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Pyrocephalus rubinus (synonym of scarlet flycatcher)

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  • Colnect-1724-412-Vermilion-Flycatcher-Pyrocephalus-rubinus.jpg
  • Colnect-3523-342-Common-Vermilion-Flycatcher-Pyrocephalus-rubinus.jpg
  • Colnect-960-123-Vermilion-Flycatcher%C2%A0Pyrocephalus-rubinus.jpg
  • Colnect-1712-915-Galapagos-Flycatcher-Pyrocephalus-nanus.jpg
  • Colnect-5277-156-Vermilion-flycatcher.jpg
  • Colnect-1725-630-Vermilion-Flycatcher-Pyrocephalus-rubinus.jpg
  • PE079.07.jpg
Name: Pyrocephalus rubinus
Type: bird
Synonym of: scarlet flycatcher

Appearing in designs:
Pyrocephalus rubinus St. Thomas & Prince Islands 12/10/2013 20000db issue=Extinct Birds
Pyrocephalus rubinus (1973) Paraguay 11/14/1973 0.20g issue=Birds 1973 dt=birds (1973 Paraguay)
Pyrocephalus rubinus (1990) Guyana 11/6/1990 $12.80 issue=Birds 1990 c
Pyrocephalus rubinus (1997) Netherlands Antilles 3/26/1997 110c issue=1997 dt=birds (1997 Netherlands Antilles)
Pyrocephalus rubinus (1999 Ecuador) Ecuador 9/3/1999 7000s issue=Charles Darwin Galapagos Islands Protection Foundation
Pyrocephalus rubinus (1999 Grenada Grenadines) Grenada Grenadines 4/26/1999 $1 issue=Fauna and Flora
Pyrocephalus rubinus (1999 Lesotho) Lesotho 6/28/1999 2m issue=Birds of the World 1999
Pyrocephalus rubinus (2000) Antigua 4/17/2000 $6 issue=STAMP SHOW 2000 dt=birds of the Caribbean (2000)
Pyrocephalus rubinus (2007) Peru 9/15/2007 5.50s dt=birds of Peru (2007)
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Next bird: Pyrocephalus rubinus rubinus

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Wikipedia article