Name: Rotary emblem
Type: symbol
Appearing in designs:
cogwheel & Rotary emblem Netherlands Antilles 2/22/1980 80c issue=Rotary International 75th
frog & Rotary emblem Costa Rica 2/23/2005 140col issue=Rotary 100th
globe & Rotary emblem Australia 2/23/1955 3 1/2d issue=Rotary 50th
globes & Rotary emblem Belgium 9/10/1954 4fr issue=Rotary 50th
Haliaeetus vocifer & Rotary emblem (2 stamps of Malawi, 1980)
hand holding torch & globe & Rotary emblem United States 2/23/1955 8c issue=Rotary 50th
map of Europe & Rotary emblem Belgium 9/10/1954 20c issue=Rotary 50th
mermaid & Mercury & Rotary emblem Belgium 9/10/1954 80c issue=Rotary 50th
P. P. Harris and Rotary emblem Cuba 2/23/1955 4c issue=Rotary 50th
Paul Harris & Chicago skyline & Rotary emblem Monaco 4/28/1980 1.80fr issue=Rotary 75th
post office & Imelda Marcos & Rotary emblem (3 stamps of Philippines, 1968)
Rotary emblem & chess board Djibouti 2/23/1985 60Fdj issue=Service Clubs
Rotary emblem & chess piece Tanzania 3/17/1986 20sh issue=Rotary & chess championships
Rotary emblem & map of Cameroun (2 stamps of Cameroun, 1980)
Rotary emblem & map of New Zealand New Zealand 2/10/1971 10c issue=Rotary in New Zealand 50th
Rotary emblem & Mt Fuji Japan 5/13/1978 50y issue=69th Rotary International Convention
Rotary emblem (1955) (5 stamps, Korea & Lebanon, 1955)
Rotary emblem (1968) Chad 1/9/1968 50fr issue=Chad Rotary 10th
Rotary emblem (1978) St. Vincent 7/13/1978 40c dt=service club emblems
Rotary emblem (1979) Cyprus 10/1/1979 125m issue=events 1979
Rotary emblem (1980) (2 stamps, Malawi & Netherlands Antilles, 1980)
Rotary emblem (2005) (2 stamps, Australia & Tanzania, 2005)
Rotary emblem and Peoples of the World Japan 5/29/1961 10y issue=52nd Rotary Convention
Rotary emblem as medal Egypt 2/23/2005 30p issue=Rotary 100th
Rotary emblem in 100 Hungary 2/4/2005 130ft issue=Rotary 100th
Rotary emblem in cogwheels Luxembourg 4/5/1965 3fr issue=Rotary 60th
Rotary emblem map of Bermuda on globe 1626 Bermuda 6/24/1974 25c issue=Rotary in Bermuda 50th
Rotary emblem on Map of France (2 stamps, France & Algeria, 1955, 1 is ovpt)
Rotary emblem over globe Costa Rica 2/7/1956 10c issue=Rotary 50th
Rotary emblem over Rio Brazil 2/23/1955 2.70cr issue=Rotary 50th
Rotary emblem Somerset Drawbridge Somerset Bermuda 6/24/1974 20c issue=Rotary in Bermuda 50th
Rotary emblem St Peters Church St Georges Bermuda 6/24/1974 17c issue=Rotary in Bermuda 50th
Rotary emblem Weather Vane City Hall Hamilton Bermuda 6/24/1974 5c issue=Rotary in Bermuda 50th
tapping rubber tree & Rotary emblem Liberia 12/12/1955 5c issue=Rotary 50th
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