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Next: painting Horse - painting by Hsu Pei Hung


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  • Colnect-177-580-Discovery-of-AmericaHorse.jpg
  • Colnect-894-595-Intaglio-Museum-of-Carthage.jpg
  • Colnect-894-607-Intaglio-Museum-of-Carthage.jpg
  • Colnect-894-599-Intaglio-Museum-of-Carthage.jpg
  • Colnect-790-111-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-4823-168-Horse.jpg
  • Colnect-4520-141-Berber-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-1789-766-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-2453-215-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-4024-247-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-1443-764-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus-with-Rider.jpg
  • Colnect-1723-918-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-2037-434-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-1484-470-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-1429-499-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-5030-278-Turkmenian-Kulan-Equus-hemionus-kulan.jpg
  • Colnect-1523-120-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • HK013.03.jpg
  • Colnect-2256-004-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • FI044.06.jpg
  • BA004.07.jpg
  • CX009.09.jpg
  • KG011.12.jpg
  • UA077.13.jpg
  • TZ043.14.jpg
  • Colnect-4220-769-Horse.jpg
  • CX009.16.jpg
  • US103.16.jpg
  • Colnect-5055-340-Animal-trainer-with-horses.jpg
  • Colnect-1553-506-Black-Horse-Grey-Horse.jpg
  • Colnect-1122-089-Gaucho-breaking-in-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-178-491-Bullfighter-on-horse.jpg
  • Colnect-2109-353-Dancing--Horse-Camel---Bull.jpg
  • Colnect-2375-356-Stamps-of-Morocco-National-uprising.jpg
  • Colnect-160-069-Children-horse-riding.jpg
  • Colnect-159-757-Christmas-Dwarfs-feed-a-Horse.jpg
  • Stamps_of_Germany_%28DDR%29_1978%2C_MiNr_2366.jpg
  • Colnect-2277-279-Fairy-on-Horse.jpg
  • Colnect-1494-174-Allegorical-sculpture.jpg
  • Colnect-3751-912-Girl-on-horse.jpg
  • Colnect-2262-818-Gray-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-1462-460-Arabian-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-894-596-Intaglio-Museum-of-Carthage.jpg
  • CX009.02.jpg
  • UA042.10.jpg
  • Colnect-3106-923-Horse-and-building.jpg
  • Colnect-3106-924-Horse-and-Lanterns.jpg
  • Colnect-3012-849-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus-Lion-Panthera-leo.jpg
  • Colnect-3106-925-Horse-and-Man-carrying-buckets.jpg
  • Stamp_of_Israel_-_Festivals_5718_-_50mil.jpg
  • Colnect-5770-689-Horse-Apollo-8.jpg
  • Colnect-1255-065-Horse-of-the-Cattle-Herders.jpg
  • Colnect-965-412-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus-rearing.jpg
  • BF002.11.jpg
  • Colnect-1139-723-Labrador-Retriever-Canis-lupus-familiaris-Silhouettes-of-.jpg
  • Colnect-197-251-Horseman-and-horse.jpg
  • Colnect-813-282-Horseman-on-horse.jpg
  • DR_1940_746_Das_Blaue_Band.jpg
  • Colnect-4217-072-Horses-Equus-ferus-caballus-Man.jpg
  • Colnect-4853-186-Arabian-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-1789-763-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-1317-900-Wild-Horses.jpg
  • Colnect-185-428-50th-anniversary-of-Royal-Society--quot-Ardennes-Draft-Horses-quot-.jpg
  • Colnect-2857-058-Horses.jpg
  • Colnect-141-122-Horses-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • BE017.06.jpg
  • Colnect-5197-825-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-5282-997-Horses.jpg
  • 1913_Horses_30.jpg
  • CH007.08.jpg
