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Takeuchi Seihō

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Works on stamps:
  • Colnect-4240-635-Hazy-Moon.jpg
  • Colnect-4240-640-Kingly-Lion.jpg
  • Colnect-4240-634-Lapping-Waves.jpg
  • Colnect-4240-636-Passing-Spring.jpg
  • Colnect-4240-639-The-First-Time-to-be-a-Model.jpg

(No stamps with images found)
Name: Takeuchi Seihō
Type: person

Works: (See works as list)
Hazy Moon
Kingly Lion
Lapping Waves
Passing Spring
The First Time to be a Model

Not in any designs.

Prev syn: Seiho
Prev person: Onoe Kikugoro V as the Ghost Seigen
Next person: Kuroda Seiki

External links:
Wikipedia article