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southern crested caracara

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  • Colnect-3106-936-Southern-Crested-Caracara-Polyborus-plancus.jpg
  • NI015.04.jpg
  • AW004.12.jpg
  • Colnect-1233-333-Southern-Crested-Caracara-Plyborus-plancus.jpg
  • Colnect-5539-295-Caracara-plancus.jpg
  • Colnect-4569-554-Crested-caracara.jpg
  • Colnect-4569-555-Crested-caracara.jpg
  • Colnect-4569-556-Crested-caracara.jpg
  • Colnect-3669-559-Southern-Crested-Caracara%C2%A0Caracara-plancus.jpg
  • AW045.10.jpg
  • Colnect-1724-424-Southern-Crested-Caracara-Polyborus-plancus.jpg
  • Colnect-1240-337-Southern-Crested-Caracara-Polyborus-plancus.jpg
  • Colnect-2610-160-Southern-Caracara-Caracara-plancus.jpg
  • Colnect-4383-468-Northern-Crested-Caracara-Caracara-cheriway.jpg
  • Colnect-2037-660-Southern-Crested-Caracara-Polyborus-plancus.jpg
  • Colnect-1552-223-Northern-Crested-Caracara-Caracara-cheriway.jpg
  • Colnect-1631-934-Whiskered-Tern-Chlidonias-hybrida.jpg
  • Colnect-5456-252-Crested-Caracara-Polyborus-plancus.jpg
Name: southern crested caracara
Type: bird

Appearing in designs:
southern crested caracara Polyborus plancus Curacao 3/14/2014 350c issue=Birds of Prey 2014

Caracara plancus
Caracara plancus (1989) El Salvador 12/20/1989 1col dt=birds (1989 El Salvador)
Caracara plancus (1995) (3 stamps of Grenada, 1995)
Caracara plancus (1998) Uruguay 4/30/1998 6p dt=birds (1998 Uruguay)
Caracara plancus (1999) Comoro Islands 1/25/1999 375fr issue=Birds from around the World b
Caracara plancus (2004) Nicaragua 9/28/2004 7.50cor dt=fauna of Nicaragua (2004)
Caracara plancus (2012) Aruba 1/19/2012 150c dt=eagles (2012)
Polyborus plancus
crested caracara Polyborus plancus Falkland Islands 9/28/2007 55p issue=Saunders Island
Polyborus plancus (1985) Paraguay 4/18/1985 0.50g issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of John James Audubon
Polyborus plancus (1995) Honduras 10/10/1995 10l issue=America 1995 b
Polyborus plancus (1997 Honduras) Honduras 4/29/1997 3l issue=Birds 1997
Polyborus plancus (1997 Maldive Islands) Maldive Islands 6/17/1997 10r issue=Birds 1997 dt=birds (1997 Maldive Islands)
Polyborus plancus (1999) Central African Republic 3/24/1999 500fr issue=Birds from around the World dt=birds from around the World
Polyborus plancus (2000) Angola 4/10/2000 6.50kz issue=Birds of Prey 2000 dt=Birds of Prey (2000 Angola)
Polyborus plancus (2005) Aruba 7/29/2005 200c dt=birds (2005 Aruba)
Polyborus plancus (2010) Aruba 11/17/2010 200c dt=birds of Aruba (2010)
southern crested caracara Polyborus plancus Curacao 3/14/2014 350c issue=Birds of Prey 2014

External links:
Wikipedia article