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John F. Kennedy

Details | Gallery | Order by name | Oldest first
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Candidate designs:
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Name: John F. Kennedy
Type: person
Dates: 1917 – 1963

John F. Kennedy - Panama, Qatar, Fujeira, Togo, Maldive Islands, Grenada Grenadines, Guyana, Tuvalu, St. Kitts, Micronesia, Palau (11) 1965
John F. Kennedy 1967 Jordan 1967
John F. Kennedy 1969 Umm al Qiwain 1969
John F. Kennedy 1998 Central African Republic 1998
John F. Kennedy 2007 Grenada Grenadines 2007
John F. Kennedy 2008 - Antigua, Grenada (2) 2008
John F. Kennedy birth 1917
47th Anniversary of the Birth of John F. Kennedy Dubai 1964
— Kennedy 50th - Ajman, Grenada (2) 1967
50th Anniversary of the Birth of John F. Kennedy Ecuador 1967
— 80th Anniversary of the Birth of John F. Kennedy - Guyana, Mali, Niger (3) 1997
85th Anniversary of the Birth of John F. Kennedy Guinea 2002
Kennedy 85th Turks & Caicos Islands 2002
John F. Kennedy 85th Uganda 2002
— 90th Anniversary of the Birth of John F. Kennedy - Antigua, Guyana (2) 2007
— 100th Anniversary of the Birth of John F. Kennedy - Aitutaki, Antigua, Central African Republic, Djibouti, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Grenada Grenadines, GuineaBissau, Nevis, Niger, Palau, St. Vincent, Bequia, Union Island, Young Island, Sierra Leone, Togo, Tuvalu (19) 2017
John F. Kennedy 100th United States 2017
John Fitzgerald Kennedy birth 1917
— 85th Anniversary of the Birth of John Fitzgerald Kennedy - Micronesia, Bhutan (2) 2002
John F. Kennedy death 1963
— Kennedy memorial - Argentina, Brazil, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Germany, Berlin, Jordan, Nigeria, Qatar, San Marino, Togo, Maldive Islands, Philippines, Ras al Khaima, Rwanda, Umm al Qiwain, Uruguay, Malta, Bolivia (18) 1964
1st Anniversary of the Death of John F. Kennedy Dubai 1964
— John F. Kennedy memorial - Honduras, Liberia, El Salvador, Nicaragua (4) 1964
John F. Kennedy death 1st Upper Volta 1964
2nd Anniversary of the Death of John F. Kennedy Venezuela 1965
— 3rd Anniversary of the Death of John F. Kennedy - Liberia, Paraguay (2) 1966
50th Anniversary of the Death of John F. Kennedy b Paraguay 1967 (-46)
4th Anniversary of the Death of John F. Kennedy Paraguay 1968
— 10th Anniversary of the Death of John F. Kennedy - Madagascar, Niger, Philippines, Senegal, Cambodia (5) 1973
Kennedy memorial 10th Togo 1973
— 20th Anniversary of the Death of John F. Kennedy - Cameroun, Turks & Caicos Islands (2) 1983
— 25th Anniversary of the Death of John F. Kennedy - Antigua, Dominica, Togo, Maldive Islands (4) 1988
30th Anniversary of the Death of John F. Kennedy Senegal 1993
80th Anniversary of the Death of John F. Kennedy Chad 1997 (-46)
35th Anniversary of the Death of John F. Kennedy Guinea 1998
— 40th Anniversary of the Death of John F. Kennedy - Sierra Leone, Grenada Grenadines, Guyana, Liberia, Bequia, Canouan, Union Island, Tuvalu (8) 2002
— 50th Anniversary of the Death of John F. Kennedy - Central African Republic, Ghana, Grenada, Grenada Grenadines, Guinea, GuineaBissau, Ireland, St. Thomas & Prince Islands, Canouan, Sierra Leone, Djibouti (+5) (11) 2013