  • US049.09.jpg
  • Colnect-2179-483-Mailrider-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-2417-043-Mickey-Mouse-on-a-Horse.jpg
  • Colnect-4558-414-Postman-on-Horse.jpg
  • Colnect-5517-362-Chestnut-Arabian-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-1081-035-Sheep-shepherd-girl-on-horse.jpg
  • Colnect-723-087-Sheik-Rashid-and-Arabian-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • HK005.02.jpg
  • HK006.02.jpg
  • GB003.05.jpg
  • Colnect-4376-004-CEPT--Folklore.jpg
  • DR_1938_671_Das_Braune_Band.jpg
  • Colnect-1268-026-Horse-Painting-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-148-178-Wild-Horse-Equus-ferus.jpg
  • Colnect-2191-612-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-3529-337-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-1248-128-Horses-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-1128-270-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-2225-211-Arabian-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-1465-562-Arabian-Stallion-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-2426-193-Year-of-the-Horse.jpg
(plus 27 more images)
Name: horse
Type: mammal
Type list of horses

Appearing in designs:
Animal trainer with horses Romania 9/20/1969 60b dt=circus performers
Black horse Grey horse Bahrain 5/22/1992 150f dt=horse racing (1992)
breaking a horse Uruguay 1/14/1954 1c issue=1954
Bullfighter on horse Portugal 8/18/1992 38.(e) issue=Centenary of Campo Pequeno Bull Ring, Lisbon dt=picadors
camel & drummer & bull & horse Pakistan 3/13/1963 13p issue=National Horse and Cattle Show
cavalryman & horse (2 stamps, Cape Juby & Spanish Morocco, 1937, 1 is ovpt)
children horse riding Finland 10/10/1990 2m dt=horse care
Christmas dwarfs feed a horse Finland 10/24/1979 0.60m issue=Christmas 1979
dressage horses German Democratic Republic 9/26/1978 20pf issue=Circus 1978 dt=Circus (1978)
fairy on horse (2 stamps of Japan, 1990-1991)
gauchos breaking a horse Uruguay 6/16/1930 1c issue=independence 100th
girl on horse Aruba 5/26/1995 90c issue=Interpaso Horses
Gray horse (2 stamps of North Korea, 2000)
Herd of horses Bahrain 9/1/1975 60f dt=Arabian horses (1975)
horse (9 stamps, Turkey & 7 others, 1989-2020)
horse & building Curacao 1/31/2014 300c issue=Year of the Horse 2014
horse & lanterns Curacao 1/31/2014 300c issue=Year of the Horse 2014
horse & lion Singapore 12/16/1973 75c issue=Singapore Zoo
horse & Man carrying buckets Curacao 1/31/2014 300c issue=Year of the Horse 2014
horse & seal Israel 9/4/1957 50p dt=ancient seals
horse (1950) (6 stamps of Tunisia, 1950)
horse (1950) (1950) (3 stamps of Tunisia, 1950)
horse (1951) (2 stamps of Tunisia, 1951)
horse (1952) (3 stamps of Tunisia, 1952)
horse (1953) Tunisia 1953 15fr
horse (1959) Argentina 8/24/1959 1p issue=1959
horse (1965) Ryukyu Islands 12/10/1965 1 1/2c issue=Year of the Horse 1966
horse (1969) Tunisia 1/18/1969 40m issue=1968 animals dt=animals (1968 Tunisia)
horse (1971) Mongolia 11/1/1971 1t dt=Mongolian livestock
horse (1972) Chad 8/29/1972 30fr dt=Domestic Animals (1972)
horse (1974) Bulgaria 2/1/1974 20s dt=domestic animals (1974)
horse (1975) Albania 4/15/1975 5q dt=transportation (1975)
horse (1981) Falkland Islands 1/19/1981 25p issue=Farm Animals
horse (1984) Algeria 6/14/1984 0.80d dt=horses (1984)
horse (1990) (2 stamps of Macao, 1990)
horse (1991) Bulgaria 8/21/1991 40s issue=Domesticated animals dt=domesticated animals (1991)
horse (1992) Turkmenistan 8/9/1992 20k dt=animals (1992)
horse (2001) Albania 5/7/2001 10l dt=domestic animals (2001)
