Candidate designs:
Name: javelin throw
Type: sport
Appearing in designs:
javelin throw (1937) (2 stamps of Romania, 1937)
javelin throw (1960) Monaco 6/1/1960 20c issue=Olympics 1960
javelin throw (1962) (2 stamps, Cape Verde & Poland, 1962)
javelin throw (1964) (2 stamps, Chad & Romania, 1964)
javelin throw (1969) Romania 3/10/1969 20b dt=sports (1969 Romania)
javelin throw (1980 Cuba) (2 stamps of Cuba, 1980-1982)
javelin throw (1980) Berlin 5/8/1980 50+25pf issue=Sports Aid 1980
javelin throw (1983) Finland 6/6/1983 1.20mk issue=WC Athletics
javelin throw (1996) United States 5/2/1996 32c issue=Olympics 1996
javelin throw (2008) Uganda 6/18/2008 1000 issue=Olympics 2008
javelin throw in front of aurochs Romania 9/14/1957 55b issue=International Athletic Meet 1957 dt=athletes & animals
running & javelin throw St. Thomas & Prince Islands 6/20/1972 1.50e issue=Olympics 1972
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