Name: aloe
Type: plant
Appearing in designs:
aloe (1964) (2 stamps, Rhodesia & Southern Rhodesia, 1964-1966, 1 is ovpt)
aloe (1966) Rhodesia 2/9/1966 2sh issue=1966
aloe (1993) Lesotho 6/1/1993 20s dt=flowers (1993 Lesotho)
aloe aloe vera Aruba 5/31/2016 100c issue=Medicinal Plants 2016 dt=medicinal plants (2016)
aloe field Aruba 1/27/1988 45c dt=aloe vera
aloes (6 stamps, South Africa & 3 others, 1953-1971, 1 is ovpt)
harvesting aloe Aruba 1/27/1988 100c dt=aloe vera
Appearing in design types:
aloes (1981) (4 stamps of South West Africa, 1981)
aloes (1990) (4 stamps of Venda, 1990)
aloes (2004) (6 stamps of Zimbabwe, 2004)
aloes and Succulents (7 stamps of Lesotho, 1977)
aloes of Namibia (3 stamps of Namibia, 2011)
endemic aloes (3 stamps of Ethiopia, 2006)
aloe plant
— aloe plant (2 stamps of Aruba, 1986-1988)
— aloe plant & King George VI Mauritius 7/1/1950 3c issue=George VI pictorials |
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