Djibouti things

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

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Name Issues/Designs
Neil Armstrong 2012 death d - Neil Armstrong, 1930-2012 2019, etc (2) syns. Armstrong, Neil A. Armstrong
Arthur Ashkin d - Arthur Ashkin, Nobel Prize in Physics 2018
Asian elephant syns. Elephas maximus
Asian golden cat syns. Asiatic golden Cat, Catopuma temminckii, Felis temmincki, Felis temminckii, Kucing tulap, Profelis temmincki, Profelis temminckii
Atlantic puffin syns. Atlantic Puffin - Fratercula arctica, Fratercula arctica, lunde, macareux moine
Atlantic triton syns. Charonia variegata
Atlantic white-sided Dolphin syns. Lagenorhynchus acutus
attack on Pearl Harbor 1941 - 75th Anniversary of the ... syns. Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor
John James Audubon birth 1785 - ... Bicentenary syns. J. J. Audubon birth, John J. Audubon birth
Augochlorella aurata d - Augochlorella aurata 2016
azurite d (2) - azurite (2019) 2019, azurite (2020) 2020
B-377-SG/SGT Super Guppy d - B-377-SG/..per Guppy 2018
baboon d - baboon 1990 syns. Papio hamadryas
Johann Sebastian Bach 1685 1750 birth death - 270th Anniversary of the Death of ... d - Johann Se..tian Bach, 1685-1750 2018, etc (2) syns. Bach, J.S. Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach death 1750 - 270th Anniversary of the Death of ...
Robert Baden-Powell death 1941 - 75th Anniversary of the Death of ... syns. Baden-Powell death
bald eagle syns. American bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Balinese d - Balinese 2019
Balistes sp. d - Balistes sp. 2000
BANDUNG 2017 2017 - ...
Barbe anglais d - Barbe anglais 2017
Barn Owl syns. Coruja, Tyto alba
basket d - baskets 1990
Batagur trivittata d - Batagur trivittata 2017
bateleur syns. Bateleuer, bateleur eagle, Terathopius ecaudatus
Batesia hypochlora d - Batesia hypochlora 2017
Battle of Iwo Jima 1945 - 75th Anniversary of the ...
Battle of Moscow 1942 - 75th Anniversary of the ...
Battle of Stalingrad 1943 start
Battle of the Somme 1916 - 100th Anniversary of the ...
Battus philenor d - Battus philenor 2017, etc (2) syns. Pipevine Swallowtail
Bayeux Tapestry d - Edmond Halley, Bayeux Tapestry and comet 1986
beagle d - beagle (2018) 2018, etc (2)
bee hummingbird syns. Calypte helenae, Mellisuga helenae
Belem (ship) syns. Belem, France
Alexander Graham Bell 1847 1922 birth death syns. Alexander Bell
Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen 1778 birth d - Fabian Go..ngshausen, 1778-1852 2020 syns. Bellingshausen, Fabian von Bellingshausen
belted kingfisher syns. Ceryle alcyon, Ceryle lcyon, Megaceryle alcyon, Megaceryle halcyon
Bengal cat d - Bengal cat (2020) 2020 syns. Bengal kitten, le bengal
Bengal tiger syns. Panthera tigris tigris, royal Bengal tiger
bishop (chess) syns. bishop, chess bishop
Bitis peringueyi d - Bitis peringueyi (2000 Djibouti) 2000
black swan syns. Black Swan - Cygnus atratus, Cygnus atratus
black-capped kingfisher syns. Halcyon pileata
black-throated barbet syns. Tricholaema melanocephala
blacksmith d - blacksmith (2000) 2000
Bloch MB.220 syns. Bloch 220
blue shark syns. mokoha, Prionace glauca, Tubarao azul
blue whale syns. Balaenoptera musculus
blue-and-yellow macaw syns. Ara ararauna
blue-winged kookaburra syns. Dacelo leachii
bluespot mullet syns. Valamugil seheli
Louis Bleriot birth 1872 - 145th Anniversary of the Birth of Louis Bleriot
BMW R32, 1923 d - BMW R32, 1923 2017
BMW S1000RR d - BMW S1000RR 2018
Bodie Island Lighthouse d - Bodie Isl..ighthouse, USA 2019
Boeing 747 d - Boeing 747 of Air France 1983 syns. 747, Boeing 747-100, Boeing 747-200, Boeing 747-244 Super B, Boeing 747-300, Boeing 747-300/400 Airliner, Boeing 747B, Cathay-Pacific Boeing 747 Jet, Syrian Airlines Boeing 747
Boeing 757 d - Boeing 757 2017 syns. Boeing 757 200
Boeing/Bell V-22 Osprey d - Boeing/Be..22 Osprey 2017
Boletus aereus d - Boletus aereus 2019
Boletus edulis d (5) - Boletus edulis (2016) 2016, Boletus edulis (2017) 2017, Boletus edulis (2018) 2018, ... syns. Echter Steinpilz
Bolinus brandaris d - Bolinus brandaris 2017
Boloria aquilonaris d - Boloria aquilonaris 2016
Bombay cat d - Bombay cat (2020) 2020 syns. Bombay (cat)
Bombus terrestris d - Bombus terrestris 2019 syns. buff-tailed bumblebee
boomslang syns. boomslang tree snake, Dispholidus typus
Boreal Owl syns. Aegolius funereus, Tengmalm's Owl
Bornean orangutan syns. Pongo pygmaeus
Bougainvillea glabra d - Bougainvillea glabra (1978) 1978
Brachylophosaurus canadensis d - Brachylop..anadensis 2019
Brassovola nodosa d - Brassovola nodosa 2019
Brontosaurus excelsus d - Brontosau.. excelsus 2018
Brookite d (2) - Brookite from Pakistan 2018, Brookite on quartz, Pakistan 2017
brown long-eared bat syns. Plecotus auritus
brown snake eagle syns. Circaetus cinereus
Bryde's whale syns. Balaenoptera brydei, Balaenoptera edeni, Baleanoptera edeni, Brydes Whale
Bubo bubo sibiricus d - Bubo bubo sibiricus 2018
Bubo cinerascens d - Bubo cinerascens 2017
Bubo lacteus d - Bubo lacteus 2017, etc (2)
Bubo sumatranus d - Bubo sumatranus 2016, etc (2)
buff-fronted owl syns. Aegolius harrisii
bufflehead syns. Bucephala albeola
subtype of vehicle
d - bus & jeep 1982 syns. omnibus
Byblia ilithyia syns. Byblia ilithya
Caesalpinia pulcherrima d - Caesalpin..lcherrima (1978) 1978
California condor syns. Californian Condor, Condor de California, Gymnogyps californianus
Caligo eurilochus d - Caligo eurilochus (2019) 2019
Callophrys rubi d - Callophrys rubi 2017
Calotropis procera d - Calotropis procera (1989) 1989
camel-milking urn d - camel-milking urn 1988
Campaign against Thirst 1988 - ...
Canis lupus baileyi d - Canis lupus baileyi 2019
Canis lupus dingo d - Canis lupus dingo 2017, etc (2)
Cantonephele numili d - Cantonephele numili 2000
Cape Lookout Lighthouse d - Cape Look..ighthouse 2017 syns. Cape Lookout, Cape Lookout, North Carolina
Cape Meares Light d - Cape Meares Light, Cassis cornuta 2018
Capros aper d - Capros aper (2000) 2000 syns. Boar Fish, Boar Fish (Capros aper)
caracal syns. Caracal caracal, Caracal Cat, Felis caracal
Carangoides bajad d - Carangoides bajad 2018
Magnus Carlsen d - Magnus Carlsen 2016, etc (3)
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