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Pope John Paul II

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Name: Pope John Paul II
Type: person
Titles: pope
Dates: 1920 – 2005

Pope John Paul II - El Salvador, Vatican City, Paraguay, Poland, Mongolia, Niger, Guyana, Republic of the Congo, Liberia, Chad, Guinea, Mozambique, GuineaBissau, Tuvalu, Central African Republic (15) 1979
Pope John Paul II 1996 Vatican City 1996
Pope John Paul II 1998 Chad 1998
Pope John Paul II 1999 Chad 1999
Pope John Paul II 2002 Guinea 2002
Pope John Paul II 2004 b Guinea 2004
Pope John Paul II 2004 Guinea 2004
Pope John Paul II 2008 Grenada 2008
Pope John Paul II birth 1920
— Pope John Paul II 70th - German Democratic Republic, Poland (2) 1990
Pope John Paul II 75th Poland 1995
— 80th Anniversary of the Birth of Pope John Paul II - Grenada Grenadines, Liberia, Guyana (3) 2000
— 80th birthday of Pope John Paul II - Micronesia, Palau, Sierra Leone, Vatican City (4) 2000
Pope John Paul II 80th Poland 2000
90th Anniversary of the Birth of Pope John Paul II Grenada 2010
Pope John Paul II 90th Papua New Guinea 2010
90th Anniversary of Pope John Paul II St. Thomas & Princes 2010
Pope John Paul II visit to Ireland 1979
Pope John Paul II visit to Ireland Ireland 1979
Pope John Paul II visit to Poland 1979
Pope John Paul II visit to Poland Poland 1979
Pope John Paul II visit to Ivory Coast 1980
Pope John Paul II visit to Ivory Coast Ivory Coast 1980
Pope John Paul II visit to San Marino 1982
Pope John Paul II visit to San Marino San Marino 1982
Pope John Paul II visit (Belize) 1983
Pope John Paul II visit Belize 1983
Pope John Paul II visit to Poland 1983 1983
Pope John Paul II visit to Poland 1983 Poland 1983
Pope John Paul II visit to Solomon Islands 1984
Pope John Paul II visit to Solomon Islands Solomon Islands 1984
Pope John Paul II visit to Belgium 1985
Pope John Paul II visit to Belgium Belgium 1985
Pope John Paul II visit to Germany 1987
Pope John Paul II visit to Germany Germany 1987
Pope John Paul II visit (Cape Verde) 1990
Pope John Paul II visit Cape Verde 1990
Pope John Paul II visit 1990
Pope John Paul II visit GuineaBissau 1990
Pope John Paul II visit to Burundi 1990
Pope John Paul II visit to Burundi Burundi 1990
Pope John Paul II visit to Malta 1990
Pope John Paul II visit to Malta Malta 1990
Pope John Paul II visit to Angola 1992
Pope John Paul II visit to Angola Angola 1992
Pope John Paul II visit to Slovakia 1995
Pope John Paul II visit to Slovakia Slovakia 1995
Pope John Paul II death 2005
— Pope John Paul II memorial - Aitutaki, Antigua, Ascension, Belize, Bhutan, Cayman Islands, Chile, Dominica, Gambia, Germany, Gibraltar, Grenada Grenadines, GuineaBissau, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Israel, Lesotho, Liberia, Malta, Micronesia, Palau, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, St. Kitts, Tokelau, Tristan da Cunha, Tuvalu, Uruguay, Virgin Islands, Zambia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Sierra Leone, Mongolia (37) 2005
— Death of Pope John Paul II - St. Vincent, Bequia, Canouan, Vatican City (4) 2005
— 1st Anniversary of the Death of Pope John Paul II - Ghana, Philippines, Trinidad & Tobago (3) 2006
1st Anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II Zimbabwe 2006
— 5th Anniversary of the Death of Pope John Paul II - Antigua, Grenada Grenadines, Liberia, Micronesia, Palau, Sierra Leone, Tuvalu, Guyana, St. Kitts (9) 2010
Pope John Paul II death 5th Uganda 2010
— 10th Anniversary of the Death of Pope John Paul II - Micronesia, St. Vincent (2) 2015
John Paul II death 2005