John F. Kennedy death 50th Papua New Guinea 2013
— 55th Anniversary of the Death of John F. Kennedy - Central African Republic, Mozambique, St. Thomas & Prince Islands, Togo (4) 2018
Kennedy death 1963
— Kennedy memorial - Guinea, Ivory Coast, Monaco (3) 1964
President Kennedy death 1963
President Kennedy memorial Gabon 1964
— 1st Anniversary of the Death of President Kennedy - Mali, Jordan (2) 1964
— 2nd Anniversary of the Death of President Kennedy - Costa Rica, Ghana (2) 1965
10th Anniversary of the Death of President Kennedy Republic of the Congo 1973
President John F. Kennedy death 1963
10th Anniversary of the Death of President John F. Kennedy Mali 1973
25th Anniversary of the Death of President John F. Kennedy Gambia 1988
John Fitzgerald Kennedy death 1963
25th Anniversary of the Death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Mali 1988
— 40th Anniversary of the Death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy - Dominica, Palau (2) 2002
J.F. Kennedy death 1963
50th Anniversary of the Death of J.F. Kennedy St. Vincent 2013

Appearing in designs:
Alliance for Progress emblem & John F. Kennedy Colombia 12/17/1963 10c issue=Alliance for Progress
Apollo spacecraft & John F. Kennedy Maldive Islands 2/1/1974 1l issue=space exploration
Charles de Gaulle and John F. Kennedy Fujeira 2/28/1971 1r issue=General Charles de Gaulle
flame & John F. Kennedy United States 5/29/1964 5c
John F. Kennedy & 50-star flag Liberia 4/15/2009 $20 issue=Presidents of the United States
John F. Kennedy & Apollo Space Craft Chad 2/16/1971 40fr issue=Space Exploration 1971
John F. Kennedy & laurel branch (8 stamps of El Salvador, 1964)
John F. Kennedy (1964 Argentina) Argentina 4/14/1964 4p issue=Kennedy memorial
John F. Kennedy (1964 Brazil) Brazil 10/24/1964 100cr issue=Kennedy memorial
John F. Kennedy (1964 Chad) Chad 11/3/1964 100fr
John F. Kennedy (1964 Germany) Germany 11/21/1964 40(pf) issue=Kennedy memorial
John F. Kennedy (1964 Ivory Coast) Ivory Coast 11/14/1964 100fr issue=Kennedy memorial
John F. Kennedy (1964 Jordan) (6 stamps of Jordan, 1964)
John F. Kennedy (1964 Liberia) (2 stamps of Liberia, 1964)
John F. Kennedy (1964 Upper Volta) Upper Volta 11/25/1964 100fr issue=John F. Kennedy death 1st
John F. Kennedy (1965 Cyprus) (3 stamps of Cyprus, 1965)
John F. Kennedy (1965 Dahomey) Dahomey 11/22/1965 100fr
John F. Kennedy (1965 Panama) Panama 2/25/1965 0.005b issue=Space Exploration 1965
John F. Kennedy (1965 Republic of the Congo) Republic of the Congo 6/1/1965 100fr issue=Famous Men 1965 dt=Famous Men (1965)
John F. Kennedy (1965 United States) United States 11/19/1965 13c issue=Prominent Americans
John F. Kennedy (1965 Uruguay) (2 stamps of Uruguay, 1965)
John F. Kennedy (1966) (3 stamps of Ecuador, 1966)
John F. Kennedy (1968 Ajman) Ajman 7/25/1968 1r issue=International Human Rights Year
John F. Kennedy (1968 Bolivia) (2 stamps of Bolivia, 1968)
John F. Kennedy (1968 Guinea) (2 stamps of Guinea, 1968)
John F. Kennedy (1968 Ras al Khaima) Ras al Khaima 5/25/1968 2r issue=International Human Rights Year and the 20th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights by
