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Grand Duke Henri

Details | Gallery | Order by name | Oldest first
  • Colnect-135-182-Grand-Duke-Henri.jpg
  • Colnect-135-183-Grand-Duke-Henri.jpg
  • Colnect-135-184-Grand-Duke-Henri.jpg
  • LU007.10.jpg
  • Colnect-134-345-Prince-Henri-Grand-Duke-of-Luxembourg--1955.jpg
  • Colnect-134-705-IntPhilatelic-exhibition-Juvalux--88.jpg
  • LU015.15.jpg
  • LU016.15.jpg
  • LU017.15.jpg
Name: Grand Duke Henri
Type: person
Dates: 1955 –

Crown Prince Henry birth 1955
21st Anniversary of the Birth of Crown Prince Henry Luxembourg 1976

Appearing in designs:
Grand Duke Henri (2002) (15 stamps of Luxembourg, 2002-2010)
Grand Duke Henri (2010) Luxembourg 3/16/2010 0.50€ issue=10th Anniversary of Accession of Grand Duke Henri dt=Dynasty (2010)

Crown Prince Henri
Crown Prince Henri (1976) Luxembourg 3/8/1976 6fr issue=21st Anniversary of the Birth of Crown Prince Henry dt=anniversaries (1976)
Crown Prince Henri (1988) Luxembourg 3/29/1988 50fr issue=JUVALUX 88
Crown Prince Henry
Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg (3 stamps of Luxembourg, 2015)
Prev syn: Crown Prince Henri
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External links:
Wikipedia article