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Alexander Pushkin death

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  • Stamp_of_USSR_1131.jpg
  • Stamp_of_USSR_1132.jpg
  • Colnect-4412-722-125th-Death-Anniversary-of-ASPushkin.jpg
  • Colnect-1077-776-135-%C2%B0-anniv-the-death-of-Aleksandr-S-Pushkin-1799-1837.jpg
Name: Alexander Pushkin death
Type: end
Person: Alexander Pushkin
Date: 1837

Pushkin death 110th Russia 1947
Pushkin death 125th Russia 1962
135th Anniversary of the Death of Alexander Pushkin Senegal 1972
180th Anniversary of the Death of Alexander Pushkin - Central African Republic, Djibouti, St. Thomas & Prince Islands, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Togo (6) 2017

Not in any designs.

A.S. Pushkin death

Wikipedia article