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Next: manufacture tea caddy


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  • Colnect-2199-560-Agricultural-Products--Tea-TEH.jpg
  • Colnect-1364-060-Thee-Plant.jpg
  • Colnect-5990-259-Tea-plant-Camellia-sinensis.jpg
  • Colnect-1103-898-Tea.jpg
  • Colnect-5250-425-Tea.jpg
  • Colnect-3432-962-Tea.jpg
  • Colnect-5593-176-Tea.jpg
  • XE003.03.jpg
  • GB065.05.jpg
  • ZW003.14.jpg
  • Colnect-5300-285-Tea-and-a-Sweet.jpg
  • JP119.03.jpg
  • Colnect-6271-686-Tea-Camellia-sinensis.jpg
  • Colnect-1044-714-Tea-Harvesting.jpg
Name: tea
Type: plant

Appearing in designs:
tea & a Sweet Japan 3/2/2018 62y issue=My Journey 2018
tea (1960) Indonesia 8/17/1960 25s dt=agriculture (1960)
tea (1963) Rwanda 7/1/1963 30c issue=independence 1st
tea (1967) Papua New Guinea 6/28/1967 20c dt=hydroelectrics & industries
tea (1975) Uganda 10/9/1975 70c dt=crops (1975)
tea (1985) Zimbabwe 8/21/1985 5c issue=1985
tea (1988) Zambia 10/10/1988 2.50k issue=Trade Fair
tea (1999) Micronesia 10/4/1999 33c issue=New Millennium - Science and Technology of Ancient China
tea (2003) Azores region 6/6/2003 0.55€ issue=Heritage of the Azores
tea (2005) Great Britain 8/23/2005 1st issue=Changing Tastes in Britain
tea (2014) Zimbabwe 3/11/2014 85c issue=Exports
tea blossoms Japan 9/1/2003 50y issue=2003 Tokyo dt=Flowers and Trees of Tokyo's Four Seasons IV
tea Camellia sinensis Kenya 2/28/2001 60sh issue=2001 dt=crops (2001)
tea Harvesting Tanzania 6/7/1991 100sh issue=20th Anniversary of Tanzania Investment Bank

No synonyms.
Prev plant: Taxus cuspidata Sieb. et Zucc.
Next plant: Tea Rose

Prev taxon: Streptococcus
Next taxon: Tribrachidium

Wikipedia article