Name: Supermarine Spitfire
Type: airplane
Appearing in designs:
Flight of Supermarine Spitfires Great Britain 9/13/1965 4d issue=Battle of Britain 25th
Potez P63-11 & Supermarine Spitfire Djibouti 5/21/1979 250fr issue=75th Anniversary of Powered Flight
Supermarine Spitfire & Nose of German FW 190 Mali 6/6/1994 400fr issue=50th Anniversary of D-Day
Supermarine Spitfire (1993 Dominica) Dominica 5/28/1993 $5 issue=75th Anniversary of Royal Air Force
Supermarine Spitfire (1993 Grenada Grenadines) Grenada Grenadines 12/21/1993 $6 dt=aviation anniversaries (1993)
Supermarine Spitfire (1993) Bermuda 4/1/1993 60c issue=75th Anniversary of Royal Air Force
Supermarine Spitfire (1995) Barbados 5/8/1995 55c issue=50th Anniversary of End of Second World War
Supermarine Spitfire (1998) Turks & Caicos Islands 8/18/1998 60c issue=80th Anniversary of Royal Air Force
Supermarine Spitfire (2000) St. Vincent 12/18/2000 $5 issue=60th Anniversary of Battle of Britain dt=Airplanes
Supermarine Spitfire (2001) Liberia 9/1/2001 $25 issue=History of Aviation 2001 dt=History of Aviation (2001)
Supermarine Spitfire (2003) Turks & Caicos Islands 8/25/2003 $2.00 issue=100th Anniversary of First Manned Flight
Supermarine Spitfire (2004) Guernsey 5/12/2004 26p issue=Memories of Second World War
Supermarine Spitfire (2005) Falkland Islands 6/29/2005 24p issue=60th Anniversary of the End of WWII
Supermarine Spitfire (2006) Cuba 7/20/2006 75c issue=Airplanes 2006 dt=airplanes (2006 Cuba)
Supermarine Spitfire (2008) Virgin Islands 4/1/2008 18c issue=90th Anniversary of Royal Air Force
Supermarine Spitfire (2009) Great Britain 1/13/2009 1st issue=British Design Classics
Supermarine Spitfire (2010) Gibraltar 2/21/2010 50p issue=70th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain
Supermarine Spitfire (2018) Togo 6/28/2018 800F issue=Battle of Britain 2018
Supermarine Spitfire K9998 Ascension 5/7/2010 50p issue=70th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain
Supermarine Spitfire Mk IXb from above Grenada 9/15/1998 $2 issue=80th Anniversary of Royal Air Force
Supermarine Spitfire Mk IXb from side Grenada 9/15/1998 $2 issue=80th Anniversary of Royal Air Force
Supermarine Spitfire Mk V "St. Lucia" St. Lucia 5/8/1995 $1.10 issue=50th Anniversary of End of Second World War
Supermarine Spitfire Mk XXIV, 1948 Nevis 3/5/1986 $4 issue=50th Anniversary of Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire Mk. I "Falkland Isl… Falkland Islands 5/3/1990 12p issue=London 90
Supermarine Spitfire Mk. I “Falkland Isl… Falkland Islands 5/3/1990 26p issue=London 90
Supermarine Spitfire Prototype K5054 under construction Gibraltar 9/28/2011 2£ issue=75th Anniversary of the Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire Prototype, 1936 Nevis 3/5/1986 $1 issue=50th Anniversary of Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire R6803 Ascension 5/7/2010 50p issue=70th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain
Supermarine Spitfire R6885 Ascension 5/7/2010 50p issue=70th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain
Supermarine Spitfire X4036 Ascension 5/7/2010 50p issue=70th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain
Supermarine Spitfire, Great Britain Cuba 7/30/1995 10c dt=WWII combat aircraft
Supermarine Spitfires on patrol Great Britain 7/16/2015 1st issue=75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain
— Supermarine Spitfire Mk 1 and Mk XIV Ghana 5/5/1998 3000c issue=History of Aviation
— aviators with Hurricane and Spitfire Malta 9/23/2005 51c issue=Battle of Malta
— Churchill & Spitfires Togo 11/1/1974 200f issue=Winston Churchill 100th
— Spitfire Marshall Islands 10/14/2013 46c issue=Legendary Aircraft of WWII 2013
— Spitfire (1967) Bhutan 6/26/1967 4nu dt=WWII airplanes
— Spitfire (1997) Isle of Man 4/24/1997 36p issue=Airplanes 1997 dt=airplanes (1997)
— Spitfire (2000) Barbuda 10/16/2000 $6 issue=60th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain
— Spitfire (2004) Marshall Islands 8/12/2004 23c issue=Worlds Greatest Aircrafts
— Spitfire (2008) Great Britain 9/18/2008 20p issue=Military Uniforms (2nd series) - RAF
— Spitfire (2018) Isle of Man 1/15/2018 1st issue=100 Years of the Royal Air Force
— Spitfire Aircraft (2 stamps, Antigua & Barbuda, 2000)
— Spitfire and EF2000 Eurofighter Guyana 11/16/1998 $200 issue=80th Anniversary of Royal Air Force
— Spitfire attacking Heinkel bomber Great Britain 9/13/1965 4d issue=Battle of Britain 25th
— Spitfire attacking Junkers Stuka Dive-bomber Great Britain 9/13/1965 4d issue=Battle of Britain 25th
— Spitfire sortie Alderney 5/4/2010 50p issue=70th Anniv. of Battle of Britain
— Spitfires & Churchill Togo 11/1/1974 40fr issue=Winston Churchill 100th
— Spitfires Battle of Britain Nauru 4/21/2005 75c issue=60th Anniversary of the end of World War II
— Spitfires Scramble Falkland Islands 5/3/1990 62p issue=London 90
Spitfire 1A
— Spitfire 1A / Hurricane I Gambia 5/8/1990 1.25d dt=RAF aircraft of World War II
Spitfire Mk VB
— Spitfire Mk VB - Soviet Air Force Gambia 9/13/1996 4d issue=65th Anniversary of Britain's Victory in Schneider Trophy Air Race
— Spitfire Mk VB - Turkish Air Force Gambia 9/13/1996 4d issue=65th Anniversary of Britain's Victory in Schneider Trophy Air Race
— Spitfire Mk VB - United State Army Air Gambia 9/13/1996 4d issue=65th Anniversary of Britain's Victory in Schneider Trophy Air Race
Spitfire Mk VIII
— Spitfire Mk VIII - Royal Australian Air Force Gambia 9/13/1996 4d issue=65th Anniversary of Britain's Victory in Schneider Trophy Air Race
Spitfire Mk. IB
— Churchill, Spitfire Mk. IB Nicaragua 10/5/2000 5.00cd issue=Politicians of the 20th Century
Spitfire PR Mk XIX
— Spitfire PR Mk XIX Gambia 9/13/1996 4d issue=65th Anniversary of Britain's Victory in Schneider Trophy Air Race
Supermarine Spitfire F.22
— Supermarine Spitfire F.22 Ascension 4/1/1998 40p issue=80th Anniversary of Royal Air Force
Supermarine Spitfire H.F. Mark VIII
— Supermarine Spitfire H.F. Mark VIII Grenada 7/20/1998 $1.50 issue=History of the Supermarine Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire IIc
— Supermarine Spitfire IIc Guernsey 4/28/2000 65p issue=60th Anniversary of Battle of Britain dt=RAF aircraft
Supermarine Spitfire LF Mk IXE
— Supermarine Spitfire LF Mk IXE Czech Republic 1/20/2015 A issue=They Brought Freedom
Supermarine Spitfire Mark IA
— Supermarine Spitfire Mark IA Grenada 7/20/1998 $6 issue=History of the Supermarine Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire Mark III
— Supermarine Spitfire Mark III Grenada 7/20/1998 $1.50 issue=History of the Supermarine Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire Mark IX
— Supermarine Spitfire Mark IX (2 stamps of Grenada, 1998)
Supermarine Spitfire Mark V