— John Paul II memorial - Bolivia, Marshall Islands (2) 2005

Appearing in designs:
Father Joseph Vaz and Pope John Paul II Sri Lanka 1/20/1995 1.00r issue=Papal Visit and Beatification of Father Joseph Vaz
Havana Cathedral and Pope John Paul II Cuba 1/18/1998 65c issue=Papal Visit 1998
Hermano Pedro and Pope John Paul II Guatemala 7/16/2002 0.50q issue=3rd Visit of Pope John Paul II and the 12th Anniversary Canonisation of Hermano Pedro
King Abdullah II and Pope John Paul II Jordan 3/20/2000 100f issue=36th Anniversary of Pope Paul VI's Visit to Jordan
King Mswati III with Pope John Paul II Swaziland 11/15/1989 60c issue=21st birthday of King Mswati III
Pope John Paul II (13 stamps, Antigua & 6 others, 1982-2015)
Pope John Paul II & Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Poland 6/2/1979 8.40z issue=Pope John Paul II visit to Poland
Pope John Paul II & Cracow Cathedral Poland 6/2/1979 1.50z issue=Pope John Paul II visit to Poland
Pope John Paul II & Fortaleza church Brazil 6/24/1980 4cr issue=Pope visit
Pope John Paul II & map of West Africa Central African Republic 9/22/1992 500fr dt=Celebrities, Anniversaries and Events
Pope John Paul II & Mother Teresa Central African Republic 3/2/2015 1200fr issue=Pope John Paul II 2015
Pope John Paul II & President Carlos Roberto Flores Honduras 1/1/2000 14l issue=Holy Year 2000
Pope John Paul II & Queen Elizabeth II Tuvalu 7/25/2005 $4 issue=Pope John Paul II memorial
Pope John Paul II & Sister Anuarite (2 stamps of Zaire, 1986)
Pope John Paul II (1979 Cameroun) Cameroun 10/23/1979 100fr dt=popes (1979)
Pope John Paul II (1979 Gabon) Gabon 1/24/1979 100fr dt=Popes of (1978)
Pope John Paul II (1979 Ireland) Ireland 9/29/1979 12p issue=Pope John Paul II visit to Ireland
Pope John Paul II (1979 Poland) Poland 6/2/1979 50z issue=Pope John Paul II visit to Poland
Pope John Paul II (1980) Ecuador 12/24/1980 10.60s issue=Christmas 1980
Pope John Paul II (1981) (4 stamps of Philippines, 1981)
Pope John Paul II (1982 Argentina) Argentina 6/12/1982 5000p issue=Papal Visit
Pope John Paul II (1982 Gabon) Gabon 2/16/1982 100fr issue=Papal Visit 1982
Pope John Paul II (1982 San Marino) San Marino 8/29/1982 900l issue=Pope John Paul II visit to San Marino
Pope John Paul II (1983 Costa Rica) Costa Rica 3/1/1983 5col issue=Papal Visit 1983
Pope John Paul II (1983 Liechtenstein) Liechtenstein 9/5/1983 80(rp)
Pope John Paul II (1983 Nicaragua) Nicaragua 3/1/1983 7cord issue=Visit of Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II (1983 Panama) (2 stamps of Panama, 1983)
Pope John Paul II (1984 Guatemala) (2 stamps of Guatemala, 1984)
Pope John Paul II (1984 Korea) (2 stamps of Korea, 1984)
Pope John Paul II (1984 Paraguay) Paraguay 3/23/1984 0.25g issue=Christmas 1983
Pope John Paul II (1985 Cameroun) Cameroun 8/5/1985 60fr issue=Papal Visit to Cameroun
Pope John Paul II (1985 Paraguay) (2 stamps of Paraguay, 1985)
Pope John Paul II (1985 Peru) Peru 1/31/1985 2000s issue=Papal Visit
Pope John Paul II (1986) Zaire 2/21/1986 10z issue=Beatification of Sister Anuarite Nengapeta
Pope John Paul II (1988 Paraguay) (2 stamps of Paraguay, 1988)
Pope John Paul II (1988 Peru) Peru 3/14/1988 10i issue=Coronation of Virgin of Evangelization, Lima
Pope John Paul II (1989) Spain 8/19/1989 50pta issue=Visit of Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II (1990 Burundi) (6 stamps of Burundi, 1990)
Pope John Paul II (1990 Cape Verde) (3 stamps of Cape Verde, 1990)
Pope John Paul II (1990 German Democratic Republic) German Democratic Republic 5/15/1990 35pf issue=Pope John Paul II 70th
Pope John Paul II (1990 Malta) Malta 5/25/1990 25c issue=Pope John Paul II visit to Malta
