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North American B-25 Mitchell

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  • Colnect-1472-001-North-American-B-25-Mitchell.jpg
  • Colnect-2593-196-Hawker-Typhoon-and-North-American-B-25-Mitchell.jpg
  • Colnect-2155-269-US-Navy-aircraft-attack-Makin.jpg
  • Colnect-4917-058-North-American-B-25-Mitchell.jpg
  • Colnect-2983-455-North-American-B-25-Mitchell-Bombers-over-Gustav-Line-1944.jpg
  • Colnect-5103-837-B-25--s-take-off-to-raid-Tokyo-Apr18.jpg
  • Colnect-4373-648-B-25-Michell.jpg
  • Colnect-6192-566-B-25-Mitchell.jpg
  • Colnect-4276-067-B-25B-Mitchell.jpg
  • Colnect-3148-565-B25-D-Mitchell-USAF.jpg
  • Colnect-4499-159-North-American-B-25--quot-Mitchell-quot-.jpg
  • Colnect-2037-874-Mitchell-B-25.jpg
  • Colnect-2046-481-N-American-B25C.jpg
  • Colnect-4487-670-North-American-B-25J-Mitchell.jpg
  • Colnect-3085-038-B-25-J-Mitchell-with-label.jpg
  • Colnect-4135-037-North-American-Mitchell-III.jpg
Name: North American B-25 Mitchell
Type: airplane

Appearing in designs:
Hawker Typhoon & North American B-25 Mitchell Mali 6/6/1994 400fr issue=50th Anniversary of D-Day
North American B-25 Mitchell Niger 8/24/2019 800fr issue=80th Anniversary of the Beginning of World War II
North American B-25 Mitchell (2013) Ascension 1/15/2013 20p dt=aircraft (2013)
North American B-25 Mitchell Bomber (2 stamps of Guyana, 1993-1994)
North American B-25 Mitchell Bombers over Gustav Line 1944 St. Vincent Grenadines 4/2/1990 45c issue=50th Anniversary of Second World War

B-25s take off to raid Tokyo April 18, 1942 United States 8/17/1992 29c issue=1942: Into the Battle dt=World War II (1991)
B-25 Bomber
B-25 Bomber Sierra Leone 7/10/1995 300le issue=50th Anniversary of End of Second World War in the Pacific
B-25 Mitchell
B-25 Mitchell Marshall Islands 10/14/2013 46c issue=Legendary Aircraft of WWII 2013
B-25 Mitchell (1995) Grenada Grenadines 5/8/1995 $2 issue=50th Anniversary of End of Second World War in Europe
B-25 Mitchell (2001) Liberia 9/1/2001 $20 issue=Military Aircraft of the United States 2001 dt=Military Aircraft of the United States (2001)
B-25B Mitchell
B-25B Mitchell Marshall Islands 6/1/1999 33c issue=Legendary Aircraft
B-25D Mitchell
B-25D Mitchell Sierra Leone 2/5/1990 50le dt=USAF aircraft
Mitchell B-25
Mitchell B-25 Central African Republic 2/28/2000 390fr issue=Aviation History
North American B-25B Mitchell
North American B-25B Mitchell Cambodia 9/15/1995 200r dt=Second World War Planes
North American B-25C Mitchell
North American B-25C Mitchell Ascension 6/15/1982 10p issue=Wideawake Airfield 40th
North American B-25J Mitchell
North American B-25J Mitchell (2 stamps, Liberia & Virgin Islands, 1994-2003)
North American Mitchell III
North American Mitchell III Bahamas 4/1/1998 50c issue=80th Anniversary of the Royal Air Force

External links:
Wikipedia article