Issue but not design:
Candidate designs:
Name: Lenin
Type: person
Dates: 1870 – 1924
Synonym of: Vladimir Lenin
Appearing in designs:
building & Lenin & cruisers German Democratic Republic 10/27/1987 10pf issue=70th Anniversary Of The October Revolution
couple & Lenin Romania 11/6/1957 10b issue=Russian Revolution 40th
couple & Lenin & Kremlin Russia 6/30/1962 2k issue=International Peace & Friendship
Electric Power Llant Zimljansk Lenin & Stalin Bulgaria 11/6/1952 80s issue=Russian Revolution 35th
flag with Marx & Lenin German Democratic Republic 3/31/1966 10pf issue=SED 20th
flags & Lenin & Stalin Russia 12/23/1950 1r issue=Iskra 50th
Jose Marti and Lenin Cuba 3/28/1974 13c issue=Visit of Leonid Brezhnev
Lenin & building Russia 10/24/1963 4k
Lenin & Cruiser Aurora (3 stamps of Albania, 1957)
Lenin & delegates Burundi 12/31/1970 3.50fr issue=Lenin 100th
Lenin & Dimitrov & National Flags Bulgaria 9/9/1969 20s issue=25th Anniversary of People's Republic
Lenin & flags Romania 11/6/1957 35b issue=Russian Revolution 40th
Lenin & Frunze Russia 4/22/1989 5k issue=119th Birth Anniversary of Lenin
Lenin & globe Benin 4/22/1980 50fr issue=Lenin 110th
Lenin & Kazan Russia 4/22/1989 5k issue=119th Birth Anniversary of Lenin
Lenin & Kuibyshev Russia 4/22/1989 5k issue=119th Birth Anniversary of Lenin
Lenin & laurel branch Romania 1/21/1954 55b issue=Lenin death 30th
Lenin & Leonid Brezhnev Upper Volta 10/28/1977 500fr issue=50th Anniversary of October Revolution
Lenin & map of electrification (2 stamps of Russia, 1961)
Lenin & red banner Afghanistan 4/22/1980 12af issue=Lenin 110th
Lenin & Stalin (1934) Russia 11/23/1934 30k issue=Lenin death 10th b
Lenin & Stalin (1954) Bulgaria 3/13/1954 16s issue=Lenin death 30th
Lenin & Stalin (1967) Albania 11/7/1967 0.25l issue=50th Anniversary of the October Revolution
Lenin & Stalin the Leaders of the Revolution Bulgaria 11/6/1952 44s issue=Russian Revolution 35th
Lenin & StMarys church in Krakow Poland 5/25/1962 2.50z issue=Lenin in Poland 50th
Lenin & storming of the Winter Palace Republic of the Congo 8/15/1966 50fr issue=3rd Anniversary of Congolese Revolution
Lenin & the Red Guard Hungary 10/31/1967 3fo issue=Russian revolution 50th dt=Legrady paintings
Lenin & UNESCO emblem Finland 6/15/1970 30p issue=UN 25th
Lenin & workers Russia 10/31/1958 1r issue=revolution 41st
Lenin (1925) (2 stamps of Russia, 1925)
Lenin (1927) (3 stamps of Russia, 1927-1928)
Lenin (1929) Russia 8/1929 14k issue=1929
Lenin (1937) (4 stamps of Russia, 1937-1939)
Lenin (1949) Bulgaria 1/24/1949 4l issue=Lenin death 25th
Lenin (1951) Mongolia 1951 3t issue=independence 30th
Lenin (1952) Hungary 11/7/1952 40f issue=October Revolution 35th
Lenin (1955) Russia 11/6/1955 40k issue=Revolution 38th
Lenin (1957 Bulgaria) Bulgaria 10/29/1957 12s issue=Russian Revolution 40th
Lenin (1957 Hungary) Hungary 11/7/1957 1fo issue=Russian revolution 40th
Lenin (1960 Czechoslovakia) Czechoslovakia 4/22/1960 60h
Lenin (1960 German Democratic Republic) German Democratic Republic 7/2/1960 10pf dt=monuments (1960)
Lenin (1960 Hungary) Hungary 9/7/1960 60f dt=famous people (1960 Hungary)
Lenin (1960 North Vietnam) (2 stamps of North Vietnam, 1960)
Lenin (1961) Hungary 10/22/1961 1fo issue=22nd Communist Party Congress
Lenin (1962 Czechoslovakia) Czechoslovakia 11/7/1962 60h issue=USSR 40th
Lenin (1962 Romania) Romania 11/7/1962 55b issue=October Revolution 45th
Lenin (1963) (2 stamps of Russia, 1963)
Lenin (1964 Albania) (2 stamps of Albania, 1964)
Lenin (1964 Russia) Russia 8/27/1964 4k issue=First International 100th
Lenin (1965) China, PRC 4/22/1965 8f issue=95th anniversary of the birth of Lenin