Pope John Paul II (1990 Rwanda) (3 stamps of Rwanda, 1990)
Pope John Paul II (1991 Brazil) Brazil 10/6/1991 50.00cr issue=Papal Visit and the 12th Anniversary of the National Eucharistic Congress, Natal
Pope John Paul II (1991 Niger) Niger 7/15/1991 600fr dt=Anniversaries and Events (1991 Niger)
Pope John Paul II (1991 Palau) Palau 4/28/1991 29c issue=100th Anniversary of Christianity in Palau Islands
Pope John Paul II (1991 Poland) Poland 6/1/1991 1000z issue=Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II (1992 Poland) Poland 8/15/1992 3000z
Pope John Paul II (1992 Republic of the Congo) Republic of the Congo 2/4/1992 500fr dt=Celebrities, Anniversaries and Events
Pope John Paul II (1992) Gambia 2/20/1992 1d issue=Visit of Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II (1993 Albania) Albania 4/25/1993 16l issue=Visit of the Pope
Pope John Paul II (1993 Latvia) Latvia 8/28/1993 15s
Pope John Paul II (1993 Mongolia) (2 stamps of Mongolia, 1993)
Pope John Paul II (1993 Poland) Poland 10/17/1993 20000z issue=Election of Pope John Paul II 15th
Pope John Paul II (1993 Uruguay) Uruguay 5/3/1993 2p issue=Polska '93
Pope John Paul II (1994) Fiji 12/16/1994 $2.00 issue=150th Anniversary of the Arrival of Catholic Missionaries in Fiji
Pope John Paul II (1995 Grenada) Grenada 12/13/1995 $6 issue=Papal Visit to New York
Pope John Paul II (1995 Philippines) Philippines 1/2/1995 2p issue=Papal Visit 1995
Pope John Paul II (1995 Poland) Poland 5/18/1995 80gr issue=Pope John Paul II 75th
Pope John Paul II (1996) (2 stamps of Slovenia, 1996)
Pope John Paul II (1997 Uruguay) Uruguay 11/7/1997 10p
Pope John Paul II (1997) Brazil 9/22/1997 r$1.20 issue=2nd Anniversary of the World Meeting of Pope with Families, Rio de Janeiro
Pope John Paul II (1998) Dominican Republic 10/22/1998 $10 issue=20th Anniversary of Pontificate of Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II (1999 Guinea) Guinea 2/3/1999 750fr issue=Personalities and Humanitarian Organizations
Pope John Paul II (1999 Guyana) Guyana 6/22/1999 $50 issue=International Year of Older Persons
Pope John Paul II (1999 Mali) Mali 12/25/1999 100fr issue=2000th Anniversary of the Birth of Jesus Christ
Pope John Paul II (1999) Romania 5/7/1999 6300l issue=Visit of Pope John Paul II to Romania
Pope John Paul II (2000) (5 stamps, Poland & 3 others, 2000)
Pope John Paul II (2002) (3 stamps, Guatemala & Guinea, 2002)
Pope John Paul II (2003) (4 stamps, Syria & 3 others, 2003)
Pope John Paul II (2004) (3 stamps, Solomon Islands & Micronesia, 2004)
Pope John Paul II (2005) (25 stamps, Ascension & 24 others, 2005)
Pope John Paul II (2006) (2 stamps of St. Thomas & Prince Islands, 2006)
Pope John Paul II (2007) El Salvador 11/22/2007 $0.01 issue=Pope
Pope John Paul II (2011) (2 stamps, Poland & Kiribati, 2011)
Pope John Paul II (2014 Austria) Austria 6/5/2014 62(c) dt=popes (2014)
Pope John Paul II (2014 Spain) Spain 9/25/2014 0.92€
Pope John Paul II (2014 Vatican City) (2 stamps of Vatican City, 2014)
Pope John Paul II (2014) (8 stamps, Central African Republic & 2 others, 2014)
Pope John Paul II (2015) (8 stamps, Central African Republic & 2 others, 2015)
Pope John Paul II (2016) (4 stamps, Niger & Sierra Leone, 2016)
Pope John Paul II and Cathedral Grenada 12/13/1995 $1 issue=Papal Visit to New York
Pope John Paul II and Cathedral in Krakow Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serb administration 4/21/2005 1.50m
Pope John Paul II and King Abdullah II (3 stamps of Jordan, 2000)
Pope John Paul II and Laurean Cardinal Rugambwa Tanzania 12/9/2005 600sh dt=anniversaries & events (2005)
