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Edmond Halley

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  • Colnect-1010-579-Edmond-Halley.jpg
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  • Colnect-4309-177-Edmond-Halley-comet-of-1682.jpg
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  • Colnect-890-996-Edmond-Halley-and-Computer-Image.jpg
  • Colnect-5203-558-Edmond-Halley-1656-1742-English-astronomer-Halley--s-Come.jpg
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  • Colnect-4165-567-Edmond-Halley-astronomer.jpg
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  • Colnect-1231-169-Edmond-Halley-Astronomer.jpg
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  • Colnect-744-514-Dr-Edmond-Halley.jpg
  • Colnect-2546-769-Appearance-of-Halley-s-Comet.jpg
  • Colnect-4170-933-Edmond-Halley-Stonehenge.jpg
  • Colnect-4573-083-Greenwich-Observatory.jpg
  • Colnect-1093-631-Bayeux-tapestry-comet-and-Halley.jpg
  • Colnect-3781-684-Edmond-Halley-Comet-and--quot-Giotto-quot-.jpg
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  • Colnect-5162-341-Edmund-Halley-1656-1742.jpg
  • Colnect-122-448-Dr-Edmund-Halley-as-Comet.jpg
Name: Edmond Halley
Type: person
Dates: 1656 –

Edmund Halley birth 1656
350th Anniversary of the Birth of Edmund Halley Nauru 2006

Appearing in designs:
Edmond Halley & Halley's Comet (1986 Romania) Romania 1/27/1986 2l issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley & Halley's Comet (1986 Seychelles) Seychelles 2/1/1986 10r issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley & Stonehenge Maldive Islands 4/29/1986 4r issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley (1985) Marshall Islands 11/21/1985 22c issue=Return of Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley (1986 Antigua) Antigua 10/15/1986 5c issue=Halley's Comet overprints
Edmond Halley (1986 Barbuda) Barbuda 9/22/1986 5c issue=Halley's Comet b
Edmond Halley (1986 Belize) Belize 4/30/1986 $2 issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley (1986 British Antarctic Territory) British Antarctic Territory 1/6/1986 7p issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley (1986 Cambodia) Cambodia 7/21/1986 0.80r issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley (1986 Christmas Island) Christmas Island 4/30/1986 45c issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley (1986 Grenada Grenadines) (2 stamps of Grenada Grenadines, 1986)
Edmond Halley (1986 Guinea) Guinea 7/1/1986 50fr issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley (1986 Hong Kong) Hong Kong 2/26/1986 $1.30 issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley (1986 Ivory Coast) Ivory Coast 1/30/1986 125fr issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley (1986 Laos) Laos 8/22/1986 2k issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley (1986 Mauritania) Mauritania 10/14/1986 100um issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley (1986 Paraguay) Paraguay 4/30/1986 10g issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley (1986 Republic of the Congo) Republic of the Congo 2/17/1986 125fr issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley (1986 Samoa) Samoa 3/24/1986 48s issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley (1986 Sri Lanka) Sri Lanka 4/5/1986 8.50(r) issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley (1986 St. Helena) St. Helena 5/15/1986 12p issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley (1986 St. Vincent) St. Vincent 4/14/1986 60c issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley (1986 Vanuatu) Vanuatu 6/23/1986 100v issue=Comet Halley
Edmond Halley (1986) (2 stamps, Antigua & Vietnam, 1986)
Edmond Halley (1994) Nicaragua 4/19/1994 1.50cd issue=Astronomers 1994 dt=Astronomers (1994)
Edmond Halley (1999) Mali 7/20/1999 310fr issue=Space Exploration 1999
Edmond Halley (2006) Ascension 7/24/2006 50p issue=Discoveries and Developments
Edmond Halley and Old Greenwich Observatory Ascension 3/7/1986 15p issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley, Bayeux Tapestry and comet Djibouti 1/27/1986 85fr issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley, Comet and Giotto Comoro Islands 3/7/1986 125fr issue=Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley, Sir Isaac Newton and His … Grenada 4/25/1989 $2+5c issue=Halley's Comet c
Halley's Comet, space shuttle & Edmond Halley Hungary 2/14/1986 6Ft issue=Halley's Comet

Halley Monaco 7/4/2005 1.22€ issue=2005 Year of Science
Halley and "Comet" Central African Republic 12/31/1985 100fr issue=Halley's Comet
Halley and Newton observing comet Central African Republic 12/31/1985 300fr issue=Halley's Comet
Edmund Halley
Dr Edmund Halley as comet Great Britain 2/18/1986 17p issue=Halley's Comet
Edmund Halley (3 stamps, Nauru & 2 others, 2000-2006)
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Next person: Hallgrimsson

External links:
Wikipedia article