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HMS Swallow (synonym of HMS Swallow (1766))

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  • Colnect-3955-221--HMS-Swallow--survey-ship-1767.jpg
  • Colnect-3979-872-HMS-Swallow-1767.jpg
  • PHILIP-CARTERET-and-HMS--quot-SWALLOW-quot-.jpg
  • Colnect-6008-930-HMS-Dolphin-and-HMS-Swallow-off-Magellan-Strait.jpg
  • Colnect-4449-513-HMS--Swallow--and-HMS--Dolphin--1751.jpg
  • STS-Solomons-2-300dpi.jpg-crop-476x331at1887-2384.jpg
Name: HMS Swallow
Type: ship
Synonym of: HMS Swallow (1766)

Appearing in designs:
Carteret & HMS Swallow Solomon Islands 2/1/1972 15c dt=explorers & their ships (1971)
HMS Dolphin & HMS Swallow off Magellan Strait Jersey 2/15/1983 11p issue=Carteret 250th dt=historic scenes with ships
HMS Swallow (1988) Pitcairn Islands 8/14/1988 5c issue=1988 dt=ships (1988 Pitcairn Islands)
HMS Swallow (1998) Pitcairn Islands 3/28/1998 90c issue=Millennium dt=sailing ships (1998 Pitcairn Islands)
HMS Swallow and HMS Dolphin St. Helena 8/28/1998 20p issue=1997 dt=sailing ships (1997 St. Helena)
map of Solomon Islands & HMS Swallow & Queen Elizabeth II Solomon Islands 3/1/1956 1sh issue=Elizabeth II pictorials
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