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mountain zebra

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  • Colnect-4223-087-Hartmann-s-Mountain-Zebra-Equus-zebra-hartmannae.jpg
  • Colnect-2994-892-Mountain-Zebra-Equus-zebra.jpg
  • Colnect-5914-749-Zebra-Equus-zebra.jpg
  • Colnect-6297-270-Ferdinand-von-Zeppelin-and-Zeppelin-LZ-12.jpg
  • Colnect-1712-462-Zebra-Equus-sp.jpg
  • Colnect-5059-476-Zebra-Equus-sp.jpg
Name: mountain zebra
Type: mammal

Appearing in designs:
mountain zebra Angola 8/15/1953 1a dt=animals (1953 Angola)

Appearing in design types:
mountain zebras (4 stamps of Namibia, 1991)

Equus zebra
Equus zebra (1983) Uganda 8/22/1983 300sh dt=endangered wildlife (1983)
Equus zebra (1992 St. Thomas & Prince Islands) St. Thomas & Prince Islands 6/6/1992 800db issue=United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro
Equus zebra (1992 Uganda) Uganda 12/7/1992 1000sh issue=Earth Summit '92
Equus zebra (1996 Togo) Togo 7/30/1996 220fr issue=Endangered Animals 1996 dt=Endangered Animals (1996)
Equus zebra (1996 Uganda) Uganda 3/27/1996 550sh issue=Wildlife of Uganda 1996 dt=wildlife of Uganda (1996)
Equus zebra (1997) (2 stamps of Tanzania, 1997)
Equus zebra (1999 Comoro Islands) Comoro Islands 1/25/1999 1500fr issue=Endangered Animals from around the World
Equus zebra (1999 Tanzania) Tanzania 11/15/1999 300sh issue=Large Animals from Around the World
Equus zebra (2000 Angola) Angola 4/13/2000 1.50kz issue=Local Animals 2000 dt=Local Animals (2000)
Equus zebra (2000 Lesotho) Lesotho 8/10/2000 4m issue=STAMP SHOW 2000
Equus zebra (2001) Liberia 9/15/2001 $25 issue=A Wildlife Atlas of the World
Equus zebra (2009) Malawi 9/30/2009 65k issue=Endangered Animals of Malawi
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External links:
Wikipedia article