Pope John Paul II and map of Americas (2 stamps of El Salvador, 1979)
Pope John Paul II and Square in Vatican Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serb administration 4/21/2005 5.00m
Pope John Paul II and Statue of Liberty Grenada 12/13/1995 $1 issue=Papal Visit to New York
Pope John Paul II and view of Siluva Lithuania 9/3/1993 60c issue=Papal Visit
Pope John Paul II holding Crucifix Cameroun 8/5/1985 70fr issue=Papal Visit to Cameroun
Pope John Paul II venerating Portrait Dominican Republic 10/22/1998 5p issue=20th Anniversary of Pontificate of Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II wearing white Poland 6/1/1991 2000z issue=Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II with Lech Walesa Grenada 8/22/2005 $4 issue=Pope John Paul II Commemoration
Pope John Paul II, Archbishop of Canterbury and President Limann (4 stamps of Ghana, 1981)
President Biya and Pope John Paul II Cameroun 8/5/1985 200fr issue=Papal Visit to Cameroun
President Gorbachev meeting Pope John Paul II Central African Republic 7/27/1990 200fr dt=Anniversaries and Events (1990)
Princess Diana with Pope John Paul II (2 stamps of Mozambique, 2002)
QEII & Pope John Paul II Micronesia 5/25/2015 $1 issue=Queen Elizabeth II - Longest Reigning Monarch in British History

Jean Paul II
Jean Paul II (7 stamps, Central African Republic & Sierra Leone, 2015-2016)
John Paul II
Alberto Marvelli & John Paul II San Marino 2/28/2005 1,80€ issue=Beatification of Alberto Marvelli
Anatoliy Karpov, Pope John Paul II GuineaBissau 6/25/2003 450fcfa issue=Famous People 2003
John Paul II (11 stamps, Central African Republic & 3 others, 2014-2016)
John Paul II & Jesus & St Peters Vatican City 4/12/2011 0.75€ issue=John Paul II beatification
John Paul II (1983) Austria 9/9/1983 6s
John Paul II (1986) Belize 4/15/1986 50c issue=Easter 1986 dt=20th-century popes
John Paul II (2000) (3 stamps, Antigua & Vatican City, 2000)
John Paul II (2002) (2 stamps of Mozambique, 2002)
John Paul II (2007) Panama 6/28/2007 0.50b issue=Homage to the Popes
John Paul II (2009) Vatican City 2/10/2009 0.65€ issue=80th Anniversary of the Creation of the State of Vatican City
John Paul II (2010) Portugal 5/10/2010 0.80€ issue=Pope Benedict XVI visits Portugal
John Paul II (2014) (4 stamps of Poland, 2014)
John Paul II at Western Wall Vatican City 9/25/2001 3000(l) issue=Journeys of Pope John Paul II 2001
John Paul II Portrait 1 Poland 6/8/1987 15z issue=State Visit Of Pope John Paul II
John Paul II Portrait 2 Poland 6/8/1987 45z issue=State Visit Of Pope John Paul II
John Paul II, 1920-2005 Chad 4/21/2017 800fr issue=20th Anniversary of the Death of Mother Teresa
Lech Valesa, Pope John Paul II GuineaBissau 6/25/2003 450fcfa issue=Famous People 2003
Meir Lau & Pope John Paul II Antigua 10/10/2005 $3 issue=Pope John Paul II memorial
Portrait of Pope John Paul II North Macedonia 5/9/2006 60(d) issue=10th Anniversary of the first Europa stamps
Prime Minister Aneerood Jugnauth greeting Pope John Paul II Mauritius 10/13/1989 40c issue=Pope visit
Vatican, Pope John Paul II Guinea 11/5/2007 25000fr issue=Art - Churches & Popes
Pope Jean Paul II
Mother Teresa & Pope Jean Paul II (2 stamps of Sierra Leone, 2016)
Pope Jean Paul II (2 stamps of Sierra Leone, 2016)
Pope Jean Paul II & Karol Jozef Wojtyla Guinea 12/7/2007 25000fr issue=Year of Europe Equality
Pope Jean Paul II & Mere Teresa Guinea 12/7/2007 25000fr issue=Year of Europe Equality
Pope Jean Paul II, President Gorbachev Guinea 8/3/1990 300fr dt=Anniversaries and Events (1990)
Prev person: John Paul I
Next person: John Robert Gregg

External links:
Wikipedia article