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  • Colnect-3947-615-Coryphaena-Hippurus.jpg
  • CY012.04.jpg
  • Colnect-2237-579-Child-on-dolphin.jpg
  • Colnect-1893-626-Chinese-junks-dolphins-jumping-in-water.jpg
  • Colnect-156-402-Cross-Anchor-and-jumping-Dolphin.jpg
  • Colnect-3124-259-Diver-Dolphins.jpg
  • Colnect-982-065-Dolphin-fish.jpg
  • Colnect-2816-406-Dolphin-Swallow.jpg
  • Colnect-131-300-Dolphin-and-diver.jpg
  • Colnect-3107-462-Dolphin-Drake-rsquo-s-ship-Golden-Hinde.jpg
  • Colnect-982-063-Dolphin-jumping-out-of-water.jpg
  • Colnect-2234-376-Dolphin-Letter-of-Africa.jpg
  • Colnect-2205-727-Dolphin-pelican-troupial.jpg
  • TH088.04.jpg
  • Colnect-5906-580-Dolphins.jpg
  • Colnect-797-358-London-Series.jpg
  • Colnect-172-023-dolphins.jpg
  • Colnect-1416-569-Dolphins.jpg
  • Colnect-2206-181-Dolphins.jpg
  • Colnect-3226-802-Long-beaked-Dolphin-Stenella-longirostris-.jpg
  • Colnect-1210-627-Dolphins.jpg
  • Colnect-1989-642-Dolphins.jpg
  • HK030.02.jpg
  • Colnect-2247-524-Hector-s-Dolphin-Cephalorhynchus-hectori.jpg
  • Colnect-4391-362-Dolphins-Sea-lion.jpg
  • Colnect-4391-353-Dolphinsm-Hawksbill-turtle.jpg
  • Colnect-4071-497-Jacques---Yves-Cousteau---Marine-Scientist-1910-97.jpg
Name: dolphin
Type: mammal

Appearing in designs:
child on dolphin (8 stamps of Netherlands, 1929)
Chinese junks & dolphins jumping in water Hong Kong 7/1/1997 $3.10 issue=Establishment of Hong Kong as Special Administrative Region of People's Republic of China
Cross Anchor & jumping dolphin Denmark 11/9/1967 90(o) issue=Seamans Church 100th
diving with dolphins Turks & Caicos Islands 8/21/1981 $1 issue=Diving
dolphin (15 stamps, New Zealand & 13 others, 1969-2014)
dolphin & fish Aruba 5/28/1997 90c dt=marine life (1997 Aruba)
dolphin & Swallow Nauru 8/9/1993 60c issue=24th South Pacific Forum
dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) (3 stamps, Cyprus & French Polynesia, 2004-2008)
dolphin and diver Malta 5/27/1998 2c issue=International Year of the Ocean
dolphin Drake’s ship Golden Hinde Palau 5/25/1992 29c issue=Age of Discovery from Columbus to Drake
dolphin jumping out of water Aruba 5/28/1997 90c dt=marine life (1997 Aruba)
dolphin Letter of Africa Angola 12/10/1996 300000Kz issue=MPLA 40th
dolphin pelican troupial Netherlands Antilles 8/4/1994 35c issue=PHILAKOREA '94
dolphin Watching, Chachoengsao Thailand 9/28/2004 3b issue=Unseen Thailand (Series 3)
dolphins (2 stamps, Grenada & Palau, 1991-1996)
dolphins & anemones Hong Kong 7/1/2002 $1.40 issue=Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 5th
dolphins (1945) (19 stamps of Guadeloupe, 1945)
dolphins (1970) Greece 1/16/1970 1d dt=Greek mosaics
dolphins (1982) Bahamas 8/18/1982 $1 dt=animals (1982 Bahamas)
dolphins (1990) Netherlands Antilles 10/31/1990 55+10c issue=Youth Care Campaign
dolphins (1994) French Polynesia 1/12/1994 68fr dt=whales & dolphins (1994)
dolphins (1995 Nauru) (2 stamps of Nauru, 1995)
dolphins (1995 New Zealand) New Zealand 3/22/1995 45c issue=Environment 1995
dolphins Leaping New Zealand 7/24/1991 80c+5c issue=children's health camps
dolphins Sea Lion Grenada 11/7/1996 $1 issue=Marine Life 1996 dt=marine life (1996)
dolphins, hawksbill turtle Grenada 11/7/1996 $1 issue=Marine Life 1996 dt=marine life (1996)
Jacques-Yves Cousteau & dolphin Chad 10/30/2001 300fr issue=Personalities 2001

