Candidate designs:
Name: Mercury
Type: symbol
Appearing in designs:
Mercury & Commerce (34 stamps, Azores & Portugal, 1920-1921, 17 are ovpts)
Mercury & globe (9 stamps, Australia & 3 others, 1949-1961, 3 are ovpts)
Mercury & globe & vehicles (18 stamps, Aden & 16 others, 1949, 1 is ovpt, 1 unissued)
Mercury & hemispheres (2 stamps of Australia, 1934-1937)
Mercury & torch Hungary 3/7/1969 10fo issue=Olympics 1968 victories
Mercury & zeppelin (2 stamps of Tripolitania, 1933)
Mercury (1851) (4 stamps of Austria, 1851-1856)
Mercury (1867) Austria 6/1/1867 1kr
Mercury (1889) (4 stamps of Uruguay, 1889-1910, 1 is ovpt)
Mercury (1893) Shanghai 11/11/1893 2c
Mercury (1920 Austria) (19 stamps of Austria, 1920)
Mercury (1920) (51 stamps of Brazil, 1920-1940, 5 are ovpts)
Mercury (1921) (8 stamps of Austria, 1921)
Mercury (1930) (2 stamps of Canada, 1930-1932, 1 is ovpt)
Mercury (1932) (3 stamps of Belgium, 1932)
Mercury (1937) Netherlands 4/1/1937 12 1/2c issue=Boy Scout Jamboree 1937
Mercury (1938) (18 stamps of France, 1938-1942, 1 is ovpt)
Mercury (1942) (8 stamps of France, 1942-1944, 4 are ovpts)
Mercury (1951) Italy 10/31/1951 10l issue=mercury&census
Mercury (1954) Colombia 10/29/1954 5c
Mercury (1962) (3 stamps of Spain, 1962)
Mercury (1974) Dahomey 10/31/1974 50fr issue=Conquest of Space
Mercury (1980) Luxembourg 9/10/1980 8fr dt=Jean Mich sculptures var=wide margins
Mercury (2001) Indonesia 1/1/2001 900r issue=Solar System
Mercury blowing posthorn (14 stamps of Surinam, 1930-1931, 7 are ovpts)
Mercury head over Netherlands landscape (3 stamps of Netherlands, 1929)
Mercury in front of globe Austria 9/13/1961 3s issue=banking congress 1961
Mercury on globe (19 stamps of Uruguay, 1921-1923, 1 is ovpt)
Mercury over map of Europe Monaco 6/6/1962 2.00fr issue=Europa 1962
Mercury scattering letters over globe (15 stamps, Aden & 14 others, 1949)
Mercury train & boat Hungary 9/21/1941 40f issue=Szechenyi 150th
Mercury with Winged Horses & UPU emblem (2 stamps of Canada, 1974)
mermaid & Mercury & Rotary emblem Belgium 9/10/1954 80c issue=Rotary 50th
telephone & telephone wires & Mercury Argentina 10/17/1951 40c issue=five-year plan
von Stephan and Mercury Grenada 5/28/1997 $2 issue=Pacific '97
No synonyms. |
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