horse (2002) St. Thomas & Prince Islands 3/26/2002 15000db issue=Chinese Zodiac Signs
horse (2002) (2002) Christmas Island 1/8/2002 15c issue=Year of the Horse 2002 b
horse (2003) Hong Kong 1/19/2003 $10 issue=Flock Stamps on Lunar New Year Animals
horse (2004) (2 stamps, Belgium & Cuba, 2004)
horse (2006) Finland 9/22/2006 1lk/kl issue=Snow Art
horse (2007) (2 stamps, Ukraine & Bosnia & Herzegovina, Republic, 2007)
horse (2009) (4 stamps, Christmas Island & 3 others, 2009)
horse (2010) (2010) Ukraine 9/16/2010 1.50h issue=2010 provisional
horse (2012) Kyrgyzstan 1/14/2012 25.00s issue=animals of the lunar calendar dt=animals of the lunar calendar
horse (2013) Ukraine 12/25/2013 2.50g issue=Eastern Zodiac
horse (2014) (2 stamps, Tanzania & Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croat administration, 2014)
horse (2015) (2 stamps, Indonesia & Jordan, 2015)
horse (2016 Christmas Island) Christmas Island 2/3/2016 50c issue=Year of the Monkey 2016
horse (2016 United States) United States 8/2/2016 forever issue=Pets 2016
horse Apollo 8 Mongolia 11/7/1972 60m issue=Animal Signs of the Mongolian Calendar and Progress in Space Exploration
horse of the cattle herders Vanuatu 3/27/2002 60vt dt=Local Horses
horse rearing Netherlands Antilles 3/1/2002 25c issue=Year of the Horse 2002
horse stirring dust Burkina Faso 2/1/2011 265fr dt=domestic animals (2011)
horse, cow and Labrador Japan 9/1/1995 80y issue=World Veterinary Congress 1995
horseman & horse Uzbekistan 2/1/2000 75.00s issue=Equestrian Sport
horseman on horse Uzbekistan 2/1/2000 36.00s issue=Equestrian Sport
horseman on leaping horse Germany 6/22/1940 25+100pf issue=Blue Ribbon race 1940
horses (1955) Romania 12/10/1955 55b dt=animal husbandry
horses (1964) (2 stamps of Fujeira, 1964)
horses (1971) Mongolia 11/1/1971 80m dt=Mongolian livestock
horses (1973) (2 stamps, New Hebrides (Br) & New Hebrides (Fr), 1973)
horses (1976) Belgium 6/19/1976 5fr
horses (1990) Jordan 4/22/1990 40f dt=nature conservation
horses (1993) Switzerland 3/16/1993 100(c) issue=1990 dt=animals (1990 Switzerland)
horses (2006) Belgium 1/23/2006 0,46(€) issue=Farm Animals
horses (2007) Germany 12/27/2007 55+25(c) issue=Welfare for Pets
horses (2014) Isle of Man 2/19/2014 1.08lb issue=World War I Life In The Trenches
horses grazing Hungary 7/25/1968 30f dt=horse breeding
horses in mountain meadow Switzerland 3/4/2008 85(c) issue=50th Anniversary of the Horse Foundation
Kentucky flag & horses United States 8/6/2009 44 issue=Flags of Our Nation 2009 a
Mailrider on horse Qatar 2/14/1968 3d issue=Qatar post 10th
Mickey Mouse on a horse Sierra Leone 6/15/1987 2le issue=Capex '87
postman on horse Belgium 4/16/1967 3fr issue=Stamp Day 1967
Red brown horse Cuba 8/10/1995 75c issue=Singapore 95 dt=horses (1995 Cuba)
sheep shepherd girl on horse Mongolia 9/20/1989 1.20t issue=30th Anniversary of Co-operative Movement
Sheik Rashid & horse (2 stamps of Ajman, 1964-1967, 1 is ovpt)
snake & horse Hong Kong 2/9/2002 $50 issue=Gold & Silver Stamp Sheetlet on Lunar New Year Animals
Snake / horse Hong Kong 2/9/2002 $50 issue=Gold & Silver Stamp Sheetlet on Lunar New Year Animals
Suffolk horses Great Britain 1/11/2005 1st dt=farm animals (2005)
troll chasing boy on horse Sweden 4/28/1981 1.50kr issue=Europa 1981
woman on horse Germany 7/20/1938 42+108pf issue=Brown Ribbon 1938

Appearing in design types:
flowers & horses (8 stamps of Iran, 2002)
horse breeds (1986) (4 stamps of Portugal, 1986)
horse Breeds (1996) (17 stamps of Central African Republic, 1996)
horse Breeds (1999) (9 stamps of Liberia, 1999)
