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Michael Schumacher

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  • Colnect-3213-672-Michael-Schuhmacher.jpg
  • Colnect-3927-040-M-Schumacher-on-Benetton-B-195.jpg
  • Colnect-2648-177-25th-Birthday-of-Michael-Schumacher.jpg
  • Colnect-4325-559-Michael-Schumacher.jpg
  • Colnect-2190-113-Formula-1-Legend---Michael-Schumacher.jpg

Candidate designs:
  • CA051.17.jpg
  • CA056.17.jpg
Name: Michael Schumacher
Type: person
Dates: 1969 –

Michael Schumacher - Chad, St. Thomas & Prince Islands, Guinea (3) 1996
Michael Schumacher birth 1969
— 50th Anniversary of the Birth of Michael Schumacher - Central African Republic, Djibouti, Maldive Islands (3) 2019

Appearing in designs:
Michael Schumacher (1992) (2 stamps, Central African Republic & Guinea, 1992)
Michael Schumacher (1995) (2 stamps, Burkina Faso & Mali, 1995)
Michael Schumacher (1996) (2 stamps of Central African Republic, 1996)
Michael Schumacher (1998) Guinea 8/20/1998 225fr issue=ITALIA '98 b
Michael Schumacher (2000) (2 stamps, Chad & Guinea, 2000)
Michael Schumacher (2006) (2 stamps, Austria & Guinea, 2006)
Michael Schumacher (2010) Comoro Islands 12/15/2010 350fr issue=Sports - Formula 1 Drivers
Michael Schumacher (2012) Burundi 5/30/2012 1070fr issue=Formula 1
Michael Schumacher, Ferrari F1 310B Mali 9/16/1997 490fr issue=Transportation 1997 dt=Transportation (1997)

No synonyms.
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