Candidate designs:
Name: astrolabe
Type: manufacture
Appearing in designs:
astrolabe & reed map Solomon Islands 1/28/1971 4c dt=explorers & their ships (1971)
astrolabe (1945) (4 stamps of Portugal, 1945)
astrolabe (1960) Portuguese Guinea 6/25/1960 2.50e issue=Prince Henry death 500th
astrolabe (1980) (3 stamps of Syria, 1980)
astrolabe (1984) Cocos (Keeling) Islands 7/10/1984 95c issue=Islands Discovery
astrolabe (1985) Australia 10/2/1985 33c dt=salvaged antiquities
astrolabe (2002) Portugal 4/23/2002 0.28€ dt=astronomy (2002 Portugal)
astrolabe (2008) France 6/23/2008 0.55€ issue=Famous Ships
map of Krakow by A. Buchowiecki, 1703 & astrolabe Poland 12/28/1982 25z dt=maps of Poland
Matteo Ricci & astrolabe China, ROC 4/3/1983 $2 issue=400th Anniversary of Missionary Matteo Ricci's Arrival in China
Mili Atoll map & astrolabe Marshall Islands 6/12/1984 1c issue=1984 dt=maps & navigational instruments
Sea astrolabe Nauru 5/27/2006 $1.50 dt=Anniversaries (2006 Nauru)
Willem Schouten Jacob Le Maire astrolabe Tonga 4/25/2016 $2.25 issue=400th anniversary of Dutch landing
No synonyms. |
External links:
Wikipedia article |