Lenin (1967) (4 stamps, Bulgaria & 3 others, 1967)
Lenin (1969) Hungary 3/21/1969 60f issue=Hungarian Soviet Republic 50th
Lenin (1970) (8 stamps, Russia & 4 others, 1970)
Lenin (1971) (3 stamps, Ceylon & Lebanon, 1971)
Lenin (1972) Russia 10/12/1972 4k issue=Revolution 55th
Lenin (1976) Russia 8/10/1976 50k issue=1976
Lenin (1977) (5 stamps, Russia & 3 others, 1977)
Lenin (1978) (4 stamps of Guinea, 1978)
Lenin (1981) Russia 1/22/1981 20k issue=26th Communist Party Congress
Lenin (1982) Czechoslovakia 1/18/1982 2kc issue=70th Anniversary of 6th Russian Workers' Party Congress
Lenin (1985) Cambodia 6/20/1985 3r issue=115th Anniversary of Lenin
Lenin (1986) (2 stamps, Russia & Republic of the Congo, 1986)
Lenin (1987) (2 stamps, Russia & Afghanistan, 1987)
Lenin (1988 Republic of the Congo) (2 stamps of Republic of the Congo, 1988)
Lenin (1988 St. Thomas & Prince Islands) St. Thomas & Prince Islands 4/30/1988 25db issue=70th Anniversary of October Revolution
Lenin (1990 Czechoslovakia) Czechoslovakia 1/9/1990 1k dt=famous people (1990)
Lenin (1990 Russia) Russia 4/14/1990 5k issue=Lenin 120th
Lenin (2000) Nicaragua 10/5/2000 5.00cd issue=Politicians of the 20th Century
Lenin 1973 Russia 3/30/1974 4k issue=Komsomol naming 50th
Lenin addressing 3rd Internacional Congress in Leningrad Poland 4/22/1970 60g issue=Lenin 100th
Lenin addressing crowd (2 stamps, Russia & Somalia, 1968-1970)
Lenin addressing recruits Russia 2/20/1968 4k issue=Soviet military 50th
Lenin and Marx North Korea 10/10/1965 10ch issue=20th Anniversary of Korean Workers' Party
Lenin and Moscow Kremlin Russia 10/1/1986 5k issue=69th Anniversary of October Revolution
Lenin and Stalin (2 stamps, Russia & Czechoslovakia, 1944-1953)
Lenin as child Russia 11/23/1934 1k issue=Lenin death 10th b
Lenin as Student Mauritius 4/22/1970 15c issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Vladimir Lenin
Lenin as teachers among the people Albania 11/7/1967 0.5L issue=50th Anniversary of the October Revolution
Lenin as youth (3 stamps of Russia, 1934-1952)
Lenin at a Rally Albania 11/7/1972 1.20l issue=55th Anniversary of the October Revolution
Lenin at desk reading book Russia 9/1945 50k issue=Lenin 75th
Lenin at desk reading newspaper Russia 9/1945 30k issue=Lenin 75th
Lenin at Leipzig Russia 4/22/1986 5k issue=116th Birth Anniversary of Lenin
Lenin at Poronin (Poland) Russia 4/22/1986 5k issue=116th Birth Anniversary of Lenin
Lenin at Prague Russia 4/22/1986 5k issue=116th Birth Anniversary of Lenin
Lenin at Razliv Russia 1/21/1951 40k issue=Lenin death 27th
Lenin at Smolny Bulgaria 5/12/1960 45s issue=Lenin 90th
Lenin at the Telegraph Russia 4/16/1974 50k issue=Lenin 104th
Lenin face Hungary 1/21/1954 40f issue=Lenin death 30th
Lenin family portrait Russia 4/21/1962 4k issue=Lenin 92nd
Lenin flag & Kremlin Russia 4/22/1975 4k issue=WWII victory 30th
Lenin in 1910 Russia 4/16/1968 4k issue=Lenin 98th
Lenin in banner Czechoslovakia 5/14/1971 30h issue=Czechoslovak Communist Party 50th
Lenin in Bialy Dunajec Poland 5/25/1962 40g issue=Lenin in Poland 50th
Lenin in childhood Russia 6/1944 30k issue=20 years without Lenin
Lenin in front Cruiser Aurora German Democratic Republic 10/6/1967 40pf issue=Russian Revolution 50th
Lenin in his Kremlin study oct1918 Poland 4/22/1970 40g issue=Lenin 100th
Lenin in his office Upper Volta 10/28/1977 10fr issue=50th Anniversary of October Revolution
Lenin in his study Somalia 4/22/1970 1,80sh issue=Lenin 100th
Lenin in Kiev Russia 4/22/1988 5k issue=118th birthday of Vladimir Lenin
Lenin in Krasnojarsk Russia 4/22/1988 5k issue=118th birthday of Vladimir Lenin
