Prev: plant Lilum 'Black Dragon'
Next: plant Lily "Zorenka"


Details | Gallery | Order by name | Oldest first
  • Colnect-597-546-Lily-of-the-Valley-Convallaria-majalis.jpg
  • Japan_1961_Lily.jpg
  • Colnect-3999-083-Lily.jpg
  • Colnect-1242-337-Lily.jpg
  • Colnect-1411-439-Lily-c1480.jpg
  • Colnect-2738-067-Lily.jpg
  • Colnect-4845-862-Flowers-Lily.jpg
  • Colnect-2232-742-Lily.jpg
  • Colnect-4229-951-Lily.jpg
  • Colnect-603-987-Lilium.jpg
  • Colnect-2653-999-Lilly.jpg
  • Colnect-3760-547-Flowers-Lily.jpg
  • JP021.05.jpg
  • BY021.08.jpg
  • SY009.09.jpg
  • LV005.12.jpg
  • Colnect-2655-215-Lily.jpg
  • Colnect-3183-977-Lily.jpg
  • AR065.08.jpg
  • Colnect-1587-939-Hands-and-Lilia.jpg
  • Colnect-5062-490-Lemon-Daylily-Hemerocallis-lilioasphodelus.jpg
  • 1673_Flowers_140.jpg
  • Colnect-1382-626-Lilies.jpg
  • Colnect-940-691-Lilies.jpg
  • MD026.10.jpg
  • Colnect-2615-320-2nd-Birthday-of-Prince-Abdullah.jpg
  • STS-Ryukyus-3-300dpi.jpeg-crop-531x343at514-1314.jpg
  • Colnect-5060-023-Lily.jpg
  • JP053.07.jpg
  • Colnect-5173-718-Scout-lily-and-coat-of-arms-of-Hungary.jpg

Candidate designs:
  • Colnect-4822-955-Lily.jpg
  • Colnect-5060-013-Lily.jpg
  • TR012.09.jpg
  • JP045.14.jpg
  • Colnect-3601-440-Lily.jpg
Name: lily
Type: plant

Appearing in designs:
Carnation, lily & Delphinium Argentina 9/27/2008 5.00p issue=Argentina's National Flower Festival
hands holding lily Dominican Republic 3/18/1965 2c issue=11th Marian Congress
lilies & Prince Abdullah Jordan 3/30/1964 35f issue=Prince Abdullah 2nd
lilies & ruins Ryukyu Islands 6/23/1966 3c issue=Memorial Day
lilies (1958) Hungary 8/12/1958 2Ft dt=flowers (1958 Hungary)
lilies (1965) Hungary 4/4/1965 1.40fo dt=flowers (1965 Hungary)
lilies (1973) (2 stamps of Lebanon, 1973-1978, 1 is ovpt)
lilies (1989) Cuba 5/10/1989 5c issue=Mother's Day 1989
lilies (2010) Moldova 8/6/2010 1.00l dt=art (2010)
lily & Nagoya Castle Japan 4/2/2007 80y issue=The Flowers and Scenery in Tokai
lily (1951) Hungary 11/4/1951 40f dt=flowers (1951)
lily (1961) Japan 1/30/1961 10y issue=flowers 1961
lily (1962) Bolivia 6/28/1962 600b dt=flowers (1962 Bolivia)
lily (1964) Lebanon 6/9/1964 5p issue=Flowers 1964 dt=flowers (1964 Lebanon)
lily (1969) (2 stamps, Albania & Russia, 1969)
lily (1975) Korea 10/10/1975 6w
lily (1981) United States 4/23/1981 18c dt=flowers (1981 United States)
lily (1990) Syria 5/27/1990 600p issue=International Flower Show 1990
lily (1994) United States 4/28/1994 29c dt=summer garden flowers (1994)
lily (2000) Ukraine 10/6/2000 30k dt=flowers (2000 Ukraine)
lily (2002) Israel 2/24/2002 1.20s
lily (2005 Czech Republic) Czech Republic 1/20/2005 7.50kc
lily (2005 Japan) Japan 4/1/2005 50y issue=Flowers in Hokuriku
lily (2008) Belarus 6/10/2008 500r issue=Garden Flowers dt=garden flowers (2008)
lily (2009) Syria 6/15/2009 20p issue=International Flower Fair 2009
lily (2012) Latvia 2/11/2012 35s
lily (2015) Latvia 1/9/2015 0.70€ issue=Flowers 2015
lily (2016) Austria 1/7/2016 1234 issue=labels 2016
lily - White paper Ryukyu Islands 7/1/1948 40s issue=1948
lily on Arms of Hungary Hungary 7/20/1939 6f issue=Girl Scout meeting

Appearing in design types:
lilies (1970) (6 stamps of Albania, 1970)
lilies (1977) (5 stamps of Botswana, 1977)
lilies (1985) (8 stamps of Hungary, 1985)
lilies (1988) (5 stamps of Anguilla, 1988)
lilies (1989) (4 stamps of Russia, 1989)
lilies (1997) (4 stamps of Vietnam, 1997)
lilies (2002) (5 stamps of Russia, 2002)
lilies (2003 China, PRC) (5 stamps of China, PRC, 2003)
lilies (2003 Norfolk Island) (10 stamps of Norfolk Island, 2003)
lilies (2011) (4 stamps of Turkey, 2011)
lilies of Montserrat (5 stamps of Montserrat, 2007)

No synonyms.
Prev plant: Lilum 'Black Dragon'
Next plant: Lily "Zorenka"

Prev taxon: Lake Ball
Next taxon: Lysmata debelius

External links:
Wikipedia article