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Meriwether Lewis

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  • US036.04.jpg
  • Colnect-547-822-Meriwether-Lewis-William-Clark.jpg
  • Lewis_and_Clark_1954_Issue-3c.jpg
Name: Meriwether Lewis
Type: person

Appearing in designs:
Meriwether Lewis (2004) (2 stamps, United States & Grenada, 2004)
Meriwether Lewis (2008) Sierra Leone 6/13/2008 1500le issue=Oregon Discovery and Exploration
Meriwether Lewis William Clark Comoro Islands 1/15/1976 15fr issue=200th Anniversary of the American Revolution
Meriwether Lewis William Clark Sacagawea Landing United States 7/28/1954 3c issue=Lewis & Clark Expedition 150th

No synonyms.
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Next person: Rawl Lewis

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