John F. Kennedy (1969 Fujeira) Fujeira 6/5/1969 5r issue=Fighters for Peace
John F. Kennedy (1969 Gabon) Gabon 1/15/1969 30fr issue=Exponents of non-violence
John F. Kennedy (1969 Ras al Khaima) Ras al Khaima 2/5/1969 5r issue=Personalities 1969
John F. Kennedy (1970) Ajman 11/5/1970 12r issue=Fighters for Peace
John F. Kennedy (1971) Ajman 3/16/1971 3r issue=Personalities and their Zodiac Signs
John F. Kennedy (1972) (2 stamps, Ajman & Bhutan, 1972)
John F. Kennedy (1973) Fujeira 3/15/1973 4r issue=Zodiac and Famous Men
John F. Kennedy (1976) (2 stamps, Guatemala & Venezuela, 1976)
John F. Kennedy (1980) Turks & Caicos Islands 12/22/1980 30c issue=Human Rights
John F. Kennedy (1982) Liberia 7/15/1982 31c dt=Presidents of the United States (1981)
John F. Kennedy (1984) (2 stamps, Antigua & Guinea, 1984)
John F. Kennedy (1985) Barbuda 2/18/1985 60c issue=Politicians 1985
John F. Kennedy (1986) United States 5/22/1986 22c issue=Ameripex sheets
John F. Kennedy (1989) Turks & Caicos Islands 11/19/1989 50c issue=World Stamp Expo '89
John F. Kennedy (1993) Solomon Islands 7/30/1993 50c issue=50th Anniversary of the Sinking of PT 109
John F. Kennedy (1995) Nevis 7/20/1995 $1.25 issue=50th Anniversary of End of Second World War in Europe
John F. Kennedy (1996) Tanzania 7/15/1996 250sh issue=Personalities and Events 1996
John F. Kennedy (1999 Guyana) Guyana 8/16/1999 $80 issue=John F. Kennedy Jr. Commemoration
John F. Kennedy (1999 Liberia) (4 stamps of Liberia, 1999)
John F. Kennedy (2000 Liberia) Liberia 7/24/2000 $20 issue=U.S. Presidents of the 20th Century dt=U.S. Presidents of the 20th Century
John F. Kennedy (2000 Marshall Islands) Marshall Islands 4/18/2000 35c issue=American Presidents
John F. Kennedy (2000 Nicaragua) Nicaragua 10/5/2000 5.00cd issue=Politicians of the 20th Century
John F. Kennedy (2000 Palau) Palau 3/1/2000 $11.75 issue=Personalities 2000
John F. Kennedy (2002 Maldive Islands) (6 stamps of Maldive Islands, 2002)
John F. Kennedy (2002 Mozambique) (2 stamps of Mozambique, 2002)
John F. Kennedy (2004) Dominica 3/8/2004 $2 issue=25th Anniversary (2003) of the Death of Norman Rockwell
John F. Kennedy (2007) (2 stamps, Grenada & St. Thomas & Prince Islands, 2007)
John F. Kennedy (2010) Maldive Islands 6/22/2010 15r issue=50th Anniversary of JFK's Election as President of the United States
John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Liberia 7/11/1968 55c issue=Martin Luther King memorial
John F. Kennedy with Chancellor Adenauer Barbuda 2/18/1985 $1 issue=Politicians 1985
John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963 (9 stamps, Angola & 6 others, 2007-2019)
John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin … Republic of the Congo 2/1/1970 60fr issue=1970 misc
John F. Kennedy, U.S. President, 1960-19… Micronesia 3/28/2000 33c issue=International Relations in the Twentieth Century

Alliance for Progress emblem & JFK (4 stamps of Venezuela, 1965)
Churchill and Kennedy (3 stamps of Ecuador, 1966)
de Gaulle & Kennedy Togo 2/20/1971 40fr issue=de Gaulle memorial
Eisenhower Kennedy Lyndon B Johnson Nixon St. Vincent 9/11/1975 $1 issue=200th Anniversary of American Independence dt=US presidents
