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  • NZ073.03.jpg
  • Colnect-453-050-Frodo---Sam.jpg
  • Colnect-1987-259-Frodo.jpg
  • Colnect-4003-702-Sam---Frodo.jpg
  • Colnect-1350-375-Sam--amp--Frodo.jpg
Name: Frodo
Type: character

Appearing in designs:
Frodo New Zealand 11/5/2003 80c issue=Lord of the Rings 2003 dt=scenes from The Return of the King
Frodo & Sam Isle of Man 12/17/2003 47p dt=scenes from The Return of the King
Frodo Captured New Zealand 12/4/2002 $1.50 issue=Lord of the Rings 2002 dt=scenes from The Two Towers
Sam & Frodo (2 stamps of New Zealand, 2001)

No synonyms.

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Prev character: Frederick
Next character: Frog King

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Next fictional: future space research station

Wikipedia article