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John Lennon

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  • John_Lennon_Briefmarke_Deutsche_Bundespost_1988_postfrisch_Schuschke.png
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Name: John Lennon
Type: musician
Dates: 1940 – 1991

John Lennon - Tanzania, Mali (2) 1995
John Lennon 1996 Chad 1996
John Lennon birth 1940
— 75th Anniversary of the Birth of John Lennon - Central African Republic, GuineaBissau, Maldive Islands, Niger, Togo (5) 2015
John Lennon death 1991
John Lennon memorial St. Vincent 1991
— 15th Anniversary of the Death of John Lennon - Antigua (-11), Azerbaijan (-11), Ghana (-11), Guyana (-11), Maldive Islands (-11), Mali (-11), Nicaragua (-11), Palau (-11) (8) 1995

Appearing in designs:
John Lennon (8 stamps, Germany & 3 others, 1988-2018)
John Lennon & William Shakespeare & Sydney Opera House Australia 6/21/1988 $1 issue=Australia 200th - joint issue Australia-Great Britain
John Lennon (1987) (2 stamps, Antigua & Barbuda, 1987, 1 is ovpt)
John Lennon (1992) Madagascar 4/29/1992 350fr issue=Singers and Actors
John Lennon (1994 Burundi) Burundi 3/14/1994 120fr dt=Entertainers (1994 Burundi)
John Lennon (1994 St. Thomas & Prince Islands) St. Thomas & Prince Islands 2/15/1994 10db issue=Actors and Singers dt=actors and Singers
John Lennon (1996) (19 stamps, Chad & 3 others, 1996)
John Lennon (1997) (11 stamps of Zaire, 1997)
John Lennon (1999) (2 stamps of Gibraltar, 1999)
John Lennon (2006) (2 stamps of Guinea, 2006)
John Lennon (2013) Mongolia 12/6/2013 500t issue=The Beatles
John Lennon 1940-1980 English musician The Beatles Cuba 4/5/2016 75c issue=Sculptures by José Villa Soberón
John Lennon wearing eyeglasses Gibraltar 3/20/1999 40p issue=30th Wedding Anniversary of John Lennon and Yoko Ono

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