Kennedy & Moon Plaque & Nixon Monaco 5/4/1970 0.40fr issue=First Man on the Moon
Kennedy and Strelitzia reginae (2 stamps of Grenada, 1968)
Kennedy with Chancellor Adenauer and Antigua 11/19/1984 $1 dt=politicians
Kennedy, Wright Brothers' plane and Mercury capsule (3 stamps of Kathiri State of Seiyun, 1967)
United States flag & Kennedy & Nigerian flag (2 stamps of Nigeria, 1964)
J.F. Kennedy
J.F. Kennedy (2 stamps of Sharjah, 1969)
John Kennedy
John Kennedy (1970) Fujeira 5/18/1970 1.25r issue=Personalities of American History
John Kennedy (1985) Sierra Leone 11/28/1985 2le issue=40th Anniversary of the United Nations
John Kennedy (2001) Palau 6/10/2001 $12.25 issue=Personalities 2001
John Kennedy and Andrei Gromyko (Soviet … Nevis 3/10/2003 $2 issue=Life and Times of President John F. Kennedy
John F Kennedy
Caroline Kennedy with President John F Kennedy Palau 3/5/2014 $1.50 issue=Ambassador Caroline Kennedy
John F Kennedy (19 stamps, Cameroun & 2 others, 1968-2017)
John F Kennedy & Adolf Schaerf Togo 11/22/1973 20fr issue=Kennedy memorial 10th
John F Kennedy & Harold MacMillan Togo 11/22/1973 30fr issue=Kennedy memorial 10th
John F Kennedy & Konrad Adenauer Togo 11/22/1973 40fr issue=Kennedy memorial 10th
President John F. Kennedy
Glenn and President John F. Kennedy Grenada Grenadines 5/24/1999 $1 issue=John Glenn returns to space
Konrad Adenauer & President John F. Kennedy St. Vincent 12/22/1992 $3 issue=25th Death Anniversary Konrad Adenauer
President John F. Kennedy (1969) Chad 5/20/1969 50fr issue=Apostles of Peace
President John F. Kennedy (1973) Ajman 3/31/1973 1r issue=Famous Men
President John F. Kennedy (1998) Guyana 11/10/1998 $160 issue=19th World Scout Jamboree
President John F. Kennedy (U.S.A.) Guyana 7/26/1993 $100 issue=Famous People of the Twentieth Century - Politics
President John F. Kennedy - White House Photograph Niuafo'ou 6/21/2017 $2.75 issue=100th birthday of John F. Kennedy
President John F. Kennedy and Armstrong Marshall Islands 7/20/1994 75c issue=25th Anniversary of the First Manned Moon Landing
President John F. Kennedy and Mercury capsule Costa Rica 12/23/1965 45c issue=2nd Anniversary of the Death of President Kennedy
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
flag of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, flag of Panama Panama 12/18/1963 0.21b issue=Presidential Reunion
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (2017) United States 2/20/2017 forever issue=John F. Kennedy 100th
President Kennedy
Konrad Adenauer & President Kennedy Nevis 1/14/1993 $5 issue=25th Anniversary of the Death of Konrad Adenauer
President Kennedy (3 stamps, Dubai & 2 others, 1966-1993)
President Kennedy (1967) Jordan 1/5/1967 35f dt=Builders of World Peace
President Kennedy, US flag (4 stamps of Guinea, 1964)
President J. F. Kennedy
President J. F. Kennedy Mexico 6/29/1962 80c issue=Visit of President Kennedy
President John Kennedy
Glenn with President John Kennedy Palau 10/29/1998 60c issue=John Glenn's Return to Space
President John Kennedy (4 stamps, Ajman & 3 others, 1968-1996)
Prev syn: John F Kennedy
Prev person: Jacqueline Kennedy
Next person: Robert F. Kennedy

External links:
Wikipedia article