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union of North and South

Details | Gallery | Order by name | Oldest first
  • Colnect-1283-888-vote-in-East-Prussia.jpg
  • Colnect-1283-902-vote-in-East-Prussia.jpg
  • Danzig_1920_12_Genius%2C_Vereinigung_von_Nord-_und_S%25C3%25BCddeutschland.jpg
  • Germania79gotisch.jpg
  • Germania82A.jpg
  • DR_1916_95BII_Genius%2C_Vereinigung_von_Nord-_und_S%25C3%25BCddeutschland.jpg
  • Colnect-4699-907-Overprint-on--quot-Germania-quot-.jpg
  • Germania64_Type_I.jpg
  • Colnect-6220-491-Representations-of-the-German-Empire-with-overprint.jpg
  • Colnect-1278-004-overprint-on--Germania-.jpg
Name: union of North and South
Type: work of art
Person: Anton von Werner

Appearing in designs:
union of North and South (1920) (7 stamps, Allenstein & 5 others, 1920, 6 are ovpts)
union of North and South (Deutsches Reich) Germany 4/1/1902 2m issue=1902
union of North and South (redesigned) (15 stamps, Germany & 8 others, 1902-1920, 13 are ovpts)
union of North and South (Reichspost) (5 stamps, Germany & 3 others, 1900-1903, 4 are ovpts)

When North and South join Hands
Prev work of art: Une Femme Douce
Next work of art: Unisphere

Wikipedia article