Appearing in design types:
dolphins & whales (2009) (4 stamps of Nevis, 2009)
dolphins (1980) (2 stamps of China, PRC, 1980)
dolphins (1984) (4 stamps of Marshall Islands, 1984)
dolphins (1990) (5 stamps of Montserrat, 1990)
dolphins (1991) (4 stamps of Transkei, 1991)
dolphins (1993) (2 stamps of Costa Rica, 1993)
dolphins (1994) (5 stamps of Solomon Islands, 1994)
dolphins (1996 Kiribati) (4 stamps of Kiribati, 1996)
dolphins (1996 Tokelau) (4 stamps of Tokelau, 1996)
dolphins (1997) (3 stamps of Norfolk Island, 1997)
dolphins (2000) (4 stamps of Vanuatu, 2000)
dolphins (2003 Papua New Guinea) (12 stamps of Papua New Guinea, 2003)
dolphins (2003 St. Thomas & Prince Islands) (6 stamps of St. Thomas & Prince Islands, 2003)
dolphins (2005 New Caledonia) (3 stamps of New Caledonia, 2005)
dolphins (2005 Samoa) (3 stamps of Samoa, 2005)
dolphins (2006 Cambodia) (6 stamps of Cambodia, 2006)
dolphins (2006 Namibia) (5 stamps of Namibia, 2006)
dolphins (2007) (4 stamps of Marshall Islands, 2007)
dolphins (2009 Dominica) (10 stamps of Dominica, 2009)
dolphins (2009 Micronesia) (10 stamps of Micronesia, 2009)
dolphins (2009 Nevis) (2 stamps of Nevis, 2009)
dolphins (2009 Palau) (10 stamps of Palau, 2009)
dolphins (2010) (4 stamps of Penrhyn, 2010)
dolphins (2011) (8 stamps of Burundi, 2011)
dolphins and porpoises (4 stamps of Tuvalu, 1998)
dolphins and whales (1993) (4 stamps of Oman, 1993)
dolphins and whales (2006) (4 stamps of China, ROC, 2006)
dolphins Around Aruba (4 stamps of Aruba, 2009)
dolphins of the Australian Coastline (4 stamps of Australia, 2009)
dolphins of the world (5 stamps of Montserrat, 2008)
whales & dolphins (1993) (2 stamps of Argentina, 1993)
whales & dolphins (1994) (3 stamps of French Polynesia, 1994)
whales & dolphins (1995) (4 stamps of Australian Antarctic Territory, 1995)
whales & dolphins (1998) (4 stamps of British Indian Ocean Territory, 1998)
whales & dolphins (2010) (10 stamps of Antigua, 2010)
whales & dolphins (2012) (12 stamps of Aitutaki, 2012)
whales and dolphins (1975) (4 stamps of Tristan da Cunha, 1975)
whales and dolphins (1984) (7 stamps of Cuba, 1984)
whales and dolphins (1990) (8 stamps of Mongolia, 1990)
whales and dolphins (1994) (12 stamps of South Georgia, 1994)
whales and dolphins (1998) (8 stamps of Kiribati, 1998)
whales and dolphins (2001 Ghana) (18 stamps of Ghana, 2001)
whales and dolphins (2001 Grenada) (26 stamps of Grenada, 2001)
whales and dolphins (2001 Turks & Caicos Islands) (18 stamps of Turks & Caicos Islands, 2001)
whales and dolphins (2008) (4 stamps of Costa Rica, 2008)

No synonyms.

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Next animal: Drymonema sp.

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