horse Breeds (2006) (4 stamps of Uruguay, 2006)
horse Breeds (2010) (5 stamps of Romania, 2010)
horse breeds in Albania (4 stamps of Albania, 1992)
horse paintings (1970) (8 stamps of Rwanda, 1970)
horse paintings (1988) (5 stamps of Argentina, 1988)
horse paintings (2001) (4 stamps of Union Island, 2001)
horse paintings (2002) (12 stamps of Marshall Islands, 2002)
horses (1963) (10 stamps of Poland, 1963)
horses (1966) (6 stamps of San Marino, 1966)
horses (1967) (8 stamps of Poland, 1967)
horses (1968) (5 stamps of Russia, 1968)
horses (1969 Germany) (8 stamps, Germany & Berlin, 1969)
horses (1969 Yugoslavia) (4 stamps of Yugoslavia, 1969)
horses (1970 China, ROC) (6 stamps of China, ROC, 1970)
horses (1970 Monaco) (9 stamps of Monaco, 1970)
horses (1970 Romania) (6 stamps of Romania, 1970)
horses (1971) (4 stamps of Senegal, 1971)
horses (1973) (4 stamps of Niger, 1973)
horses (1976) (10 stamps of Equatorial Guinea, 1976)
horses (1977) (7 stamps of Mongolia, 1977)
horses (1978) (4 stamps of Great Britain, 1978)
horses (1980) (5 stamps of Mali, 1980)
horses (1981) (6 stamps of Cuba, 1981)
horses (1983) (8 stamps of Comoro Islands, 1983)
horses (1984) (11 stamps, New Zealand & 2 others, 1983-1984)
horses (1985 Hungary) (5 stamps of Hungary, 1985)
horses (1985 Mali) (4 stamps of Mali, 1985)
horses (1985 Philippines) (10 stamps of Philippines, 1985)
horses (1986) (4 stamps of Australia, 1986)
horses (1987 Laos) (7 stamps of Laos, 1987)
horses (1987 North Korea) (4 stamps of North Korea, 1987)
horses (1989 Hungary) (3 stamps of Hungary, 1989)
horses (1989 Poland) (6 stamps of Poland, 1989)
horses (1989 Vietnam) (7 stamps of Vietnam, 1989)
horses (1990 Afghanistan) (6 stamps of Afghanistan, 1996)
horses (1990 Saudi Arabia) (8 stamps of Saudi Arabia, 1990)
horses (1991 Bulgaria) (6 stamps of Bulgaria, 1991)
horses (1991 North Korea) (5 stamps of North Korea, 1991)
horses (1992 Guyana) (8 stamps of Guyana, 1992)
horses (1992 Romania) (6 stamps of Romania, 1992)
horses (1993 Azerbaijan) (8 stamps of Azerbaijan, 1993)
horses (1993 Tanzania) (8 stamps of Tanzania, 1993)
horses (1994) (3 stamps of Finland, 1994)
horses (1995 Cuba) (6 stamps of Cuba, 1995)
horses (1995 Kyrgyzstan) (8 stamps of Kyrgyzstan, 1995)
horses (1995 St. Thomas & Prince Islands) (11 stamps of St. Thomas & Prince Islands, 1995)
horses (1996 Jersey) (6 stamps of Jersey, 1996)
horses (1996 Libya) (16 stamps of Libya, 1996)
horses (1996 Netherlands Antilles) (4 stamps of Netherlands Antilles, 1996)
horses (1997) (9 stamps, Germany & Tunisia, 1997)
horses (1998) (19 stamps, France & 3 others, 1998)
horses (1999 Afghanistan) (7 stamps of Afghanistan, 1999)
horses (1999 Burkina Faso) (6 stamps of Burkina Faso, 1999)
horses (1999 Guinea) (21 stamps, Burkina Faso & Guinea, 1999)
horses (1999 Slovenia) (4 stamps of Slovenia, 1999)
horses (1999 Uruguay) (4 stamps of Uruguay, 1999)
horses (1999 Uzbekistan) (5 stamps of Uzbekistan, 1999)
horses (2000) (3 stamps of Mauritania, 2000)
horses (2001 Iceland) (5 stamps of Iceland, 2001)
horses (2001 Turkey) (4 stamps of Turkey, 2001)
horses (2002 Belgium) (3 stamps of Belgium, 2002)
horses (2002 Kazakhstan) (3 stamps of Kazakhstan, 2002)
horses (2002 Mozambique) (7 stamps of Mozambique, 2002)
horses (2002 Paraguay) (3 stamps of Paraguay, 2002)
horses (2002 Solomon Islands) (2 stamps of Solomon Islands, 2002)
horses (2002 Tonga) (4 stamps of Tonga, 2002)
horses (2004) (4 stamps of Belarus, 2004)
horses (2005 Cuba) (6 stamps of Cuba, 2005)
horses (2005 Slovakia) (2 stamps of Slovakia, 2005)
