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Next: activity hiking


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  • Colnect-5113-323-Recreation---Hiker-at-Camp.jpg
  • CA034.11.jpg
  • Colnect-5200-128-Nature-Friends.jpg
  • Colnect-468-252-Hikers.jpg
  • Colnect-5046-487-Mountain-climbing.jpg
  • Colnect-122-236-Duke-of-Edinburgh-s-Award---Expeditions.jpg
  • CH034.05.jpg
  • Saar_1949_262_Jugendherbergswerk.jpg
  • Colnect-144-817-Year-of-hiking-tourism.jpg
  • Stamp_of_USSR_2312.jpg
Name: hiker
Type: person type

Appearing in designs:
hiker Russia 9/29/1962 4k dt=people (1962)
hiker in mountain landscape Canada 5/19/2011 59(c) issue=Parks Canada 100th
hiker under tree Germany 8/11/2005 144(c) issue=German Friends of Nature 100th
hikers & Ludweiler Hostel Saar 1/11/1949 5fr+5fr issue=youth hostels
hikers (1954) Czechoslovakia 4/24/1954 80h dt=sports (1954 Czechoslovakia)
hikers (1965) Romania 11/10/1965 2l issue=Spartacist Games 1965
hikers (1981) Great Britain 8/12/1981 14p dt=Duke of Edinburgh Awards
hikers (2005) Switzerland 9/6/2005 1.10(fr) issue=Centenary of Friends of Nature Switzerland
hikers in the country France 7/15/1972 0.40fr issue=Walking Tourism Year
hikers reading a map Russia 5/15/1959 40k dt=tourism (1959)

No synonyms.
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Wikipedia article