Lenin in Leningrad Russia 4/22/1988 5k issue=118th birthday of Vladimir Lenin
Lenin in library Poland 10/9/1967 60g issue=Russian revolution 50th
Lenin in middle age Russia 11/23/1934 5k issue=Lenin death 10th b
Lenin in Moscow Russia 4/22/1988 5k issue=118th birthday of Vladimir Lenin
Lenin in Paris Russia 4/22/1985 5k issue=115th Birth Anniversary of Vladimir Lenin
Lenin in Petrograd 1918 Russia 4/16/1968 4k issue=Lenin 98th
Lenin in Sculpture (2 stamps of Russia, 1967)
Lenin in Tampere Russia 4/22/1985 5k issue=115th Birth Anniversary of Vladimir Lenin
Lenin in the Soviet Hungary 1/21/1954 60f issue=Lenin death 30th
Lenin large (3 stamps of Russia, 1928)
Lenin on banner Russia 10/15/1957 40k issue=revolution 40th
Lenin over XIV Russia 3/28/1962 4k issue=14th Young Communist Congress
Lenin over XIV horiz Russia 3/28/1962 6k issue=14th Young Communist Congress
Lenin portrait Hungary 4/22/1970 2Ft issue=Lenin 100th
Lenin portrait, facing left Czechoslovakia 4/22/1970 60h issue=Lenin 100th
Lenin profile (5 stamps, Russia & 2 others, 1953-1966)
Lenin reading Pravda Russia 5/4/1962 4k issue=Pravda 50th
Lenin saluting Albania 4/22/1970 1.10l issue=Lenin 100th
Lenin speaking (2 stamps, Bulgaria & China, PRC, 1949-1953)
Lenin speaking on armoured car in Petrograd April 1917 Russia 10/10/1932 3k issue=October Revolution 15th
Lenin speaking on Red Square Laos 10/25/1977 50k issue=60th Anniversary of Russian Revolution
Lenin Storming the Winter Palace China, PRC 11/7/1962 8f issue=Russian Revolution 45th
Lenin Taurus Upper Volta 12/15/1973 10f issue=Famous men and their zodiac signs
Lenin the orator Russia 11/23/1934 20k issue=Lenin death 10th b
Lenin urging on the red soldiers Hungary 11/7/1951 60f issue=October Revolution 34th
Lenin with Clara Zetkin German Democratic Republic 4/16/1970 20pf issue=Lenin 100th
Lenin with delegates to 10th Russian Communist Party Congres Poland 4/22/1970 2.50z issue=Lenin 100th
Lenin with farmers Russia 4/22/1955 60k issue=Lenin 85th
Lenin with youth Upper Volta 10/28/1977 200fr issue=50th Anniversary of October Revolution
Marx & Engels & Lenin Mozambique 5/1/1980 10e
Marx & Engels & Lenin & red banner German Democratic Republic 5/11/1976 10pf issue=9th SED Congress
Marx & Engels & Lenin (1967) (2 stamps, Bulgaria & German Democratic Republic, 1967-1976)
Marx & Lenin (8 stamps, Albania & 2 others, 1957-1981)
Marx & Lenin & crowd (4 stamps, Czechoslovakia & 3 others, 1965)
Marx & Lenin (1977) Russia 1977 20k issue=1977
Marx & Lenin 1965 Poland 6/14/1965 60g pc=ver
Marx Engels Lenin German Democratic Republic 4/8/1986 10pf issue=Party Congress 1986
Marx Engels Lenin & Stalin (3 stamps, China, PRC & Poland, 1948-1964)
Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin Czechoslovakia 5/15/1951 8k issue=Communist Party 20th
Portrait of Lenin (7 stamps of Russia, 1958-1982)
portrait of Lenin, facing right Czechoslovakia 4/22/1970 30h issue=Lenin 100th
Pravda & Lenin & revolutionists Russia 5/4/1962 4k issue=Pravda 50th
Pravda & Lenin & rocket Russia 5/4/1962 4k issue=Pravda 50th
Soviet flag, Lenin and Cruiser Aurora Cuba 11/7/1997 75c issue=80th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution
Soviet Union flag & Lenin Romania 12/26/1987 2l issue=70th Anniversary of October Revolution
Stalin Lenin Kremlin towers & flags Hungary 11/7/1951 1fo issue=October Revolution 34th
Szamuely & Lenin Hungary 11/14/1959 20f issue=Russian philatelic exhibition
Appearing in design types:
paintings of Lenin (10 stamps of Russia, 1970)
sculptures of Lenin (6 stamps of Russia, 1967) |
Wikipedia article |