Name: Lunar Module
Type: spacecraft
Appearing in designs:
"Apollo" Lunar Module Maldive Islands 1/10/1988 15r issue=Great Scientific Discoveries
Apollo 11 – Lunar Module Togo 11/5/1979 300f issue=moon landing 10th
Apollo 12 Lunar Module Maldive Islands 8/8/1994 5r issue=Space Exploration 1994
Apollo Lunar Module (8 stamps, New Zealand & 2 others, 1965-2019)
astronaut at base of Lunar Module United States 9/9/1969 10c issue=First Man on the Moon
astronaut Lunar Module on moon Chad 6/12/1970 40fr issue=Apollo
astronaut on Lunar Module ladder St. Thomas & Prince Islands 6/13/1980 1d issue=Moon Landing 10th
astronaut on Lunar Module ladder (1990) Gambia 2/16/1990 75b issue=20th Anniversary of Moon Landing
cutaway drawing of Lunar Module Barbados 7/20/1999 $1.15 issue=30th Anniversary of First Manned Landing on Moon
Eugene A Cernan & Lunar Module Upper Volta 3/29/1973 50fr issue=Apollo 17
Galileo Galilei, his Sketch of Moon, Lunar Module Malta 5/9/2009 0.37€ issue=Europa 2009
Lunar Module (8 stamps, Ascension & 6 others, 1970-2019)
Lunar Module "Eagle" (3 stamps, Togo & Virgin Islands, 1994-2019)
Lunar Module & Edwin Aldrin Moldova 7/20/1999 5l issue=30th Anniversary of First Moon Landing
Lunar Module (1983) Gambia 12/12/1983 1.25d issue=200th Anniversary of Manned Flight
Lunar Module (1990 Antigua) Antigua 6/11/1990 45c dt=space achievements (1990)
Lunar Module (1990 Gambia) Gambia 2/16/1990 8d issue=20th Anniversary of Moon Landing
Lunar Module and Aerial View of JFK Airport Czechoslovakia 7/21/1969 3kc issue=First Man on the Moon
Lunar Module ascent stage (2 stamps, Palau & Sweden, 2009-2019)
Lunar Module before landing Palau 12/10/2009 98c issue=40th Anniversary of the First Man on the Moon
Lunar Module descending (2 stamps of Togo, 1969, 1 is ovpt)
Lunar Module descent Gabon 1/31/1971 40fr issue=Apollo 14 white inscriptions
Lunar Module landing Sierra Leone 5/14/1984 75c issue=15th Anniversary of First Moonwalk
Lunar Module landing (1969) Togo 7/21/1969 30fr issue=moon landing
Lunar Module landing (1971) Gabon 1/31/1971 55fr issue=Apollo 14 white inscriptions
Lunar Module leaves Apollo to land on Moon Grenada 7/20/1989 $5 issue=20th Anniversary of First Manned Landing on Moon
Lunar Module liftoff (2 stamps, Gabon & Grenada Grenadines, 1971-1989)
Lunar Module lifts off Moon Ascension 7/20/1999 50p issue=30th Anniversary of the First Manned Landing on Moon
Lunar Module on Moon Ascension 2/15/1971 50p issue=decimal dt=space (1971 Ascension)
Lunar Module on Moon & Earth & astronaut Poland 8/21/1969 2.50z issue=moon landing
Lunar Module on plain St. Vincent 9/11/1989 $2 issue=20th Anniversary of First Manned Landing on Moon
Lunar Module on surface Bermuda 4/16/2009 $1.10 issue=40th Anniversary of Moon Landing
Lunar Module over Moon Germany 7/1/2019 370(c) issue=50th Anniversary of Apollo 11
Lunar Module return Togo 11/5/1979 50fr issue=moon landing 10th
Lunar Module, Apollo CSM, Vostok, Sputnik 1 Russia 5/29/1992 25r issue=International Space Year
Neil A. Armstrong & Lunar Module Micronesia 3/4/1994 29c issue=Pioneers of Flight c
Appearing in design types:
astronaut & Lunar Module on Moon Qatar 12/6/1969 60d issue=Apollo 11 dt=astronaut & Lunar Module on Moon
Lunar Landing Module
— Lunar Landing Module (2 stamps, Honduras & Maldive Islands, 1969) |
External links:
Wikipedia article |