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(No stamps with images found)
Name: fort
Type: building

Not in any designs.

Appearing in design types:
forts (1984 India) (4 stamps of India, 1984)
forts (1984 Pakistan) (8 stamps of Pakistan, 1984)
forts (1985) (10 stamps of Canada, 1985)
forts (1990) (6 stamps of Mozambique, 1990)
forts (1997) (4 stamps of Qatar, 1997)
forts of Alderney (8 stamps of Alderney, 1999)
forts of Andhra Pradesh (2 stamps of India, 2002)
forts of Canada (1983) (10 stamps of Canada, 1983)
forts of Oman (6 stamps of Oman, 1978)

No synonyms.

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