— Supermarine Spitfire Mark V Grenada 7/20/1998 $1.50 issue=History of the Supermarine Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire Mark VB
— Supermarine Spitfire Mark VB Grenada 7/20/1998 $1.50 issue=History of the Supermarine Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire Mark VIII
Supermarine Spitfire Mark XI
— Supermarine Spitfire Mark XI Grenada 7/20/1998 $1.50 issue=History of the Supermarine Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire Mark XII
— Supermarine Spitfire Mark XII Grenada 7/20/1998 $1.50 issue=History of the Supermarine Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire Mark XIV
— Supermarine Spitfire Mark XIV Grenada 7/20/1998 $1.50 issue=History of the Supermarine Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire Mark XIX
— Supermarine Spitfire Mark XIX Grenada 7/20/1998 $1.50 issue=History of the Supermarine Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire Mark XVI
— Supermarine Spitfire Mark XVI Grenada 7/20/1998 $1.50 issue=History of the Supermarine Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire Mk 1
— Supermarine Spitfire Mk 1 Jersey 10/30/1975 10p issue=50th Anniversary of the Royal Air Forces Association Jersey
— Supermarine Spitfire Mk 1 and Mk XIV Ghana 5/5/1998 3000c issue=History of Aviation
Supermarine Spitfire Mk 1A
— Supermarine Spitfire Mk 1A (2 stamps, Gambia & Nevis, 1986-1990)
Supermarine Spitfire Mk I
— Supermarine Spitfire Mk I Grenada 7/20/1998 $1.50 issue=History of the Supermarine Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire Mk I "Bahamas I"
— Supermarine Spitfire Mk I "Bahamas I" Bahamas 5/3/1990 $1 issue=STAMP WORLD LONDON '90
Supermarine Spitfire Mk II
— Supermarine Spitfire Mk II (2 stamps of St. Lucia, 1985)
Supermarine Spitfire Mk IIa
— Supermarine Spitfire Mk IIa Grenada 9/15/1998 $2 issue=80th Anniversary of Royal Air Force
Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX
— Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX Ascension 6/20/2008 40p issue=90th Anniversary of the Royal Air Force
— Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX (1998) Ghana 5/5/1998 800c issue=History of Aviation
Supermarine Spitfire MK Vb
— Supermarine Spitfire MK Vb St. Kitts 5/8/1995 $2 issue=50th Anniversary of End of Second World War
— Supermarine Spitfire MK Vb No 345 SQN St. Kitts 9/15/1990 $3 issue=Battle of Britain 50th
— Supermarine Spitfire MK Vb No 71 SQN St. Kitts 9/15/1990 $3 issue=Battle of Britain 50th
Supermarine Spitfire Mk VIII
— Supermarine Spitfire Mk VIII (1995) Vanuatu 9/1/1995 70vt issue=50th Anniversary of the End of the Pacific War
— Supermarine Spitfire Mk VIII (1998) Grenada 7/20/1998 $1.50 issue=History of the Supermarine Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire Mk XI
— Supermarine Spitfire Mk XI Guyana 6/20/1994 $6 issue=50th Anniversary of D-Day
Supermarine Spitfire Mk XII
— Supermarine Spitfire Mk XII Nevis 3/5/1986 $3 issue=50th Anniversary of Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire MK. IIA
— RAF 'Gibraltar' Supermarine Spitfire MK. IIA Gibraltar 9/15/2000 30p issue=Wings of Prey II
Supermarine Spitfire Mk.1
— Supermarine Spitfire Mk.1 Guinea 2/8/2002 4000fr issue=Military Aircraft of the World
Supermarine Spitfire PR.19
— Supermarine Spitfire PR.19 Bahamas 4/1/1998 50c issue=80th Anniversary of the Royal Air Force |
External links:
Wikipedia article |