Name: Pyrostegia venusta
Type: plant Appearing in designs: Cotinga maynana and Pyrostegia venusta Colombia 9/6/1977 20p dt=birds and flowers Pyrostegia venusta (1953) Macao 9/22/1953 1a dt=flowers (1953 Macao) Pyrostegia venusta (1971) Comoro Islands 7/19/1971 1fr dt=flowers (1971 Comoro Islands) Pyrostegia venusta (1979) St. Thomas & Prince Islands 6/8/1979 8db issue=Flowers 1979 dt=flowers (1979 St. Thomas & Prince Islands) Pyrostegia venusta (1994) Comoro Islands 5/24/1994 150fr issue=Plants 1994 dt=plants (1994 Comoro Islands) Synonyms: Pyrostegia ignea — Pyrostegia ignea (2 stamps of Grenada, 1984) |
Prev syn: Pyrostegia ignea
Prev plant: Pyrola rotundifolia Next plant: Qizil Xurmoni Prev taxon: Pulex irritans Next taxon: Radiolaria External links: Wikipedia article |