Issue but not design:
Name: Karl Marx
Type: person
Dates: 1818 – 1883
Karl Marx birth |
1818 |
— Marx 125th |
Russia |
1943 |
— Karl Marx 135th |
China, PRC |
1953 |
— Karl Marx 140th |
China, PRC |
1958 |
— Marx 140th |
Russia |
1958 |
— Marx 145th - China, PRC, Russia (2) |
1963 |
— 145th Anniversary of the Birth of Karl Marx - North Korea, Mongolia (2) |
1963 |
— 150th Birthday of Karl Marx |
Albania |
1968 |
— Marx 150th - Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Russia (4) |
1968 |
— 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Karl Marx - Mongolia, North Vietnam (2) |
1968 |
— Karl Marx 150th |
Yugoslavia |
1968 |
— 165th Birth Anniversary of Karl Marx |
Russia |
1983 |
— 170th Anniversary of the Birth of Karl Marx - Bulgaria, Mongolia (2) |
1988 |
— 170th Birth Anniversary of Karl Marx |
Russia |
1988 |
— 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Karl Marx - China, PRC, Vietnam (2) |
2018 |
— Bicentenary of Birth of Karl Marx |
Germany |
2018 |
Karl Marx death |
1883 |
— Marx death 50th |
Russia |
1933 |
— Marx death 70th - Bulgaria, German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania (5) |
1953 |
— 80th Anniversary of the Death of Karl Marx |
North Vietnam |
1963 |
— 100th Anniversary of the Death of Karl Marx - Nicaragua, Bulgaria, China, PRC, Cuba, India, North Korea, Laos, Mongolia (8) |
-1983 |
— 100th Anniversary of death of Karl Marx |
Albania |
1983 |
— Karl Marx death 100th - German Democratic Republic, Vietnam (2) |
1983 |
Appearing in designs:
Karl Marx & Das Kapital India 5/5/1983 1r issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Karl Marx
Karl Marx & Das Kapital title page Romania 11/4/1967 40b issue=Das Kapital publication 100th
Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels German Democratic Republic 5/21/1975 25pf issue=Congress of Gotha 100th
Karl Marx & wreath Romania 5/21/1953 1.55l issue=Marx death 70th
Karl Marx (1818-1883) Russia 4/29/1968 4k issue=Marx 150th
Karl Marx (1919) Hungary 6/14/1919 20f issue=revolutionary leaders
Karl Marx (1943) (2 stamps of Russia, 1943)
Karl Marx (1947) Rhine Palatinate 1947 15pf issue=1947
Karl Marx (1948) (2 stamps of Russian occupation of Germany, 1948)
Karl Marx (1953 Bulgaria) Bulgaria 4/30/1953 16s issue=Marx death 70th
Karl Marx (1953 China, PRC) (2 stamps of China, PRC, 1953)
Karl Marx (1953 German Democratic Republic) German Democratic Republic 1953 8pf issue=1953a dt=portraits (1953)
Karl Marx (1953 Hungary) Hungary 5/1/1953 1fo issue=Marx death 70th
Karl Marx (1958) (3 stamps of Russia, 1958)
Karl Marx (1964 Albania) Albania 11/5/1964 2l issue=Centenary of First Socialist International
Karl Marx (1964 Hungary) Hungary 11/6/1964 60f issue=First International 100th
Karl Marx (1965) North Vietnam 11/28/1965 12xu issue=big names
Karl Marx (1968 Albania) (2 stamps of Albania, 1968)
Karl Marx (1968 Bulgaria) Bulgaria 2/20/1968 13s
Karl Marx (1968 Germany) Germany 4/29/1968 30(pf)
Karl Marx (1968 Hungary) Hungary 5/5/1968 1fo issue=Marx 150th
Karl Marx (1968 Yugoslavia) Yugoslavia 10/11/1968 50p issue=Karl Marx 150th
Karl Marx (1968) Czechoslovakia 3/25/1968 30h issue=Marx 150th
Karl Marx (1970) Republic of the Congo 7/10/1970 50fr dt=Founders of Communism
Karl Marx (1978) Czechoslovakia 2/10/1978 40h
Karl Marx (1983 Albania) (2 stamps of Albania, 1983)
Karl Marx (1983 Bulgaria) Bulgaria 4/5/1983 13st issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Karl Marx
Karl Marx (1983 China, PRC) China, PRC 3/14/1983 8f issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Karl Marx
Karl Marx (1983 Laos) Laos 11/30/1983 4.00k issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Karl Marx
Karl Marx (1983 Russia) Russia 5/5/1983 4k issue=165th Birth Anniversary of Karl Marx
Karl Marx (1983 Vietnam) Vietnam 10/10/1983 50xu issue=Karl Marx death 100th
Karl Marx (1988 Bulgaria) Bulgaria 5/5/1988 13st issue=170th Anniversary of the Birth of Karl Marx
Karl Marx (1988 Russia) Russia 5/5/1988 5k issue=170th Birth Anniversary of Karl Marx
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and Manifesto Russia 4/1/1948 30k issue=Communist Manifesto 100th
Karl Marx at desk (2 stamps of Poland, 1953)
Karl Marx at the lectern Albania 5/6/1968 0.25l issue=150th Birthday of Karl Marx
Karl Marx Friedrich Engels & The Communist Manifesto Russia 4/1/1948 50k issue=Communist Manifesto 100th
— Engels & Marx (2 stamps of Poland, 1948-1990, 1 is ovpt)
— Engels Marx German Democratic Republic 11/24/1970 20pf issue=Engels 150th
— flag with Marx & Lenin German Democratic Republic 3/31/1966 10pf issue=SED 20th
— Lenin and Marx North Korea 10/10/1965 10ch issue=20th Anniversary of Korean Workers' Party
— Marx (4 stamps, Yugoslavia & German Democratic Republic, 1953-1983)
— Marx & Engels & Lenin Mozambique 5/1/1980 10e
— Marx & Engels & Lenin & red banner German Democratic Republic 5/11/1976 10pf issue=9th SED Congress
— Marx & Engels & Lenin (1967) (2 stamps, Bulgaria & German Democratic Republic, 1967-1976)
— Marx & Engels (1953) (2 stamps of German Democratic Republic, 1953)
— Marx & Engels (1958) China, PRC 7/1/1958 4f issue=Communist Manifesto 110th
— Marx & Engels (1964) (2 stamps, Russia & China, PRC, 1964)
— Marx & Engels Manifesto German Democratic Republic 4/11/1983 35pf issue=Karl Marx death 100th
— Marx & Lenin (8 stamps, Albania & 2 others, 1957-1981)
— Marx & Lenin & crowd (4 stamps, Czechoslovakia & 3 others, 1965)
— Marx & Lenin (1977) Russia 1977 20k issue=1977
— Marx & Lenin 1965 Poland 6/14/1965 60g pc=ver
— Marx and Engels Czechoslovakia 4/30/1953 8k issue=Labor Day 1953
— Marx Capital German Democratic Republic 4/11/1983 50pf issue=Karl Marx death 100th
— Marx Engels Demonstration Albania 9/28/1989 90q issue=125th Anniversary of the First Internationale
— Marx Engels Lenin German Democratic Republic 4/8/1986 10pf issue=Party Congress 1986
— Marx Engels Lenin & Stalin (3 stamps, China, PRC & Poland, 1948-1964)
— Marx flag of Laos Laos 11/30/1983 6.00k issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Karl Marx
— Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin Czechoslovakia 5/15/1951 8k issue=Communist Party 20th |
External links:
Wikipedia article |