Name: llama
Type: mammal
Appearing in designs:
Gate of the Sun & llama (4 stamps of Bolivia, 1951-1957, 1 is ovpt)
ll & llama Colombia 4/25/1980 4p issue=learn to write
llama & flutist (2 stamps of Peru, 1936-1937)
llama (1873) Peru 3/1873 2c
llama (1907) (2 stamps of Peru, 1907-1915, 1 is ovpt)
llama (1959) Argentina 8/24/1959 20c issue=1959
llama (1971) Liberia 10/1/1971 8c issue=25th Anniversary of UNICEF dt=Animals with their Young
llama (2003) Bolivia 9/23/2003 7.00b issue=America UPAEP 2003
llama (2004) Peru 2/23/2004 0.50s issue=2004
llama (Lama glama) Argentina 9/21/2015 7.00p issue=Fauna of South America
llamas (1866 10c) (2 stamps of Peru, 1866-1895)
llamas (1866 20c) (2 stamps of Peru, 1866-1895)
llamas (1866 5c) (2 stamps of Peru, 1866-1895)
llamas (1939) (3 stamps of Bolivia, 1939)
Appearing in design types:
llamas (6 stamps of Peru, 1866-1895)
llamas and camels (10 stamps of Afghanistan, 1997)
Lama glama
— Lama glama France 2/7/2020 Lettre verde issue=Animals of the World
— Lama glama (1977) Equatorial Guinea 1977 2.75e issue=South American fauna 1977
— Lama glama (1985) Vietnam 7/5/1985 10d issue=Argentina '85 dt=animals (1985 Vietnam)
— Lama glama (2011) Cuba 10/18/2011 15c issue=Fauna 2011 dt=fauna (2011 Cuba)
— llama (Lama glama) Argentina 9/21/2015 7.00p issue=Fauna of South America
Lama lama
— Lama lama Cuba 10/1/2006 40c issue=Animals Serving Man |
External links:
Wikipedia article |