, etc (18)
Ailurus fulgens
(syn. of red panda)
d (2) - Ailurus fulgens (2016) 2016, etc (2), Ailurus fulgens (2018) 2018
Air Djibouti founding 1979 - ... 1st
Air France 1933 founding - 50th Anniversary of ... d (2) - Boeing 747 of Air France 1983, DC.4 of Air France 1983
Air France founding 1933 - 50th Anniversary of ...
Airedale Terrier d - Airedale Terrier 2019 syns. Airedale
Airship LZ 129
(syn. of LZ 129 Hindenburg)
d - Airship LZ 129 2018
Ivan Aivazovsky birth 1817 - 200th Anniversary of the Birth of ...
Alaskan Malamute d - Alaskan Malamute 2019, etc (2) syns. malamute
Alcedo atthis
(syn. of common kingfisher)
d - Alcedo atthis 2016, etc (4)
Alcedo azurea d - Alcedo azurea 2019
Aldabrachelys gigantea
(syn. of Aldabra giant tortoise)
d - Aldabrach.. gigantea 2016
Aldabrachelys gigantean d - Aldabrach..gigantean 2017, etc (2)
Buzz Aldrin 1930 birth - 90th Anniversary of the Birth of ... d - Buzz Aldrin 2019 syns. Aldrin, Astronaut Aldrin, Edwin Aldrin, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, Edwin E. Aldrin
Buzz Aldrin birth 1930 - 90th Anniversary of the Birth of ...
James P. Allison d - Tasuko Honjo, James P. Allison -... 2019
Alopochen aegyptiaca
(syn. of Egyptian goose)
d - Alopochen aegyptiaca 2017
Alsthom BB 1201 Diesel Locomotive d - Alsthom B..ocomotive 1979
Amanita muscaria d - Amanita muscaria 2020 syns. Fly Agaric
amazonite d - amazonite 2017, etc (2)
American Bobtail d - American Bobtail 2018
American Pit Bull Terrier d - American ..l Terrier 2019
American Shorthair d - American Shorthair 2019, etc (2) syns. American Short-hair, American Shorthair cat
Amiot 370 d - Amiot 370 1987
Ammonoidea d - Ammonoidea 2016
Amphiprion ocellaris d (2) - Amphiprion ocellaris 2018, Amphiprion ocellaris & Amphiprion percula 2000
Amphiprion percula
(syn. of orange clownfish)
d - Amphiprion ocellaris & Amphiprion percula 2000
Amphiprion sp. d - Amphiprion sp. 2000
Roald Amundsen death 1928 - 90th Anniversary of the Death of ...
Anacamptis papilionacea d - Anacampti..ilionacea (2018) 2018
Anas platyrhynchos
(syn. of mallard)
d (2) - Anas platyrhynchos (2018) 2018, Anas platyrhynchos (2019) 2019
Anas rhynchotis d - Anas rhynchotis 2017
anatase d - anatase, Norway 2018
Androctonus crassicauda d - Androcton..assicauda 2016
anglesite d - anglesite from Morocco 2018
Ankylosaurus magniventris d - Ankylosau..niventris 2019
Annella mollis d - Zebrasoma desjardinii; Annella mollis 2019
Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus
(syn. of hyacinth macaw)
d (2) - Anodorhyn..cinthinus (2016) 2016, Anodorhyn..cinthinus (2019) 2019
Anolis gorgonae d - Anolis gorgonae 2017
Anolis proboscis d - Anolis proboscis 2017
Anopheles gambiae d - Anopheles gambiae 2019
Anthidium manicatum d - Anthidium manicatum (2016) 2016
Anthreptes malacensis d - Anthrepte..alacensis 2016
Antonov An-124 d - Antonov An-124 escorted by MiG-29 2018 syns. An-124
Antonov An-225 Mriya d - Antonov An-225 Mriya and Buran 2018
Apatite d - Apatite, Brazil 2019
Apatura iris d - Apatura iris 2016, etc (2) syns. Purple Emperor, Purple Emperor Apatura iris, The Changeful Great Mars
Apis cerana d - Apis cerana 2019 syns. Apis cerana cerana
Apis mellifera
(syn. of western honey bee)
d - Apis mellifera 2018, etc (8)
Apistogramma cacatuoides d - Apistogra..catuoides 2019
Apollo 11 1969 start syns. Apollo 11 flight, Apollo 11 Moon Landing, Apollo XI, First Manned Landing on Moon, First Manned Moon Landing, First Moon Landing, First Moon Walk, First Moonwalk, moon landing
Apollo 11 Control and Service Module
(syn. of command module Columbia)
d - Apollo 11..ce Module 2019
Apollo 11 Lunar Module
(syn. of Lunar Module Eagle)
d - Apollo Module 2019
Apollo 13 1970 - 50th Anniversary of ...
Apophyllite d - Apophyllite, USA 2019
Aptenodytes forsteri
(syn. of Emperor Penguin)
d - Aptenodytes forsteri (2017) 2017
Apteryx australis
(syn. of southern brown kiwi)
d - Apteryx australis 2020
Apteryx owenii d - Apteryx owenii 2020
Apteryx rowi
(syn. of Okarito kiwi)
d - Apteryx rowi 2020
President Hassan Gouled Aptidon d (2) - President..d Aptidon 1987, President..d Aptidon & flag of Djibouti 1978
aquamarine d - aquamarine (2017) 2017
Aquila clanga
(syn. of greater spotted eagle)
d - Aquila clanga 2019
Aquila heliaca
(syn. of eastern imperial eagle)
d (2) - Aquila heliaca (2016) 2016, Aquila heliaca (2019) 2019
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