horses (2006 Azerbaijan) (9 stamps of Azerbaijan, 2006)
horses (2006 Hungary) (7 stamps of Hungary, 2006)
horses (2009) (6 stamps, Kyrgyzstan & North Macedonia, 2009)
horses (2011) (5 stamps of Iraq, 2011)
horses (2012) (4 stamps of Cyprus, 2012)
horses (2013) (2 stamps of Czech Republic, 2013)
horses (2014) (6 stamps of Malaysia, 2014)
horses and donkeys (5 stamps of Netherlands Antilles, 2006)
horses in paintings (5 stamps of Russia, 1988)
horses of Ukraine (4 stamps of Ukraine, 2005)
Kladrubski horses (2 stamps of Czech Republic, 1996)
Mongolian horses (8 stamps of Mongolia, 1965)
paintings of horses (8 stamps of China, ROC, 1973)
Peruvian horses (4 stamps of Peru, 2004)

Equus caballus
Equus caballus (165 stamps, Azerbaijan & 21 others, 1969-2019)
Equus caballus (1967) Jordan 4/1/1967 30f dt=animals (1967 Jordan)
Equus caballus (1968) Lebanon 2/1968 15pia issue=Domestic Animals 1968 dt=Domestic Animals (1968)
Equus caballus (1969) (3 stamps, Iraq & Mali, 1969)
Equus caballus (1970) Monaco 4/25/1970 0.40fr issue=20th Anniversary of World Federation for Protection of Animals dt=animals (1970 Monaco)
Equus caballus (1974) Brazil 11/10/1974 1.30cr dt=domestic animals (1974)
Equus caballus (1975) Monaco 11/12/1975 1.20fr issue=125th Anniversary of the loi Grammont
Equus caballus (1978) Ethiopia 3/27/1978 90c dt=Domestic Animals (1978)
Equus caballus (1983) (6 stamps of Laos, 1983)
Equus caballus (1985 Mali) (4 stamps of Mali, 1985)
Equus caballus (1985 Philippines) (7 stamps of Philippines, 1985)
Equus caballus (1987) (9 stamps, Colombia & Laos, 1987)
Equus caballus (1988) Mozambique 9/20/1988 100mt
Equus caballus (1990) North Korea 10/18/1990 50ch dt=Domestic Animals (1990)
Equus caballus (1991) South Africa 2/21/1991 21c dt=Animal Breeding in South Africa
Equus caballus (1992) Cape Verde 7/31/1992 50e dt=Domestic Animals (1992)
Equus caballus (1994) (9 stamps, Syria & 2 others, 1994)
Equus caballus (1995) (9 stamps, Guinea & Kyrgyzstan, 1995)
Equus caballus (1996) (11 stamps of Nicaragua, 1996)
Equus caballus (1997) (8 stamps, Qatar & Tunisia, 1997)
Equus caballus (1998) Korea 4/4/1998 800w issue=Horse Breeding
Equus caballus (1999) (37 stamps, Bhutan & 3 others, 1999)
Equus caballus (2001) (9 stamps, Korea & Turkmenistan, 2001)
Equus caballus (2002) (6 stamps, Kyrgyzstan & Micronesia, 2002)
Equus caballus (2003) (6 stamps of Tuvalu, 2003)
Equus caballus (2005) (8 stamps of Turkmenistan, 2005)
Equus ferus caballus
Anglo-Arab Horse Equus ferus caballus Monaco 12/15/1970 0.20fr issue=Horses 1970 dt=horses (1970 Monaco)
Arabian horse Equus ferus caballus (2 stamps, Cuba & Monaco, 1970-2005)
Arabian Thoroughbred Equus ferus caballus (2 stamps of Kyrgyzstan, 1995)
Cimarrones Equus ferus caballus Cuba 2005 65c issue=Horses 2005 dt=horses (2005 Cuba)
English Thoroughbred Equus ferus caballus Monaco 12/15/1970 0.70fr issue=Horses 1970 dt=horses (1970 Monaco)
Friesian Equus ferus caballus Germany 6/9/1997 100+50(pf) issue=Horses 1997 dt=horses (1997)
Haflinger Horse Equus ferus caballus (2 stamps, Germany & German Democratic Republic, 1974-1997)
Lipizzan Horse Equus ferus caballus (2 stamps, Cuba & Monaco, 1970-2005)
quarterhorse Equus ferus caballus Cuba 2005 30c issue=Horses 2005 dt=horses (2005 Cuba)
Shetland pony Equus ferus caballus Germany 6/9/1997 80+40(pf) issue=Horses 1997 dt=horses (1997)
Thoroughbred Horse Equus ferus caballus (2 stamps of Kyrgyzstan, 1995)
Prev mammal: Hopping Mouse
Next mammal: Horsfield's tarsier

Prev animal: Homalocephalus
Next animal: Horseshoe Crab

External links:
Wikipedia article