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"Mallard", Great Britain

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  • Colnect-1468-410--quot-Mallard-quot--Greatbritain.jpg
Name: "Mallard", Great Britain
Type: train type

Appearing in designs:
"Mallard", Great Britain St. Thomas & Prince Islands 12/31/1982 16db issue=Locomotives 1982 dt=locomotives (1982 St. Thomas & Prince Islands)
Class A4 "Mallard", Great Britain Grenada Grenadines 8/28/1996 $1.50 issue=Trains of the World 1996 dt=Steam Locomotives

No synonyms.
Prev train type: "Lion", Great Britain (1838)
Next train type: "Metroliner", Amtrak

Prev railway vehicle: "Dragon" (1848)
Next railway vehicle: M 152.0

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