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  • DR-D_1934-132_1942-166_Dienstmarke.jpg
  • Generalgouvernement_1943_D25_Dienstmarke.jpg
  • Generalgouvernement_1940_D1_Dienstmarke.jpg
  • DR_1935_571_Reichsberufswettkampf.jpg
  • Colnect-885-199-Red-Flag-Reichstag-building-and-broken-swastika.jpg
Name: swastika
Type: symbol

Appearing in designs:
eagle & swastika over Cracow Castle (12 stamps of German occupation of Poland, 1943)
eagle over swastika (24 stamps of German occupation of Poland, 1940)
hand holding wreath & swastika (2 stamps of Germany, 1935)
Red star & flag sword broken swastika Russia 5/1/1965 1k issue=WWII victory 20th
swastika (24 stamps of Germany, 1934-1942)

No synonyms.

Wikipedia article