Name: Palace of Westminster
Type: building Appearing in designs: Palace of Westminster United Nations 8/15/2018 $1.15 issue=UNESCO World Heritage - United Kingdom Palace of Westminster from above Great Britain 9/3/1975 12p issue=62nd Inter-Parliamentary Conference Palace of Westminster seen from Millbank Great Britain 9/12/1973 10p issue=CPAC opening Palace of Westminster seen from Whitehall Great Britain 9/12/1973 8p issue=CPAC opening Synonyms: Parliament of Great Britain — Parliament of Great Britain Grenada 6/15/1970 25c issue=7th regional CPA conference |
Prev building: Palace of Udriste Nasturel
Next building: Palacio de Bellas Artes Prev object: Painting of the Church of the Virgin in Studenica Next object: Panel of the Great Judge External links: Wikipedia article |